Tuesday, 19 September 2017

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August 2011 todayonline wir setzen Sie denken Start der schnellen 5.36 Uhr Pause Fast Nachmittagsausgabe 19.17 Uhr MiCa (P) 057102010 a PubliCation der neWS Hotline 6822 2268 Donnerstag, 4. august 4, 2011 todayonline haben wir Ihnen denken, buSineSS 42 oCbC Q2 Profit uP 15 digital 52 biggeSt launCH in blaCkberry HiStory SPortS 59 rory MCilroy iS CoMing zu aMeriCa Schreiben von Wahlen ausgestellt gestern Nominierungstag ist 17 teo XuanWei xuanweimediacorp. sg Präsidentenwahl am 27. August Der ehemalige stellvertretende Premierminister Tony Tan, ehemalige Peoples Action Party PAP) Ayer Rajah-Abgeordneter Tan Cheng Bock, Ex-NTUC Einkommensleiter Tan Kin Lian und ehemaliger Beamter Tan Jee Say, die in der letzten General-Wahl unter dem Singapore Democratic Party-Banner bestritten haben, haben bereits ihre Formulare eingereicht. Die fünfte ehemalige JTC Corporation Group Chief Financial Officer Andrew Kuan, der in der Präsidentschaftswahl 2005 disqualifiziert wurde, hat gesagt, er wird seine Formulare morgen vorlegen. In der Aussage gestern, benannte das Ministerpräsidentenministerium auch die Völker-Verbindung (PA) als das Nominierungszentrum und der PA-Generaldirektor Yam Ah Mee als der zurückgehende Offizier. Bereit für ihre Kampagnen Mit neun Tagen für die Kampagne mit 26 August als Cooling Off Day bezeichnet Herr Tan Jee Say festgestellt, dass es nicht einfach ist, das ganze Land innerhalb des Zeitrahmens zu decken. Aber seine etwas, was wir haben, um zu leben und tun das Beste, was wir können, fügte er hinzu. Dr. Tan Cheng Bock sagte heute, dass seine Kampagne Team hat verschiedene Pläne für geraden Kämpfe sowie multicandidate Wettbewerbe erstellt. SINGAPUR In 13 Tagen wird Singapur wissen, ob es einen Wettbewerb für den Job des Präsidenten von Singapur geben wird. Premierminister Lee Hsien Loong veröffentlichte die Writ of Election gestern angekündigt 17. August als Nomination Day. Wenn mehr als ein Kandidat zu laufen, werden Singapuraner gehen zu den Umfragen 10 Tage später, am 27. August, um die Republiken dritten gewählten Präsidenten in was wird nur die zweite umstrittene Wahl seit 1993. Kandidaten haben bis 13.00 Uhr an diesem Samstag zu unterbreiten Ihre Zulassungsanträge. Fünf Leute haben ihre Absicht erklärt, in der Präsidentenwahl zu bestreiten. Ihre Kandidaturen sind vorbehaltlich der Zustimmung des Präsidialausschusses, die das Zertifikat den erfolgreichen Bewerbern spätestens am Vorabend des Nominierungstages aushändigt. Am Nominierungstag sind die Kandidaten verpflichtet, die notwendigen Dokumente, einschließlich der politischen Spende Certificate an den zurückkehrenden Offizier zu präsentieren, sowie die S48000 Wahl Einzahlung an die Accountant-General zu zahlen. (Die Kandidaten) hatten die volle Freiheit, mit den Leuten zu sprechen und ihr eigenes Publikum zu erschaffen, während der Erstverbreiter sein Profil im März aufbaute und sein Interesse an der Posten bald nach der allgemeinen Wahl (im Mai ). Institute of Policy Studies Senior Research Fellow Gillian Koh sagt, neun Tage Kampagne ist ausreichend Wir sind sehr bereit für die Kampagne, und wir werden alle unsere Pläne, wie z. B. um Malls und Hawker-Zentren sichtbar zu machen. Wir werden auch auf andere Mittel, wie durch die Medien und online klopfen, sagte er. Politische Kommentatoren glaubten jedoch, dass neun Tage für die Präsidentschaftswahlkampagne ausreichen. Said Institute of Policy Studies Senior Research Fellow Gillian Koh: Die Regeln sind tiMeline für die 2011 PreSidential election aug 3 Writ für Präsidentschaftswahlen ausgestellt aug 6 Frist für die Einreichung der Antragsformulare für Zertifikat der Förderfähigkeit aug 13 Frist für die Einreichung der Antragsformulare für Politische Spende Zertifikat aug 17 Nomination Day (wenn es nur einen qualifizierten Kandidaten gibt, wird ihm ein Walkover verliehen) aug 27 Polling Day (für den Fall, dass es mehr als einen qualifizierten Kandidaten) klar auf dieser. Sie hatten die volle Freiheit, mit den Leuten zu sprechen und ihr eigenes Publikum zu erschaffen, und zwar in der Tat, der Ersthelfer begann sein Profil im März zu bauen und erklärte sein Interesse an dem Posten bald nach der General-Wahl. Die Präsidentschaftsanwärter nutzten die Gelegenheit, ihre Unabhängigkeit von der regierenden Partei der Völker erneut zu bekräftigen. Fortsetzung auf Seite 2 heute donnerstag august 4, 2011 heiße nEWS unausschuss betroffen von unterreportierten Gewalt gegen Frauen, Anzahl der Frauen in govt Carolyn Quek carolynquekmediacorp. sg 2 Fortschritte bei der Gleichstellung der Frauen, aber. Andere wichtige CedaW Präsidentschaftswahl: 27. August Fortsetzung von Page 1 Herr Tan Jee Say sagte seine absolute Unabhängigkeit von der PAP ihm die moralische Autorität, die Mission des gewählten Präsidenten zu erfüllen. Herr Tan Kin Lian stellte fest, dass, während fast jede Präsidentschafts-Hoffnung behauptet, unabhängig zu sein von der Regierung, die Menschen in Singapur. Kann sehen, wer wirklich unabhängig ist und wer einfach nicht sein kann. Er fügte hinzu: Ich beabsichtige, in voller Zusammenarbeit mit der Regierung zu arbeiten, um Gemeinsamkeiten zu Fragen zu finden, die die Menschen sehr stark fühlen. Ich glaube, dass eine gute Regierung in der Lage sein wird, eine echte Aufforderung von den Menschen zu erkennen und dass die moralische Autorität des Präsidenten wird ausreichend Gewicht für eine faire Erwägung sein. Herr Tan forderte auch Unternehmen und bürgerlichen Organisationen zu spenden für gemeinnützige Organisationen statt Ausgaben für verschwenderische politische Werbung für ihre bevorzugten Kandidaten zu spenden. Als Reaktion auf Medienanfragen sagte Dr. Tony Tan, er freue sich auf einen kräftigen Meinungsaustausch während der Kampagne, durchgeführt mit Dekorum und in einer Weise, die dem Amt entspricht. Er bekräftigte erneut seine Überzeugung, dass der nächste Präsident in Entscheidungen über die wirtschaftliche Zukunft Singapurs einbezogen werden müsse, die möglicherweise die formellen Befugnisse des Präsidenten betreffe, ob er die Rücklagen der Vergangenheit entwerfe. Dr. Tony Tan, der als geschäftsführender Direktor der Regierung von Singapore Investment Corporation und Chairman von Singapore Press Holdings zurückgetreten, fügte hinzu: Deshalb habe ich von Arbeitsplätzen zurückgetreten, die ich liebte, um voranzukommen und bieten meine Kandidatur. ReCommendations Singapur Auch wenn es die Fortschritte bei der Beseitigung der Diskriminierung von Frauen in der Republik begrüßt hat, äußerte sich ein UN-Ausschuss für Frauenrechte besorgt über die Beharrlichkeit der inländischen und sexuellen Gewalt gegen Frauen, die nach wie vor unterreportiert ist. Dies war unter anderem Gegenstand des Übereinkommens zur Beseitigung jeder Form von Diskriminierung der Frau (CEDAW), das als Reaktion auf einen Bericht vorgestellt wurde, der vor vierzehn Tagen vom Staatsminister für Gemeinwesenentwicklung, Jugend und Sport Halimah Yacob am UN - Hauptquartier in Berlin vorgestellt wurde New York. Singapur trat der internationalen Konvention im Oktober 1995 bei und ist gesetzlich verpflichtet, seine Bestimmungen in die Praxis umzusetzen. Die Republik ist ferner verpflichtet, mindestens einmal alle vier Jahre einen nationalen Bericht über die von ihr eingeführten Maßnahmen zur Einhaltung des Vertrags vorzulegen. Den Bericht zu übermitteln, hatte Frau Halimah dem 23-köpfigen Ausschuss betont, dass die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter für das Wirtschaftswachstum von Singapur wichtig sei. Singapur war auf Platz 10 von 138 Ländern auf dem UN-Index für Geschlechterungleichheit gestiegen, fügte sie hinzu und stellte fest, dass die Alphabetisierung der Frauen auf 93,8 Prozent gestiegen war und mehr als die Hälfte der Studenten, die an Universitäten gelangten, weiblich waren. Stereotypen verschwanden, obwohl dies ein Werk im Gange war, und die Beteiligung der Frauen an der Belegschaft hatte von unter 30 Prozent in den 1970er Jahren auf 56,5 Prozent im vergangenen Jahr gestiegen. Die CEDAW-Ausschüsse, die die Beobachtungen vom 27. Juli abschlossen, wurden von Nichtregierungsorganisationen hierzu an die Medien weitergegeben. Während der Ausschuss die Fortschritte in der sozioökonomischen Situation der Frauen begrüßt, forderte er das Land auf, proaktive Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um die Beteiligung der Frauen in verschiedenen Bereichen unter anderem zu erhöhen. Unter Hinweis auf die Umgestaltung des Womens Desk als Office for Womens Development am 1. Juli äußerte sich das Komitee besorgt über seine beschränkte Zuständigkeit, seine Ressourcen und seine Fähigkeit, sicherzustellen, dass die Gleichstellungspolitik ordnungsgemäß entwickelt und vollständig umgesetzt wird. Über Gewalt gegen Frauen, begrüßt der Ausschuss Strafgesetzbuch-Änderungen, die im Jahr 2008 Kriminalisierung spousale Vergewaltigung. Allerdings stellte es fest, dass die Änderungen nur anwendbar sind, wenn der Täter und das Opfer im Rahmen einer Scheidung auseinander leben und wenn das Opfer eine persönliche Schutzanordnung beantragt hat. Das Komitee forderte Singapur auf, das Strafgesetzbuch und die Strafprozessordnung zu überprüfen, um häusliche Gewalt und eheliche Vergewaltigung zu kriminalisieren. Es will auch Singapur, um das Bewusstsein über die kriminelle Natur der häuslichen Gewalt und der ehelichen Vergewaltigung zu sensibilisieren und Opfer zu destigmatisieren, so dass mehr Frauen diese Ereignisse melden werden. Das UN-Komitee war auch besorgt darüber, dass die Frauen hier in der Entscheidungsfindung in der Regierung und in anderen Sektoren weiterhin unterrepräsentiert sind. Über den Menschenhandel Ratifizierung des Protokolls zur Verhütung, Bekämpfung und Strafverfolgung des Menschenhandels, insbesondere für Frauen und Kinder Verabschiedung spezialisierter Menschenrechtsgesetze, einschließlich einer international anerkannten Definition des Menschenhandels Beschäftigung für alle Frauen ungeachtet der Staatsangehörigkeit und der Ehe Status für ausländische Hausangestellte und ausländische Frauen Überprüfen und ändern bestehende Arbeitsgesetze betreffend Dienstmädchen und stellen sicher, dass sie unter anderem einen freien Tag haben. Aufhebung des Gesetzes, dass Arbeitserlaubnis Inhaber, einschließlich Mägde, aus Gründen der Schwangerschaft oder Vertragswesen sexuell übertragbaren Krankheiten deportiert werden sollten In diesem Zusammenhang forderte das UN-Komitee auf, Gesetze und Politiken zur Förderung der Frauen gleichberechtigte Teilnahme an Entscheidungsprozessen in öffentlichen und politischen Leben. Der Ausschuss wollte auch einen bezahlten Mutterschaftsurlaub für alle weiblichen Arbeitnehmer, unabhängig von der Staatsangehörigkeit und dem Familienstand. Mdm Halimah hatte gesagt, es habe viel Fortschritte in den Status der Frauen in Singapur, aber erkannt, gibt es immer mehr, die getan werden kann. Die Regierung von Singapur hat sich verpflichtet, den Fortschritt der Frauen und die vollständige und praktische Umsetzung unserer CEDAW-Verpflichtungen zu gewährleisten. Heute donnerstag august 4, 2011 heiss nEWS 3 SAF suspendiert outfield training taN WeizheN weizhenmediacorp. sg SINGAPUR Zwei Zwischenfälle in drei Tagen mit Vollzeit-National Servicemen (NSF) eine anhaltende oberflächliche Verletzungen, die anderen starben haben den Scheinwerfer wieder auf die Ausbildung Sicherheit in Die Singapore Armed Forces (SAF). Da die SAF in allen Armee-Einheiten und Trainings-Schulen, die gestern eine Überprüfung durchführten, Außenfeldtrainings aussetzte, drängten die Abgeordneten des Parlamentarischen Parlaments (GPC) für Verteidigung und auswärtige Angelegenheiten die Öffentlichkeit auf, nicht zu den Schlussfolgerungen vor den Untersuchungen zu springen komplett. Nee Soon GRC MP Lim Wee Kiak, der Vorsitzende der GPC, wiederholte die Notwendigkeit für die Ermittler, ihre Arbeit zu tun. Dr. Lim stellte auch fest, dass die beiden Vorfälle nicht von der gleichen Art waren. Hinzufügen, dass ein Vorfall ist ein zu viele, Chua Chu Kang GRC MP Alvin Yeo sagte, es sei verfrüht zu schließen, wenn es irgendeine Selbstzufriedenheit in SAFs Ausbildung Sicherheit Regime. Said Herr Yeo: Wir müssen über einen längeren Zeitraum und gehen durch alle Vorfälle, die aufgetreten. Dass die beiden Vorfälle in drei Tagen passiert ist, ist ein sehr unglücklicher Zufall. Am Dienstag, Specialist Cadet (SCT) Ee Chun Sheng, 21, wurde bewusstlos während einer Navigation Übung gefunden. Trotz müssen wir über einen längeren Zeitraum und gehen durch alle Vorfälle, die aufgetreten. Dass die beiden Vorfälle in drei Tagen passiert ist, ist ein sehr unglücklicher Zufall. Chua chu kang grc MP alvin yeo sofortige ärztliche Hilfe und Bemühungen um ihn wiederbeleben, wurde Ee in Krankenhaus Stunden später ausgesprochen. Das Ministerium für Verteidigung (MINDEF) untersucht den Vorfall. Ees Tod kam zwei Tage nach Specialist Cadet (SCT) Percy Toh Cheng Kai anhaltende oberflächliche Verletzungen, nachdem die Treibladung einer Runde in der Granatwerfer explodierte vorzeitig in der Waffe. Es war nicht klar, wie lange das derzeitige Outfield Training Suspension stattfinden würde. Die SAF hat bis auf weiteres die Livetraining mit 40mm Automatic Grenade Launchers (AGL) ausgesetzt. Sembawang GRC MP Ellen Lee stellte fest, dass die Opfer der jüngsten Vorfälle waren beide eher unerfahrenen nationalen Soldaten. Wir müssen herausfinden, warum dies mit den neueren Soldaten geschieht. Ich fordere mehr Vorsicht im Feld, vor allem für die neuen (Soldaten). Herr tan Jee sagen und seine Frau mit Unterstützern an der Wahlen-Abteilung gestern. Foto von Wee teck hiaN tan Jee Say unterbreitet Antragsformulare Ng JiNg yNg jingyngmediacorp. sg KEINE ZUFRIEDENE EXCUSE FÜR NICHT ZAHLEN TAxI FARE FACE S1000 feine SEITE 4 SINGAPUR Präsidenten hoffnungsvoll Tan Jee Say legte seinen Fall gestern auf, warum er geeignet sein sollte Stehen in der Wahl. Herr Tan, der Antragsformulare für ein Zeugnis der Eignung an der Wahlen-Abteilung eingereicht hat, gab auch eine zweiseitige Pressekonferenz heraus, warum er die strengen Kriterien erfüllt. Herr Tan wies darauf hin, dass er zwischen dem 1. Februar 1997 und dem 9. Februar 2001 der Vorstandsvorsitzende mit dem Titel des regionalen Geschäftsführers von John Govett (Asien) und seiner Nachfolgegesellschaft AIB Govett (Asien) war Das Gesellschaftsgesetz von Singapur. Herr Tan: Als der oberste Offizier von AIB Govett, der die regionale Hauptverwaltung der Region Asien-Pazifik war, war ich als Vertreter der Gruppe in Singapur und als Hauptbeauftragte der Gruppe gegenüber der Monetary Authority tätig Von Singapur. Eines der Kriterium für die Präsidentschaftswahl ist, dass der Kandidat nicht weniger als drei Jahre als CEO eines Singapore-Unternehmen mit eingezahlten Kapital von S100 Millionen gedient hat. Alternativ muss der Kandidat mindestens drei Jahre lang in einer anderen vergleichbaren oder vergleichbaren Position von Seniorität und Verantwortung in einer anderen Organisation oder Abteilung mit gleicher Größe oder Komplexität im öffentlichen oder privaten Sektor tätig gewesen sein. Und Herr Tan wiederholte, dass es unter dem letztgenannten Kriterium sei, dass er ein Zeugnis über die Eignung beantragt habe. Er wies ferner darauf hin, dass in diesem Kriterium keine S100 Mio. an eingezahltem Kapital vorgesehen waren. Wäre es die Absicht des Parlaments gewesen, diese Anforderung im alternativen Kriterium festzusetzen, so hätte es dies leicht tun können, fügte er hinzu. Herr Tan sagte: Vielmehr gibt es mehrere alternative Maßnahmen, um Kapital als Prüfstein zur Messung der Größe eines Unternehmens, und im Fall einer Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft wie AIB Govett, sollten wir den Umfang und Umfang der Verantwortung für die von ihr verwalteten Mittel. Er fügte hinzu: Was die Komplexität angeht, ziele ich darauf ab, nach Singapur zu gelangen. Es gibt auch Nicht-Oppositionsförderer, die mich leise unterstützt haben. Presidential hoffnungsvolle tan Jee sagen, AIB Govett war nicht nur eine Buchungsstelle für Vermögenswerte, sondern lief auch eine vollständige Investition-Management-Operation. Mehrere Oppositionspolitiker waren gestern an der Wahlabteilung, um Herrn Tan zu unterstützen. Dazu gehörten die Mitglieder der Solidarnosc-Partei Nicole Seah und Jeannette Chong-Aruldoss sowie die SDP-Mitglied Michelle Lee (Singapore Democratic Party). Herr Tan, der von der SDP zurücktrat, um seinen Namen auf die Präsidentenwahl zu setzen, sagte heute, dass er mehr als nur die Opposition vertritt. Er fügte hinzu: Ich ziele darauf ab, nach Singapur zu gelangen. Es gibt auch nonOpposition Unterstützer, die mich ruhig unterstützt haben. Heute dienstag august 4, 2011 hot nEWS 4 Umfassende Überprüfung auf Bus-Service-Ebenen durchgeführt SINGAPORE Transportminister Lui Tuck Yew hat die Landtransportbehörde (LTA) beauftragt, eine umfassende Überprüfung der aktuellen Busdienstleistungen bis Ende dieses Jahres durchzuführen Und entwickeln einen robusten Aktionsplan. Schreiben auf seiner Facebook-Seite gestern, sagte Herr Lui, dass die Überprüfung auf die Verbesserung der Buskapazität, Stauhöhen, Häufigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit konzentrieren wird. Das Ziel ist klar reduzieren Wartezeit, erhöhen die Vorhersagbarkeit der Busfahrzeiten, verbessern unsere Chancen auf Bord und bessere Informationen für Pendler, fügte er hinzu. Im Rahmen der Überprüfung, Herr Lui sagte aktuellen Servicequalität Standards werden weiter erhöht werden. Insbesondere musste er feststellen, dass der ÖPNV eine strengere Prüfung und Regulierung durchführen muss, um sicherzustellen, dass die Standards eingehalten werden. Der Verkehrsminister sieht vor, dass die öffentlichen Verkehrsbetriebe mit deutlich mehr Bussen und Buskapitänen die bestehende Flotte von rund 4.000 Bussen ergänzen. Die Regierung wird untersuchen, wie man den Betreibern helfen kann, ihre Busflotte und ihre Kapitäne nachhaltig zu erweitern. Während diese Verbesserungen ungefähr 12 bis 18 Monate dauern werden, um zu treten, sagte Herr Lui, daß er auch LTA gebeten hat, mit den Operatoren zu arbeiten, damit ältere Busse, die dem Ende ihrer geplanten Lebenszeit nahe kommen, auf einer temporären Basis verlängert werden. Aber sie müssen straßenwürdig und nicht kompromisslos sein, sagte er. Diese Maßnahme wird etwa 5 bis 6 Prozent der Flottenkapazität bis zum Eintreffen der neuen Busse hinzufügen, fügte Herr Lui hinzu. Es ist eine unmittelbare Maßnahme, die Im zuversichtlich wird es uns ermöglichen, die derzeitigen Service-Levels in Bereichen, in denen sie am meisten benötigt werden, zu verbessern. Der Verkehrsminister forderte die Öffentlichkeit auf, weiterhin Feedback an die Basis-Führer und LTAs Community Relations Officers über Fragen, die sie begegnen. Später in dieser Woche wird die SMRT plant, mehr Zugfahrten hinzuzufügen, um Frequenzen in Off-Peak-Stunden zu verbessern, fügte er hinzu. Leong Wee Keat keine vernünftige Entschuldigung für nicht zahlen Taxi-Tarif Gesicht s1000 feine tanya Fong tanyafongmediacorp. sg Sind Sie vorbereitet für die nächsten FINANCIAL BOOM Sehr geehrte ermächtigte, finden wir uns in einer jener Zeiten, wenn es anyones Vermutung, welche Weise die wirtschaftliche Gezeiten ändern sich. Die Medien, die Sie ausgesetzt sind, tut wenig, um die Verwirrung zu entwirren. Mit der Nachricht von den jüngsten Unsicherheiten von den Unruhen im Nahen Osten, Europas Schuldenkrise, eine schwache US-konjunkturelle Erholung sind alle diese Anzeichen dafür, dass wir auf ein schlechtes zweites Halbjahr 2011 gehen könnte Doch trotz der alarmierenden Anzeichen von Untergang und Dunkelheit , Wissen Sie, dass es viele Möglichkeiten gibt, für Sie die Chance nutzen und nehmen den ersten Vorteil Es gibt ein Sprichwort, dass in Zeiten der Unsicherheit sollten wir nicht nur für das Schlimmste vorbereiten, sondern auch für die besten arbeiten. Dies ist, weil die beste Zeit, um für den nächsten Financial Boom vorzubereiten, ob es früher oder später kommt, bevor es passiert. ALSO, WORAUF WARTEST DU. ACT JETZT SINGAPUR Mit der Anzahl Taxifahrer des Betrugs ihrer Tarife berichtet, auf dem Vormarsch, hat sich der Scheinwerfer nun auf, was Rekultivierung cabbies haben, wenn Passagiere machen ohne zahlen. Hervorgehoben von einem Taxifahrer, der an die Medien letzte Woche schrieb, wurde die Frage der Vollstreckung gegen Taxi-Fahrpreisbetrug diskutiert während eines kürzlichen Dialogs Sitzung Taxi-Betreiber hatten mit der Land Transport Authority, sagte Premier Taxi Geschäftsführer Lim Chong Boo. Said Herr Lim: Ohne starke Durchsetzung des Public Transport Council (PTC) Act, theres eine Grenze, was getan werden kann, um die Situation zu lösen. Die Frage der Taxifahrt Betrug ist nicht neu, aber es wird immer häufiger und eklatant wie die Fahrpreis Dodgers wahrnehmen eine Lücke im System, dass nichts getan werden kann, um sie zu bestrafen. Taxifahrer haben eine Zunahme der Zahl solcher betrügerischen Fälle gesehen. ComfortDelGro Cabbies, zum einen gemeldet haben durchschnittlich 166 Fahrpreis Cheats pro Monat in diesem Jahr verglichen mit 134 pro Monat im Jahr 2008. Der Betreiber verwaltet 15.000 Taxis in Singapur die größte Flotte hier. Cabbies und Passagiere können sich an die Polizei für die Vermittlung wenden, wenn es einen Streit über die Route oder Ziel. Wenn die Vermittlung nicht erfolgreich ist, kann der Taxifahrer einen Bericht bei der Polizei einreichen und auch eine Richterbeschwerde einreichen. Ein öffentlicher Verkehrsbeamter oder Polizeibeamter kann auch ohne Haftbefehl jede Person verhaften, von der angenommen wird, dass sie eine Straftat begangen hat, wie etwa die Nichtzahlung eines Taxis nach dem PTC-Gesetz. Der Passagier kann eingesperrt werden, bis sein Name und seine Adresse festgestellt wurden, damit er vor Gericht gebracht werden kann. Ein Passagier, der schuldig befunden hat, den Fahrpreis, wie auf dem Messgerät ohne angemessene Entschuldigung angegeben, zu bezahlen oder zu verweigern, kann bis zu S1,000 bezahlt werden. Wiederholen Sie Straftäter können bis zu S2.000 oder bis zu sechs Monaten Gefängnis oder beides bestraft werden. Passagiere, die fühlen, dass sie in die Zahlung eines Fahrpreises gemobbt wurden, wo der Taxifahrer einen falschen Weg genommen hat oder an das falsche Ziel gebracht wurde, können einen Polizeibericht abgeben, eine Richterbeschwerde einreichen und sich bei der Taxi-Gesellschaft beschweren. ComfortDelGro berät seine Fahrer, einen Nichtzahlungsbericht bei der Polizei einzureichen. Es kann auch, als eine Geste des guten Willens, cabbies für den Verlust des Fahrpreises zurückerstatten. SMRT Taxis erfordert auch einen Polizeibericht und Taxi-Erhalt für die Erstattung. In der Zwischenzeit werden Kabinen wie Mr Tan Kok Yeow, gehen zu Längen, um sicherzustellen, dass sie die Zahlung erhalten wie z. B. fragen die Passagiere, ihr Handy im Taxi zu verlassen, wenn sie aussteigen, um das Geld zu zahlen, um den Fahrpreis zu bezahlen. Sagte Mr Tan, 46: Wenn sie sagen, sie haben kein Handy, ich frage sie höflich, ihre Familie oder einen Freund zu kontaktieren, um das Geld zu ihnen zu bringen, während sie in meinem Taxi warten, oder Ill parken mein Taxi und folgen ihnen zu ihren Reiseziel. Wenn sie ehrlich über die Zahlung sind, sollte es kein Problem sein. S et ck ng Ti lli t SeFas DATUM. 20th 21st August 2011 (Sa So) 7.00pm täglich EXPO, HALL 3 Brin your G zusammen für j Freund hinzufügen ust und it SGDional Asias Top Success Coach TIME. 9.00 Uhr VENUE. SINGAPORE Adam Khoo Conrad Alvin Lim Professionelle Online-Händler Regionale Ökonom Song Seng Wun Ticketpreise STANDARD TICKET. SGD 29 GOLD TICKET VIP-TICKET. SGD 49 (inklusive Goodie Bag) 1 Mitarbeiter eines Ingenieurs, der zeigt, wie Versuche, einen Zaun mit dem Perimeter Intrusion Detection System (PIds) zu schneiden, einen Alarm auslösen. Bild von ooI boon Keong. SGD 99 (einschließlich Post-Event-CD-Prioritätssitze) Themen, die während der Wealth Academy Expo 2011 abgedeckt werden Wie Auswählen von Gewinnen Aktien für die asiatische Recovery und Coming Boom Perspektiven für das zweite Halbjahr 2011: FX unter Verschlechterung des Kreditvermögens Verständnis Märkte Zyklen davon profitieren Wie Spot Grab Highly Protable Eigenschaften zu günstigen Preisen im aktuellen Markt Wie kann Forex Trading ein Rezession-Nachweis und Stress-Free Business Wie ORDINARY Menschen erreichen EXTRAORDINARY Einkommen auf dem Internet Wie konkurrenzfähige Trading Prots zu erreichen, auch in einem volatilen Markt Singapur Equities 2H 2011 - Für bessere oder für schlechtere und vieles mehr Yeo Kee Yan Retail-Markt-Stratege Marktanalyst GM Teoh Internet-Marketing-Experte Fabian Lim Changi Flughafen verbessert Flugplatz Sicherheit mit Glasfaser-Sensoren SINGAPUR Changi Flughafen wird der weltweit erste Flughafen, um seine Umkreis Zäune mit Fiber - Optische Sensoren zur Erkennung von Eindringlingen. Weitere Kameras werden auch an den Flughafengrenzen installiert, die mit dem neuen Multi-Millionen-Dollar-Abwehrsystem namens AgilFence von Singapore Technologies (ST) Electronics integriert werden. Said Changi Airport Group Executive Vice-President (Flughafen-Management) Foo Sek Min: Kein System ist voll-proof und perfekt. Und wenn wir unseren bestehenden Perimeterschutz überprüfen, wird die Einführung dieses Perimeter-Eindringlingserkennungssystems uns helfen, eine bessere und schnellere Reaktion zu haben, wenn es Anzeichen von Intrusion gibt. Die druckempfindlichen Sensoren sind durch ein gepanzertes Gehäuse geschützt, um eine Manipulation und eine einfache Wartung zu verhindern. ST Electronics sagte das System wird voraussichtlich ein Jahrzehnt dauern, fügte hinzu, dass es immun gegen elektromagnetische und Hochfrequenz-Interferenzen, so dass es effektiv für den Einsatz in einem Flugplatz. Das System wird voraussichtlich bis Ende 2012 voll einsatzfähig sein. DyLan Loh Yeo Keong Hee Forex Strategist Millionär Immobilien Investor Kelvin Fong REGISTER IHRE INTERESSEN UND KAUF TICKETS FÜR WEALTH ACADEMY EXPO 2011 ÜBER DIESE EASY WAYS Organisiert von: Stolz unterstützt von: EMAIL. Waexpoakltg ANRUFEN. 65 6881 8881 10 Hoe Chiang Road, Keppel Towers, 01-05 Singapur 089315 heute donnerstag august 4, 2011 5 heute donnerstag august 4, 2011 heiss nEWS REGISTER AN PERKS. MOCCA KUALA LUMPUR Ein privater malaysischer Fernsehsender hat eine Reihe von Werbespots angesetzt Markieren den muslimischen Monat des Ramadan nach wütend Zuschauer beschwerten die Anzeigen beleidigt nicht-muslimischen ethnischen Minderheiten. Ein 30-Sekunden-Clip zeigte ein chinesisches Mädchen, das als Muslime zusah, während ein anderes zeigte, dass sie eine ärmellose Bluse trug. In der letzten ist sie gezeigt, schreien an einem 6 Private Msian TV-Station zieht Fastenmonat Anzeigen Stall Besitzer. Den Szenen folgten Botschaften, die die Zuschauer dazu veranlassten, Respekt vor dem Ramadan zu zeigen, der am Montag angefangen hatte, nicht in der Öffentlichkeit zu essen, Kleidung zu tragen oder laut zu sein. Zuschauer, einschließlich Muslime, schlug privaten 8TV-Station für die drei Werbespots, die sie sagte stereotype Minderheit Chinesen und verhängte islamische Praktiken auf Nicht-Muslime. Der Fernsehsender zog die Clips zurück und erließ am Dienstag eine Entschuldigung. Die Botschaft war nicht dazu bestimmt, jemanden, Rasse oder Glaubensbekenntnis in irgendeiner Weise zu beleidigen. Dies ist ein ehrlicher Fehler mit einer sehr kleinen Menge an Humor, die falsch interpretiert wurde, was zu Bedenken führte, sagte es auf seiner Facebook-Seite. AP Peking mit tollen Angeboten Fünf-Jahres-Hack trifft 72 globale Organisationen BOSTON Computer-Sicherheits-Unternehmen McAfee hat entdeckt, ein Fünf-Jahres-Hacking-Regelung, die die Infiltration der Netze von 72 Organisationen, darunter die Vereinten Nationen und der ASEAN (der Vereinigung der Süd - Ostasiatischen Nationen), Regierungen und Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt. McAfee sagte gestern, dass es glaubte, dass es einen Staatsschauspieler hinter den Angriffen gab, aber lehnte ab, um es zu nennen. Ein Sicherheitsexperte, der über das Hacken informiert wurde, sagte, dass die Beweise auf China deuteten. Die lange Liste der Opfer in der Fünf-Jahres-Kampagne umfasst auch die Regierungen der Vereinigten Staaten, Taiwan, Indien, Südkorea, Vietnam und Kanada das Internationale Olympische Komitee (IOC) der Welt Anti-Doping-Agentur und eine Reihe von Unternehmen aus der Verteidigung Auftragnehmer zu High-Tech-Unternehmen. Im Falle der UNO, die Hacker brach in das EDV-System des Sekretariats in Genf im Jahr 2008, versteckte es unbemerkt für fast zwei Jahre und leise gekämmt durch Ries von geheimen Daten, nach McAfee. Sogar wir waren von der enormen Vielfalt der Opferorganisationen überrascht und wurden von der Kühnheit der Täter, Herrn Dmitri Alperovitch, McAfee Vizepräsident der Drohungforschung, in einem 14-seitigen Report freigegeben, der gestern veröffentlicht wurde. Was mit all diesen Daten geschieht. Ist noch weitgehend eine offene Frage, so der Bericht. Wenn jedoch nur ein Bruchteil davon verwendet wird, um besser konkurrierende Produkte zu bauen oder einen Konkurrenten bei einer Schlüsselverhandlung zu schlagen (aufgrund des gestohlenen Spiels der anderen Teams), stellt der Verlust eine massive ökonomische Bedrohung dar. McAfee erfuhr von dem Ausmaß der Hacking-Kampagne im März dieses Jahres, als ihre Forscher Protokolle der Angriffe entdeckten, während sie den Inhalt eines Befehls - und Steuerservers, den sie im Jahr 2009 als Teil einer Untersuchung in Sicherheitsverletzungen bei Verteidigungsunternehmen entdeckt hatten, Herr Alperovitch sagte, dass McAfee alle 72 Opfer der Angriffe, die von den Strafverfolgungsagenturen auf der ganzen Welt untersucht werden, benachrichtigt hat. Er lehnte es ab, weitere Einzelheiten, wie die Namen der Unternehmen gehackt geben. Sogar wir waren von der enormen Vielfalt der Opferorganisationen überrascht und wurden von der Kühnheit der Täter überrascht. Mcafee Vizepräsident für Bedrohungsforschung dmitri alperovitch Herr Jim Lewis, ein Cyber-Experte mit dem Zentrum für Strategische und Internationale Studien, wurde über die Entdeckung von McAfee unterrichtet. Er sagte, es sei sehr wahrscheinlich, dass China hinter der Kampagne stecke, weil einige der Ziele Informationen hätten, die für Peking von besonderem Interesse wären. Die Systeme des IOC und mehrere nationale olympische Komitees wurden im Vorfeld der 2008 Beijing Games verletzt, zum Beispiel. Alles deutet auf China. Es könnte die Russen sein, aber es gibt mehr, die nach China als Russland zeigt, sagte er. Er fügte hinzu, dass die USA und Großbritannien waren in der Lage Abziehen von dieser Art von Kampagne, aber wir wouldnt Spion auf uns selbst und die Briten nicht Spion auf uns. REUTERS heute Donnerstag 4. August 2011 7 heute Donnerstag 4. August 2011 Hot News 8 Mubarak plädiert auf nicht schuldig KAIRO gestürzten Präsidenten Hosni Mubarak hat alle Vorwürfe der Korruption und Komplizen verweigert Demonstranten während Egypts Aufstand zu töten, nachdem ein Gericht die Vorwürfe gegen ihn in der zugehörigen Beginn seines historischen Prozesses gestern. Die maroden, 83-jährige Mubarak (Bild) lag in einem Metallkäfig Angeklagten auf einem Krankenhausbett aschfahl mit seinen beiden Söhnen einmalige Thronfolger Gamal und Alaa reicher Geschäftsmann neben ihm beschützend in weißen Gefängnisuniformen stehen. Mit Mubarak und seinen Söhnen im Käfig waren sieben weitere Mitangeklagte, ehemaliger Innenminister Habib el Adly und sechs ehemalige Polizeibeamte. Im Gerichtssaal las ein Staatsanwalt die Anklage gegen Mubarak, dass er ein Komplize in der absichtlichen und vorsätzlichen Mord an friedlichen Demonstranten zusammen mit el Adly war und dass er und seine Söhne fünf Villen erhielt im Wert von fast US7 Mio. (S8.4 Mio.) von prominenten Geschäftsmann Hussein Salem im Gegenzug für die Gewährleistung ihm einen niedrigeren Preis für staatliche Land zu einem Resort-Komplex in Sharm el Sheikh bauen. Während der Sitzung eingereicht Mubaraks Anwalt einen Antrag, dass Verteidigungsminister Hussein Tantawi der Leiter des Rates der Generäle, die jetzt läuft Ägypten im Prozess auszusagen aufgerufen werden. Er argumentierte, dass Herr Tantawi war die Kontrolle über die Sicherheit nach dem 28. Januar, drei Tage in die Proteste. Die Bewegung signalisiert einen Versuch der Verteidigung, das Militär in den Fall zu ziehen. Nach mehreren Stunden vertagte der Richter den Prozess bis zum 15. August, obwohl Anhörungen im Fall El Adlys heute fortsetzen würden. Der Richter ordnete Mubarak an der International Medical Centre, ein Militärkrankenhaus am Rande von Kairo stattfinden wird, und dass ein Onkologe unter den Ärzten ihn Überwachung sein. Das war einer der stärksten Anzeichen dafür, dass Mubarak nach Monaten der unbestätigten Berichte Krebs hat. Mubarak, el Adly, und die sechs Polizeibeamten könnten mit der Todesstrafe konfrontiert werden, wenn sie verurteilt werden. Das Schauspiel, die live im staatlichen Fernsehen ausgestrahlt wurde, war ein beeindruckendes Moment für Ägypter, von denen viele die Demütigung des Mannes ausgekostet, die seit 29 Jahren mit unbestreitbarer Macht regiert. After widespread scepticism that Egypts military rulers would allow it, the scene went a long way to satisfy one of the key demands that has united protesters since Feb 11, when Mubarak fell following an 18-day uprising. This is the dream of Egyptians, to see him like this, humiliated like he humiliated them for the last 29 years, said Mrs Ghada Ali, the mother of a 17-year-old girl in the city of Alexandria who was shot dead during the crackdown. Egyptians crowded cafes, kiosks, anywhere with a television to follow the trial, which was held at the heavily secured Cairo police academy. A crowd of Mubarak supporters and hundreds of relatives of slain protesters and other Mubarak opponents massed at the gates, scuffling sporadically. They threw stones and bottles at each other while riot police with shields and helmets tried to keep them apart. About 50 supporters pounded on the steel gate trying to get reuters into the compound, chanting We love you, Mubarak until the police charged at them with electrified batons and dispersed them. In other Arab countries, while many are still convulsed by their own upheavals, people watched the court drama with fascination. A Bahraini activist called Online Bahrain addressed other despots across the Arab world: Dear Arab dictator, take a long hard look at Mubarak. He was just as powerful as you were. Your time is up if you dont change. agencies today thursday august 4, 2011 9 TodaY ThurSdaY auGuST 4, 2011 hot nEWS CHINAS INfLATIoN MUDDLe Barring unexpected shocks, price growth should peak soon 10 ShE ShoppEd and ShE Won MediaCorp Press managing director Patrick Yong (extreme right), and Cycle Carriage Ceo eric Chan, presenting the Shop To Win prize of a Mercedes-Benz C-Class to winner Jennie Seah. Ms Seah bought a travel package from Chan Brothers Travel to participate in the draw. PhoTo BY SYafiqah haMid PAGe 12 1965 not a political film Genevieve Loh genevievelmediacorp. sg SINGAPORE An upcoming social-political thriller, which is set against the backdrop of a defining moment in Singapores history and featuring a young Mr Lee Kuan Yew as one of its characters, is not a political film, said its executive producer, Mr Daniel Yun. Neither has the film, 1965, The Beginning, been endorsed or sanctioned by the Government, Mr Lees office or the Lee family, said Mr Yun, who is also the chief executive officer of Homerun Asia. The Singapore company is co-producing the movie with Chinas Zonbo Media under the Co-production Agreement signed between Singapore and China last year. The movie which has generated much interest aims for an August 2012 release. Mr Yun said he is not worried about any possible conflicts. I personally have faith in MDA (Media Development Authority) that they will look at this film as they would any other commercial film, he told Today. . If there is any interference, it wont be the interference people might think it is. Because were not re-writing history. Were looking at documented facts. And the spine of the film is really about the small moments of the characters and how their lives have changed. So if there might be any interference, it may be other things that in any other movie we would also face. I personally dont think there would be interference in relation to, for example, our portrayal of Mr Lee Kuan Yew, I personally dont think there would be interference in relation to, for example, our portrayal of Mr Lee Kuan Yew. 1965 executive producer daniel Yun Mr Yun added. When contacted, the MDA said the film will be classified when it is submitted to them. The movie centres around a multi-threaded plot structure that examines the themes of home and identity through a defining moment in a young nations history 1965 was the year when Singapore became independent following separation from Malaysia. The movie will be shot in Singapore, Malaysia and China with a budget of US5 million (S6 million). When I was writing the Lee Kuan Yew character, the only person I had in mind was Mr Lee Kuan Yew, 1965s writer-director Lee Thean-jeen told Today. Because as a personality, he has a such a presence all on his own, he said. So, is it true what the grapevine is saying that Hong Kong superstar Tony Leung will be playing the young Lee Kuan Yew The film-makers are neither confirming nor denying it. I really wouldnt pass up the chance to work with Tony Leung, Mr Lee Thean-jeen said. But at the end of the day, I think well be casting whoever is most suited for the role. Without prejudice to the actor being Singaporean or not, he added. noT JuST a fiLM aBouT Lee kuan YeW download the free Tag reader app for your smartphone from gettag. mobi and scan the Tag, and youll be led straight to the highlights of the press conference. today thursday august 4, 2011 11 Commentanalysis AT 34, SHE OFFERS PAkISTAN HOPE PAGE 14 yu yongding today thursday august 4, 2011 12 Chinas inflation muddle Barring unexpected shocks, price growth should peak soon tential level, which, according to the consensus view, is around 9 per cent. In fact, most Chinese economists predicted last year that inflation would peak early this year. Changes in Chinas financial conditions reinforce this view. Historically, there is a lag of eight to 12 months between M1 monetary growth and inflation. The growth rate of M1 started to fall in late 2009. If past experience is a reliable guide, a decline in inflation is already overdue. The interference of cost-push factors contributed to the unexpected persistence of inflation. The rise in commodity prices since the middle of last year Chinas commodity price index has increased by more than 100 per cent since its 2009 low has had an important impact. Moreover, Chinese wages have been rising rapidly. whether an earlier loosening by the PBC would have been wiser. a diFFiCuLt FiVE yEars With taming inflation its top priority, the PBC has raised the bank mandatory reserve ratio six times this year. Commercial banks must deposit with the central bank 21.5 per cent of deposits as reserves. Recently, the PBC raised the one-year lending rate and the one-year deposit to 6.56 per cent and 3.5 per cent, respectively. Currently, Chinas inflation is not as bad as it was in 2007-2008. The rise in house prices has begun to stabilise, and the impact of the rise in commodity prices is tapering off. External demand in the second half of 2011 is unlikely to be strong, owing to the shaky global recovery. The steady increase in production costs, partly attributable to high borrowing costs, is squeezing enterprises profit margins of small and medium-sized enterprises in particular. Declining profits and rising enterprise bankruptcies are posing challenges to Chinas monetary authority. In view of the need for structural adjustment, the PBC should maintain a tight monetary stance. But, with a coming decline in headline inflation and mounting concerns about growth, the PBC is likely to prove a bit more accommodating in the second half of this year. In short, although China will miss its inflation target of 4 per cent for this year, price growth will remain under control. In the second half of this year, Chinas growth rate could fall further, but there will be no hard landing. Chinas economic problems are more structural than cyclical. Owing to a lack of distinct progress in restructuring and rebalancing the domestic economy, the next five years will be difficult, and the window of opportunity for adjustment will close rapidly. But, viewing Chinas performance in the context of the past 30 years, there is no reason to believe that the country cannot muddle through once again. ProJECt syndiCatE ven as the debt crises in Europe and the United States loom large and the global economic recovery falters, inflation is making a comeback worldwide. Indeed, emergingmarket economies are bracing for a serious bout of it together with the dire political consequences that it will bring. Chinas headline consumer price index (CPI) jumped 6.4 per cent year on year in June, reaching its highest level since July 2008. Against the background of a shaky global recovery, concerns have grown considerably over a possible hard landing for the Chinese economy, caused by monetary tightening aimed at controlling inflation. In China, food prices account for about a third of the CPI basket, with the price of pork bearing a large weight. As a result, the CPI is jokingly called the pork price index. In June, pork prices rose 57 per cent year on year, contributing nearly two percentage points to the overall inflation rate. Unfortunately, macroeconomic policy can do little about the hog cycle and usually should not respond to it. While Chinas inflation problem should not be exaggerated, complacency would be dangerous. Current inflation is more broad-based than it appears, regardless of the controversy surrounding the adequacy of Chinas CPI basket in reflecting the reality of underlying price movements. In fact, annual increases in nonfood prices accelerated to 3 per cent in June, up from 2.9 per cent in May. According to Chinas National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), living expenses increased by 6.1 per cent year on year in May. Many worry that nonfood prices may rise higher. Barring unexpected shocks, I believe that Chinas inflation may peak soon. From a macroeconomic perspective, Chinas current inflation is attributable both to demand-pull and cost-push factors. unEXPECtEdLy PErsistEnt Historically, inflation in China has followed GDP growth with a lag. Todays inflationary pressures are partly the result of the lagged impact of the stimulus package that China adopted in 2009 to fight off the effects of the global financial crisis. But Chinas GDP growth has already started to fall towards its po - E In the second half of 2011, Chinas growth rate could fall further, but there will be no hard landing. Chinas current macroeconomic situation shares many similarities with the situation that it faced in 2007 and the best part of 2008, when, owing to strong investment and export demand, GDP growth surged significantly beyond its potential. Worried about worsening inflation and a budding real-estate bubble, the Peoples Bank of China (PBC, the central bank) gradually tightened its monetary stance. Yet inflation continued to worsen, peaking at 8.7 per cent in February 2008. The most difficult period for Chinese decision-makers was between February and September 2008, when, despite abundant signs of a softening in domestic demand, overall demand remained strong, as did inflation. To tighten or not to tighten: That was the question. The PBC continued to tighten. But the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 brought global economic growth to a screeching halt. Chinas GDP growth fell dramatically, owing to the collapse of external demand. To offset the negative shock, the Chinese government enacted a 4-trillion-yuan (S750 billion) stimulus package, and the PBC shifted its policy stance abruptly. There is no question about the necessity for the turnaround. However, with hindsight, one might ask Yu Yongding, currently president of the China Society of World Economics, is a former member of the monetary policy committee of the Peoples Bank of China and former director of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of World Economics and Politics. today thursday august 4, 2011 13 today thursday august 4, 2011 commentanalysis 14 at 34, she offers Pakistan hope Its youngest Foreign Minister truly represents the country and its aspirations cent live on under US2 (S2.40)a day. Wealth distribution in Pakistan is highly uneven and the richest pay little in taxes Khar only paid 8,000 rupees (S112) in taxes last year. So her ability to accessorise while millions in her country are homeless, jobless and malnourished is hardly surprising. It is indicative of the gulf between the haves and the have-nots in Pakistan today. Ms Khars early political career is symbolic of Pakistans version of democracy, where political parties are treated like family heirlooms and party leadership as an inheritance. Although Ms Khar was elected twice to the National Assembly on a pro-Musharraf ticket in 2002 and on a pro-Benazir ticket in 2008 she has never publicly campaigned to win an election. Her seat has been held by the Khar family for years and she owes her win largely to her politician father, Ghulam Noor Rabbani Khar, who, not having graduated from college, could not run himself. Mr Khar propped her up instead, campaigning on her behalf and ensuring her win from rural, conservative Muzaffargarh, where their family owns land, fisheries, mango orchards, sugar cane fields, and shehrbano taseer A s soon as Ms Hina Rabbani Khar touched down in New Delhi last week to meet Mr S M Krishna, her Indian counterpart, HRK and Birkin her initials and the name of her handbag began trending worldwide on Twitter. Across the border, reactions to Ms Khar who, at 34, is Pakistans youngest Foreign Minister were surprising. The Indian media gushed (First they sent bombs, now they send bombshells), while Pakistans was less enamoured (Does this expensively dressed minister represent a country which is under hefty debt). But Ms Khar Hermes purse, Roberto Cavalli sunglasses and all very much represents Pakistan. And especially Pakistani political culture. The rich-poor disconnect in Pakistan is increasing. A 2010 study estimated that 32 per cent of Pakistans 180 million population subsists below the poverty line. According to the Human Development Index, 60.3 per Pakistan Foreign Minister hina rabbani Khar (pictured here with Indias high Commissioner to Pakistan sharat sabharwal) flew to new delhi last tuesday to meet her Indian counterpart s M Krishna. aP reigns supreme. Given the military and Inter-Services Intelligence Directorates long history of involvement in Pakistans foreign policy, many wonder how Ms Khar can make a difference, especially when her predecessor apparently lost his job for resisting diplomatic immunity for a United States Central Intelligence Agency operative Raymond Davis, who killed two Pakistanis in January. As part of a government that has had its hands tied by the army, and a nation that is often labelled an army with a country, not a country with an army, Ms Khar and her Prime Minister are not the real decisionmakers. And no Foreign Minister will be, any time soon. Yet she offers hope. Pakistan has countless women like Ms Khar perhaps not in terms of lifestyle, but in how they choose to live their lives, dedicated to public service. From Fatima Jinnah to Benazir Bhutto, from Sherry Rehman to Asma Jahangir, Pakistani women are no shrinking violets. During the draconian years of former President General Muhammad Zia ul Haq, it was women who led the protests. Women artists, entrepreneurs, politicians, authors and professionals have always rejected the corseted roles men have sought to cast them in. Although the Hudood laws continue to cripple the status of women in Pakistan today, the Womens Act, the criminal law amendment against honour killing, the Bill for protection against harassment of women at the workplace, and the acid control and acid crime prevention laws are powerful strides forward. Today, nearly 30 per cent of doctors and 22 per cent of parliamentarians including the National Assembly speaker are women. In 2009, Ms Khar became the first woman to present the federal budget in parliament. Pakistani women are dynamic and unafraid, and this fact is one of the saving graces of our benighted country. Ms Khar has been criticised for being too young and for having a degree in hospitality management. But we are a young country with a young population (the median age is 21), so it is fitting that we have a young representative. While her father has no degree, she has two (the other in economics). What was achieved in Ms Khar and Mr Krishnas first meeting represented a marked change in outlook for the relationship between the two nations. Both sides agreed to boost trade by doubling the number of days the Kashmiri line of control would be open for commerce. Pakistan will give India most-favoured-nation status and India will lower tariff duties. Travel restrictions will be eased. India issued a statement that could be read to mean it was satisfied with Pakistans progress in the 2008 Mumbai attacks case. We still have a long way to go. It is unfair to expect Ms Khar to magically set right a history plagued with distrust. Our relations with India and America are complicated, and will remain so. But by confidently reaching out to India, she represents Pakistan and its peoples aspirations better than any man military or civilian ever could. the guardIan Shehrbano Taseer is a reporter at Newsweek Pakistan. today thursday august 4, 2011 15 today thursday august 4, 2011 commentanalysis 16 america must address the unsustainable growth of its entitlement programmes and reform its tax code ErsKINE BoWLEs aNd aLaN sIMPsoN a crisis merely postponed L ast month, United States President Barack Obama and Congressional leaders came close to an agreement that could have set our nation on a sound fiscal path, only to see deal after deal, compromise after compromise, collapse. The debt deal that Congress finally approved on Tuesday, however, is a start. It calls for at least US2.1 trillion (S2.54 trillion) in deficit reduction, including, starting in the fall, caps on discretionary spending worth around US900 billion in savings over 10 years, which is not chump change in anyones book. It represents an important first step towards fiscal sanity, and, by taking it we have avoided default and thus a potential financial crisis. We hope to avoid a costly downgrade to our debt as well. The problem with the plan is that it is just a step forward. It is not a solution. It leaves more than half of its work finding at least US1.2 trillion in savings to avert an automatic set of cuts to a new bipartisan Congressional committee. Even if that committee is successful, more tough work will be necessary to avoid, a few years down the road, another crisis over the deficit. This country needs a plan to reduce our deficits by no less than US4 trillion in the next decade. It needs a plan to cut more wasteful spending in the defence and nondefence budgets than this deal does. In addition, we must address the unsustainable growth of our entitlement programmes and reform the tax code to make it more competitive and more efficient. The bipartisan committee must take To avoid drastic changes later, we need to make modest changes now like gradually increasing the retirement age, slowing the growth of benefits for higher earners and asking them to contribute a little more in payroll taxes. These changes can and should be made in a way that actually improves retirement security for the most vulnerable. the deficit at the same time. To do all this, the new committee must be bipartisan and bold. It must resist the temptation to simply recommend the bare minimum necessary to avert the next crisis instead of truly dealing with our long-term fiscal problem. The leaders of Congress must appoint members who will come to the committee with a willingness to reach a principled compromise that puts national interests ahead of partisan ones. We were co-chairmen of a similar bipartisan group on debt reduction last year, and titled our final report The Moment of Truth. Of all our prescriptions, the most pertinent today is the one alluded to in the title: We must act now. If our government cannot address these terribly tough issues at a time when the publics attention is fully on them, when will we ever be able to The committee must begin its work immediately. We can reform our budget gradually without disrupting a very fragile economic recovery, but reform it we must. thE NEW yorK tIMEs according to the authors, if the us does not reform social security to achieve sustainable solvency, it will place an undue burden on future generations. on these challenges. It should find savings of far more than US1.2 trillion to get the deficit on track towards sustainability and to reassure markets, maintain our credibility, keep interest rates down and restore Americans faith in the political system. To do this, it cannot avoid addressing the big ticket items Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security solvency and tax reform. If we cannot find a way to slow the rapid rise of healthcare costs, they will drive this country to bankruptcy. We should ask more of healthcare providers and drug companies through adjustments in payment formulas and increased drug rebates for Medicaid and Medicare, more from beneficiaries through more rational cost-sharing rules that discourage the overutilisation of care, and more from lawyers through tort reform. And we need to cap growth in the long run. If we do not reform Social Security to achieve sustainable solvency, we will not only place an undue burden on future generations, we will leave all beneficiaries with a 23-percent across-the-board benefit cut in 2036. To avoid drastic changes later, we need to make modest changes now like gradually increasing the retirement age, slowing the growth of benefits for higher earners and asking them to contribute a little more in payroll taxes. These changes can and should be made in a way that actually improves retirement security for the most vulnerable. And we must address the tax code. We need new revenue to finance the increasing costs of our healthcare system and an ageing population but it should come from reducing or eliminating tax breaks, not from higher rates. The tax code is riddled with annual tax breaks amounting to US1 trillion most of which are just government spending in disguise. By reforming them, we can reduce individual and corporate tax rates in a way that keeps the tax code progressive while promoting economic growth and reducing Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson were co-chairmen of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. today thursday august 4, 2011 17 VOiCeS T oday we set you thinking todayonline Publisher Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Editor-At-Large Night Editor Digital Media Editor News Editor Voices Editor Foreign Editor Sports Editor Features Editor Special Projects Editor Chief Sub-Editor Senior Product Manager Patrick Yong Walter Fernandez Richard J Valladares Yvonne Lim Conrad Raj Razali Abdullah Edric Sng Loh Chee Kong Derrick A Paulo Trixia Carungcong Leonard Thomas Phin Wong Don Ong Bachan Singh Joni Ng TODAY THuRSDAY AuguST 4, 2011 18 have your say email your letters to voicesmediacorp. sg join the community todayonlinevoices After a fare hike, an inclusive society Letter from Adrian Tan THERE has been much debate on whether there should be a public transport fare hike. Whatever the reason behind the proposed hike and the benefits it may bring, I wonder how long it will take and how much we have to pay for a transport system that supports Singapore to become an inclusive society. Being a wheelchair-bound person, taking trains and buses is an infrequent activity for me, as they are always crowded. Recently, I tried to board the train at Jurong East Interchange at about 5pm. I had to wait for three trains and try hard to squeeze into a carriage. I need not elaborate as commuters know how challenging it is to board trains at such hours. The taxi seems to be the only mode of transport for people with physical disabilities, especially during peak hours. However, the cost is high. The National Council of Social Service has subsidy schemes but these only support trips to work or school. That is, people with disabilities have to bear the full cost of travelling for events such as social gatherings. How often can a person afford to travel when the transport cost is almost S50 each day This is a deterrent in leading a normal life. We should understand that people with physical disabilities are not robots. They should be travelling not just for work. According to Maslows hierarchy of needs, social need is one of the basic needs of every human. This is recognised in countries such as Australia, which explains why its subsidy scheme includes travelling for non-work related purposes. I understand that Singapore aims to be an inclusive society. However, this will never be attained if the Government lacks the necessary policy to support the goal. I hope the relevant agency will look into this and bring us closer to becoming an inclusive society. Patriotism: its more than a flag Letter from Danny g Tan I REFER to the letter Lets fly the Singapore flag (Aug 3), in which the writer appears to link a Singaporeans patriotism with whether or not he displays the National Flag at home. Patriotism is a complex issue linking the display of a flag to ones patriotism is simplistic, to say the least. I am a true-blue, born-and-bred Singaporean who is proud to live and work here. However, I choose not to display our flag for personal reasons too complicated to share. But rest assured that my family, like many others who do not display our flag, still has the interests of our nation at heart as we celebrate our 46th year of independence. Happy Birthday PHOTO BY ERNEST CHuA todaymediacorp. sg facebooktodayonline twittertodayonline youtubeTODAYdigital Caldecott Broadcast Centre, Annex Building, Level 1, Andrew Rd, Singapore 299939 Tel 6236 4888 Fax 6534 4217 Circulation Hotline 1800 698 6329 MediaCorp Press Ltd mediacorpnewshubmediacorp. sg TV Building, 2nd Floor, Caldecott Broadcast Centre, Andrew Rd, Singapore 299939 Tel 6251 7671 Fax 6251 5352 MediaCorp NewsHub today thursday august 4, 2011 19 today thursday august 4, 2011 Voices Letter from Juliana Chow Corporate Communications Deputy Director, Energy Market Authority 20 changes in electricity tariff primarily driven by fuel cost movements IN THE letter What about non-fuel cost (July 25), Mr David Boey commented that the average non-fuel generating cost for the first nine months of this year has increased compared to the same period last year. In setting the non-fuel generating cost, the Energy Market Authority pegs it to the cost of the most efficient generating technology currently in our market. This has helped to mitigate the impact of the increase in global oil prices on consumers, by encouraging generation companies to invest in more efficient technology, which in turn allows consumers to benefit from such efficiency gains. The non-fuel generating cost includes the costs of operating the generating plants, manpower costs, capital costs and an adjustment component to account for any variation between forecasted and actual electricity consumption. As these costs vary at different time intervals, changes in non-fuel generating costs should be considered over a longer time period. For example, over the last three years, the non-fuel generating cost has increased by around 3 per cent per annum. Overall changes in the electricity tariff continue to be primarily driven by movements in fuel costs. The bulk of the increase in electricity tariff this year was due to rising oil prices. Debate on local art can help highlight its peaks Letter from adrian Chan Pengee NOT many Singaporeans realise that the ongoing exhibition, Liu Kang: A Centennial Celebration, at the Singapore Art Museum is a unique opportunity to showcase the person who some may say is the best Liu Kangs Artist and Mo del. today FiLe Photo known, if not the most duced by a Singapore painter respected, painter Singapore will be a fierce one that will has produced. divide opinions. It is difficult for any art But it is important for us lover or critic to reach consento engage in such dialogue, as sus on a best-of list of Singait will highlight the peaks in pore artists, but Liu Kang surely the landscape of Singapore art. stands one of the best chances For good measure, my vote to fly the flag as perhaps the goes to Liu Kangs Artist And most notable of local artists. Model (1954), which shows felSingapore art needs such a low Nanyang pioneer Chen Wen flag bearer, if not to spearhead Hsi sketching a Balinese woman. a push by Singapore artists for With its whimsical air, international renown, then at simple lines and brave use of least to galvanise and unify the a strong and vibrant palette, arts scene here. it represents the best of an era A debate on who is or was and style and can be said to be the best or what is the most a landmark work. significant piece of work pro - What is in a word Letter from daniel Chan Wai Piew I REFER to the incident where Nanyang Technological University graduate Trinetta Chong spurted an expletive on an otherwise grand occasion. An NTU spokesman later said it was an isolated incident. It may be so for NTU, but I bet it was not the first time Ms Chong used such an expletive. Looking at the student population as a whole, this is an alarming, real issue and a wake-up call for our educators. Years ago, expletives, mostly in dialect, were hurled as abusive remarks or muttered casually, probably without the user knowing the meaning. In any case, they were used by uncouth or uneducated people in search of better words to express themselves. Today, we find students of all ages using expletives shamelessly in all languages and in all places, including trains, buses, shopping malls and, yes, schools and universities. What is in a word Nothing, as it simply highlights the speakers emotion. Plenty, as it conjures images and actions and reflects the upbringing of the speaker. Indeed, how many graduates get the opportunity to go on stage to be a valedictorian We have situational writing in school. It is time we teach situational talking, too. today thursday august 4, 2011 21 Singapore S30 million boost for food rD SINGAPORE To address future food demands, the National Research Foundation (NRF) has awarded S30 million in research grants to three projects under its Competitive Research Programme (CRP) Funding Scheme. The Singapore-based researchers had proposed projects to study a type of seabass that will breed easily and grows twice as fast as the normal variety, disease-resistent rice strains and fish that will be less susceptible to infection. The three proposals were selected after a rigorous competitive process which started in October last year, with the submission of 35 white papers which responded to the NRFs grant call on Meeting Future Food Demands for Singapore. Eleven were picked and their researchers asked to flesh out full proposals, which were sent for international peer reviews. Finally, the NRFs International Evaluation Panel met to choose three. The CRP Funding Scheme offers funding support of up to S10 million per proposal, over three to five years. CRP grant calls are announced twice a year. The NRF also announced yesterday a research grant to develop advanced membrane technology for large-scale wastewater treatment and seawater desalination. a specialised clinic for each group Ng JINg yNg jingyngmediacorp. sg SINGAPORE When it comes to public sexual health services, a majority of patients would prefer to have specialised clinics for individual groups such as youths and homosexuals, according to the findings of the first study on the subject here. The study also raised concerns about young people below 20 becoming sexually active at a younger age and men-whohave-sex-with-men (MSM), citing the need for sexual health prevention and intervention programmes specifically tailored for them. The Department of Sexually Transmitted Infections Control (DSC) Clinic which conducted the study two years ago has since set up a Mens Clinic on its premises, seeing between 30 and 40 patients every month. The clinic, meant for MSM, has only male staff to make for a less intimidating environment for the patients. The setting up of the clinic in January is in line with the studys results, which showed that more than 70 per cent of the 130 MSMs respondents felt the need to have a clinic to cater to their needs. As for having other dedicated clinics, 61 per cent of all 1,000 respondents said that it was essential to have a clinic catering to young patients. While setting up these specific services could encourage the targeted groups to come forward for screening and treatment, such moves may also be viewed by some quarters as sending out the wrong signals to society. National University of Singapore sociologist Paulin Straughan noted that some conservative groups would argue that abstinence is the best prevention but the truth of the matter is that there are these alternative lifestyles in the community. Citing past findings that homosexuals tend to be at a higher risk of contracting Aids, she said: Having a dedicated clinic would reach out to them and promote control to turn a blind eye would, in fact, result in unwanted consequences. While such a service could be beneficial, the challenge lies in getting a positive take-up rate, added Associate Professor Straughan. As for youths, the Singapore Childrens Societys Dr Carol Balhetchet pointed out that information about sex is already widely available. Dr Balhetchet, its director of youth services, said that reaching out to youths would be best left to other youths who have gone through the hard way as adults will be deemed as judgmental. However, she added, a supportive family would strongly encourage youth to stay out of trouble. The DSC Clinic study, Patients Perception of Health Services for Sexually Transmitted Infections in Singapore, was published in the July edition of the Singapore Medical Journal. Led by Dr Gavin Ong from the DSC Clinic, the study collected 1,000 individual responses from patients over a four-week period in May 2009. Dr Ong told Today that the findings were in line with international studies and anecdotal observations, where confidentiality and competency of healthcare workers were key concerns of patients. While the issue of stigma was not highlighted in the study, Dr Ong said this was one of the studys limitations since the respondents were patients of the DSC Clinic. Still, he added, the study, being the first of its kind here, serves as a good reference point on patients needs. today thursday august 4, 2011 23 today thursday august 4, 2011 singapore CoE prEmiums down aCross thE board MAN JAILEd FOR SWAPPING dIAMONdS WITH CRYSTALS PAGE 26 CatEgory Quota prEmium ChangE q q q q q 24 a (small cars, taxis) b (big cars) C (goods vehicles) d (motorcycles) E (open) s48,801 s70,890 s34,009 s1,890 s70,117 s7,201 s1,611 s493 s122 s4,373 Four awarded LKY scholarship this year all will pursue their post-grad studies in the united states SINGAPORE Four people receiving the Lee Kuan Yew Scholarship this year, given out by the Tanjong Pagar Citizens Consultative Committee, will be doing post-graduate studies in American universities. Recipient Lim Hui Min will be reading a Master of Laws at Harvard Law School. She is currently a senior legal associate with Access to Justice Asia LLP, a Singapore-based NGO representing Khmer Rouge victims. Another recipient, Mr Chng Kai Fong, will be pursuing a Master of Science in Management at Stanford University. He was concurrently awarded the Administrative Service Postgraduate Scholarship and Fulbright Scholarship. His portfolio included the review of the Mother Tongue Language policy and the establishment of the new School of Science and Technology. Mr Hoe Wee Meng will be pursuing a Master in Public Administration at Harvard University, while Mr Tan Ken Jin will be reading a Master of Education (in the area of Educational Research, Measurement and Evaluation) at Boston Colleges Lynch School of Education. Mr Tan was also awarded the MOE Postgraduate scholarship. Launched in 1991, the Lee Kuan Yew Scholarship was set up to commemorate the contributions of former Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew to Singapore. To date, 32 Singaporeans have received the award. Applicants must be Singapore citizens, have outstanding academic records, demonstrate leadership qualities and be active in social or community service or sports. Outstanding Singaporeans can pursue postgraduate studies overseas or locally to develop their potential as leaders in their respective fields. There are no restrictions on the course of study. While there is no bond associated with the scholarship, Lee Kuan Yew Scholars are expected to actively contribute towards society. Consumer confidence falls in second quarter SINGAPORE Consumer confidence in Singapore took a slight beating in the second quarter this year, pushing the Republic out of its longstanding position at the global top 10 most-confident list. According to the latest Nielsen Global Consumer Confidence Index survey, Singapores consumer confidence fell six index points to 103 in the second quarter, the lowest in six consecutive quarters. The survey tracks consumer confidence, major concerns and spending intentions among 31,000 Internet consumers in 56 countries throughout the AsiaPacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, Africa and North America. Across the board from investing in stocks and buying clothes to taking holidays and upgrading technology consumer spending intentions are lower compared to three months ago. According to the survey, online consumers are less likely to spend on things they want and need, with only 35 per cent saying that the next 12 months is an excellent or good time to buy the things they want, down 10 percentage points from the first quarter. The top three household expenditure items consumers are looking to cut back on are groceries, new clothes and utilities. Said Nielsen Singapore managing director Joan Koh: Generally, consumer sentiment here is affected by lingering concerns about inflation and negative news flow from other parts of the world. As a result, even though the countrys economic outlook is healthy, consumers may still be at a crossroads: To spend now or later She added that consumers are also likely to seek value in daily necessities such as switching to cheaper grocery brands. According to the survey, work-life balance and rising food prices topped Singaporeans list of worries for the second quarter. today thursday august 4, 2011 25 today thursday august 4, 2011 singapore SINGAPORE A teenaged boy accused of the molestation of four girls and insulting the modesty of four others has been offered bail of S15,000. His lawyer, Ms Christina Goh, told the court that the parents of the 15-year-old student have already put in place plans to ensure that he is accompanied at all times. The lawyer said the boys father will fetch his son from school as the youngster allegedly had committed the offences while on his way home. She added that he had already missed about a month of school. It is believed that the boy, who cannot be named due to his age, carried out the molestation of the four girls in the lifts of Bukit Batok apartment blocks between April and June this year. 26 Boy, 15, accused of molestation offered bail of s15,000 He also allegedly insulted the modesty of four other girls in the neighbourhood within the same period. The teenager allegedly unzipped his trousers and exposed himself to one of them. It is believed that he appeared in the nude before the three others. His case will be mentioned again on Aug 25. shaffiq alkhatib The lawyer said the boys father will fetch his son from school as the youngster allegedly had committed the offences while on his way home. Man jailed for swapping diamonds with crystals shaffiq alkhatib shaffiqmediacorp. sg SINGAPORE A former sales manager who visited jewellery shops and swapped five genuine diamonds with look-alike crystals was jailed for a year yesterday. Loh Han Kok (picture), 39, targeted five different stores last year and stole more than S63,000 worth of diamonds. He pleaded guilty to three charges, while four others were taken into consideration during sentencing. Loh used to work in the jewellery industry before he decided to dabble in multi-level marketing. But he did badly and racked up large credit card bills instead. The court heard that Loh stole the most expensive diamond, valued at nearly S33,000, from a Lee Hwa Jewellery outlet at Causeway Point shopping centre in Woodlands. He visited the store on Dec 2 and asked to view the 1.5-carat gemstone. A customer service executive took it out and placed the diamond on a tray so that Loh could examine it under a scope. Loh then asked if he could take a look at the diamond certificate and the service executive obliged. He left Loh with the gemstone while he retrieved the document. While he was gone, Loh switched the diamond with a fake and pocketed the genuine gemstone. The switch was only discovered 11 days later when another employee re-examined Photo courtesy sPore Police force He stole the most expensive diamond, valued at nearly S33,000, from a Lee Hwa Jewellery outlet at Causeway Point in Woodlands. the stores loose diamonds and could not find a laser inscription, usually found on genuine gemstones, on an item she thought was a 1.5-carat diamond. The police were alerted to the offences after a jewellery store in Yishun lodged a report stating that one of its customers had switched a genuine diamond with a fake. Loh was arrested following an investigation which revealed that he had used a similar ruse in other shops islandwide. Deputy Public Prosecutor Amardeep Singh said that, after stealing the diamonds, Loh would sell them to a company known as To Win Enterprises. He received more than S23,000 for three of them, said the DPP. the Navy, air force aNd army come together download the free tag reader app for your smartphone from gettag. mobi and scan the tag, and youll be led straight to video of our men in action in a joint exercise between the army, Navy and air force. today thursday august 4, 2011 27 World Call for release of Internet aCtIvIst today thursday august 4, 2011 28 Chinese rights advocates are calling for the release of an Internet activist who will soon face trial in a case they say highlights the governments fear of increasingly bold public activism. Supporters say Wang lihong, 56, represents a growing breed of Internet-empowered Chinese activists ordinary people who mobilise others to fight problems such as corruption or miscarriages of justice. The charge is linked to Wangs participation in a dem - onstration outside a court in Fuzhou city last April in support of three bloggers accused of slander after they tried to help an illiterate woman pressure the authorities to reinvestigate her daughters death. Wang, held at a central Beijing detention centre, is expected to be tried in several weeks on the vaguely worded charge of creating a disturbance and will plead not guilty, her lawyer Han Yicun said. If convicted, she faces up to five years in jail. ap a surveillance camera at Wutai shan, shanxi province. More surveillance cameras needed BEIJING Police in Beijing have ordered supermarkets and malls to install high-definition security cameras, as China continues its expansion in monitoring technology. Internal security spending has soared to almost 625 billion yuan (S117.3 billion) this year, more than the countrys official military budget. Monitoring measures range from reinvigorating the neighbourhood committees that watch the comings and goings of residents to tightening Internet controls. The country has added millions of such cameras over the last five years. Officials say using higher quality cameras paves the way for increasingly sophisticated analysis and linking of the information. In May, Shanghai announced that a team of 4,000 monitor its surveillance feeds to ensure round-the-clock coverage. The south-western municipality of Chongqing has announced plans to add 200,000 cameras by 2014 because 310,000 digital eyes are not enough. Urumqi, which saw vicious ethnic violence in 2009, installed 17,000 high-definition, riot-proof cameras last year to ensure seamless surveillance. Inner Mongolia plans to have 400,000 units by next year. The city of Changsha, the Furong district alone reportedly has 40,000 one for every 10 inhabitants. the guardIan study on Internet explorer users a hoax A study claiming that those who use Microsofts Internet Explorer browser have a lower average IQ than those who use Google Chrome or Apples Safari is a hoax, the BBC reported yesterday. The research, which was conducted by bogus firm ApTiquant, claimed to have invited 100,000 Web users to take a free online IQ test and then compared the results to the browsers they used. It was carried by a number of media outlets, including the BBC, CNN, The Daily Telegraph, Forbes and Today. But questions arose over ApTiquants authenticity after it emerged that its website was set up only last month, with images stolen from a legitimate French research company, Central Test. It was unclear who perpetrated the hoax. No one on ApTiquants contact number was available for comment when contacted by the BBC. The end of Chinas rail ministry BEIJING Chinas deadliest highspeed train crash may hasten the breakup of a ministry that runs the worlds second-largest rail network, employs more people than the United States government and has debts larger than Denmarks economy. Premier Wen Jiabao has pledged more focus on safety and greater accountability following the July 23 crash that killed 40 people, endangering the Ministry of Railways dual grip on regulating and operating Chinas trains. Dividing these roles may improve management, financial transparency and safety, said Professor Hu Xingdou of the Beijing Institute of Technology. The railway ministry has been run like an independent kingdom for years. The concentration of power has caused inefficiency and mismanagement, and its a hotbed for corruption, Prof Hu said. The ministry, which employs 2.1 million people and has its own court system, accumulated and retained its powers partly because of a traditional national-defense role, Prof Hu said. The Communist Party has relied on railways to speed troop movements since coming to power, he said. Mr Sheng Guangzu, who became Rail Minister in February after his predecessor was removed during a bribery investigation, faces public anger over the accident, ministry ties to suppliers and the burial of a train carriage before rescue work was completed. He is also wrestling with waning demand for ministry bonds and debts totaling 2.1 trillion yuan (S394 billion), or about 5 per cent of gross domestic product. Separating the ministrys regulatory and operating roles would bring the railways into line with other parts of Chinas state-run economy, including aviation, telecommunications and energy. In those sectors, government-backed companies, which are often listed, run the day-to-day businesses while separate state agencies regulate them. The ministrys dual role as referee and market player should be ended, said Prof Mao Shoulong, at Renmin University. The crash may provide a catalyst for the reform. He added: The ministry enjoys too high a ranking and too much power. reuters seCret servICe apprehends seCond WhIte house fenCe-jumper In 48 hours A homeless man was in custody on Tuesday night in the United States capital, Washington, after climbing over the White House fence. The man was apprehended by Secret Service agents, said agency spokesman Ed donovan. The fence-jumper, James dirk Crudup, 41, had a backpack that was being examined for possible explosive material. He faces charges of unlawful entry and contempt of court for violating an order to stay away from the White House. President Barack obama was believed to be in the White House at the time of the intrusion. on Sunday night, another intruder made it onto the grounds before she was apprehended: A six-year-old girl who slipped through the bars of the fence. She was returned to her parents outside the fence without any interrogation. agenCIes sydney polICe try to defuse bomb strapped to teen Police were yesterday called in to defuse a bomb strapped to an 18-year-old girl at a house in a wealthy suburb of Sydney. New South Wales police said the teenager, reportedly part of one of Sydneys wealthiest families, called them to the house in Mosman. Police then spent the next 10 hours helping extricate 18-year-old Madeleine Pulver. A police officer initially said the device was believed to be an unusual collar bomb which has never been seen before in Australia. But when the device was finally removed, it was found to be non-explosive. officials had evacuated surrounding homes, closed streets to traffic and medical and fire crews were on standby. agenCIes today thursday august 4, 2011 29 today thursday august 4, 2011 30 Hosted by T Goes smart Home entertainment sHoppinG he latest buzzwords in home entertainment systems are smart, HD (high definition) and 3D. What this all means is that home theatre systems can now transport you to an entertainment realm that is more immersive and realistic than ever. With smart TVs and the latest home theatre systems that feature superior 3D sound and, for some, smart Blu-ray functions, you can now have better access to a wider range of 2D and 3D content, such as movies, games, music and sports, as well as the convenience of enhanced connectivity at home. SMART TV Besides watching television programmes, a smart TV can essentially be used as a computer for Web browsing and for accessing online content such as games and movies. Most smart TVs have app stores bursting with a multitude of applications you can download for your information, entertainment and social media needs. Wireless connectivity is a must, as it allows you to link up to your other (compatible) devices without the hassle of additional and unsightly cables. Not only will you have easy access to the content stored on your digital cameras, mobile phones, tablets and notebooks, you can effortlessly transfer content such as movies, photos and music from them to your TV. You can even connect your mobile phone to some smart TVs and then send and receive SMS messages on the latter. Intuitive interfaces and clever design add another dimension to your entertainment experience. For instance, some smart TVs have sync functions that consolidate all the controls of your entire home theatre system into one remote control for easy navigation. Others have thoughtful functions such as position control a built-in face detection camera and technology determines where you are seated relative to the TV, and automatically adjusts the picture and audio balance for an optimum experience. SMART HOME THEATRE SYSTEM The latest home theatre systems do not just come with HD and 3D playback for standard DVDs, but also smart TV capabilities, which means you have the same options of using a Web browser directly on the TV screen, and accessing online content easily. A full range of apps and wireless connectivity are also part of the package. Some systems also A wide range of smart TVs and home theatre systems, priced from S599, are available at Harvey Norman. allow you to download an app that turns your smartphone into a remote control. The beauty of a home theatre system lies in the superior sound quality it offers the latest offerings promise to serve up 3D audio that matches the 3D movies and TV viewing experience. Different manufacturers employ different technology to achieve the desired effects but some features you can look for include vertical sound channels used in tallboy speakers that expand the sound field to the ceiling, dual subwoofers that deliver a room-filling effect, and amplifiers which filter distortion and noise to result in crystal-clear, pure sound. Also, you may want to look for systems that support premium audio formats such as Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio. Additional functions that may appeal to individuals include built-in karaoke capability and docking stations for iPods and iPhones. SMART BLU-RAY HOME THEATRE SYSTEMS On top of playback for standard DVDs, some of the most up-to-date home theatre systems have also integrated full HD 1,080p playback for Blu-ray discs. These typically also have the ability to up-convert older, non-HD content to be played at full 1,080p, and there are also machines equipped with powerful video processors that can convert 2D content into 3D. Tell us what to look out for when shopping for home entertainment systems Email your tip, in no more than 50 words, to smartshoppermediacorp. sg by 12pm on Aug 10 with your full name as in NRIC, NRIC number and contact number, and you could be the lucky one to win a 50 shopping voucher from Harvey Norman The winning tip will be published in the next Smart Shopper feature on Aug 18. TERMS CONDITIONS This contest is open to all except employees and immediate family members of Pertama Merchandising Pte Ltd and its companies, and MediaCorp Pte Ltd. Please submit entry with your full name as in NRIC, NRIC No and contact number. By participating in this contest, the participant agrees to be bound by the official rules, regulations and decisions. Judges decision is final and no correspondence will be entertained. All participants must be above the age of 18. All entries must be submitted via email. Any discrepancies shall disqualify the participant. All winners will be notified by phone. Each participant is only allowed to submit 1 entry (not more than 50 words) for each contest. The management reserves the right to amend any terms and conditions of this contest without prior notice. Shopper tip of the week How to choose an IT gadget With increasingly sophisticated design and features in IT gadgets, an ideal gadget should have basic functions that help save time, apps that provide games and entertainment on the move, and more importantly, ease of use that complements your existing IT gadgets. Contributed by Grace Long, SXXX6340A today thursday august 4, 2011 31 today thursday august 4, 2011 World Vietnam Parliament aPProVes Cabinet that strengthens Pms Power 32 Vietnams Parliament approved a new Cabinet yesterday that is likely to enhance the Prime Ministers power and may streamline policy-making during a rough patch for the economy but points largely to continuity in the coming five years. Analysts see all four deputy Prime Ministers as supporters of Prime Minister Nguyen Tan dung, bolstering his control over the US100 billion (S120.9 billion) economy, which is struggling with high inflation, trade and budget deficits and a volatile currency. As widely expected, Parliament approved as central bank governor Nguyen Van Binh, a former colleague of the Prime Ministers, and also endorsed an audit and accounting expert to be finance minister. The National Assembly handed Mr Nguyen a second five-year term last week. during his first term the economy overheated and then struggled through the global economic crisis. Some critics said Mr Nguyen reacted too slowly at times and shunned outside advice, and all three major rating agencies lowered Vietnams credit rating last year. reuters an elderly woman looking at a canal from a bridge in tokyo. aP Japan takes steps to keep elderly from dying alone TOKYO Japans rapidly ageing society, where nearly one in four people is over 65, means that more elderly are living alone every year and also, sadly, dying alone their bodies sometimes undiscovered for days. But now, local authorities are teaming up with institutions such as the post office to check in on senior citizens, increasing their human contact and improving their lives. In Tokyos Shinagawa ward, where last year at least 25 elderly died alone in their homes, an experimental programme that began this month gets postmen to check up on people over 65 once a month by handing them seasonal greeting cards, while a realtor is promoting the idea of house-sharing by single mothers and senior citizens. Last year, 4.6 million elderly lived alone across Japan, and the number of those who died at home rose 61 per cent between 2003 and last year, from 1,364 to 2,194, according to the Bureau of Social Welfare and Public Health in Tokyo. A deep-seated Japanese reluctance to interfere in the lives of others means that some of these people may go through their days without talking to anybody. An enormous flaw in Japanese society is that we dont look each other in the eye when were walking in the streets. We need to re-think the Japanese fear of interacting with others, social commentator Tomoko Inukai said. reuters norwegian shot dead in PhiliPPines, susPeCt flees An off-duty police officer is the main suspect in the killing of an 18-year-old Norwegian tourist outside a bar in a Manila suburb where he tried to stop a fight, the chief investigator said yesterday. Police said Mr Mikael Troy Johansen rasay had left the bar with friends early on Sunday when he tried to break up a fight between a man and a woman across the street. Chief Inspector rodelio Marcelo, head of the Quezon Citys Criminal Investigation and detection Unit, said that Mr rasay, who stood 1.9m-tall, knocked the man down in a fist fight. A second man also fought with Mr rasay but the teenager also knocked him down. Gunfire rang out moments later and witnesses reported seeing another man chasing and shooting Mr rasay, who slumped to the ground after he was hit three times in the back, according to Mr Marcelo. The suspect, a Manila police officer who fled the scene in a car, has been identified by eyewitnesses. Mr rasay, whose father is Filipino, had spent much of his childhood in Norway. A wake was held at the rasay family home in Tanza township, near Manila. aP today thursday august 4, 2011 33 today thursday august 4, 2011 World ROME An Italian parliamentary commission has approved a draft law banning women from wearing veils that cover their faces in public. The draft passed by the Constitutional Affairs Commission on Tuesday would prohibit women from wearing a burqa, naqib or any other garb that covers the face in such circumstances. It would expand a decades-old law that for security reasons, prohibited people from wearing face-covering items in public places. Women who violate the ban would face fines of between 100 (S172) and 300, while third parties who force women to cover their faces in public would be fined 30,000 and face up to 12 months in jail. 34 Italian panel approves draft law banning veils that cover faces Italy is the latest European country to act against the burqa. France and Belgium have banned the wearing of burqa-style Islamic dress in public, as has a city in Spain. The Italian law was sponsored by the Moroccan-born member of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconis conservative Freedom People party Ms Souad Sbai who said she wanted to help Islamic women better integrate into Italian society. However, Mr Roberto Hamza Piccard, spokesman for the Union of Islamic Communities in Italy, said banning the Islamic veil is unjust and touches individual liberty. He was quoted by the ANSA news agency as saying that such a ban would isolate devout Muslim women, who would not be able to leave their homes. aP Berlusconi hopes to calm concerns over economy ROME Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi (picture) was expected to address Parliament yesterday seeking to calm escalating market fears that Italy may be dragged into a Greekstyle financial crisis threatening the euro zone. On Tuesday, the financial markets pummelled Italy, sending interest rates on its 10-year bond well above 6 per cent. Most alarming to economists is that Italys position in the markets is deteriorating even though Parliament passed a 48 billion (S83 billion) austerity package last month to bring the budget into balance by 2014. Italys Parliament will vote to approve a new package of financial support for Greece and other indebted European countries around mid-September. The countrys financial woes have also arrived in a feverish climate of judicial investigations, lurid rumours and rising popular anger with politicians who keep their privileges while imposing spending cuts on other Italians. Earlier this year, prosecutors charged Mr Berlusconi with paying for sex with a minor. But the new investiga - aP tions tap deeper veins: Corruption, influence peddling and accusations that public officials are answering to murky networks of power far beyond their institutional roles. The most prominent investigation touches on Finance Minister Giulio Tremonti, whose political future was jeopardised when he admitted to paying cash to stay in a Rome apartment owned by a former political adviser and Member of Parliament. We are in a climate of stable instability, said Mr Massimo Franco, the chief political columnist of Italys leading daily, Corriere della Sera. The risk is that this instability will become more dramatic because of the market speculation, he added. agencies syrian tanks occuPy main hama square, shell city Tanks took over the main orontes square in the besieged Syrian city of Hama and electricity and telephone phone lines were cut yesterday as President Bashar Assads regime showed no signs of halting the intense military assault against an uprising now in its fifth month. All communications have been cut off. The regime is using the media focus on (former Egyptian leader) Hosni Mubarak trial to finish off Hama, one of the residents told Reuters by satellite phone from the city, adding that shelling concentrated on Al Hader district. He said that tanks were seen thrusting to the centre from the south, accompanied by an array of ultra-loyalist units, including militiamen known as shabbiha, paratroopers and special forces. We are being subjected to shelling, machine gun fire, snipers fire, everything you can think of, said activist omar Al Hamawi. For the past four days, Syrian troops have tightened their siege on Hama, sending residents fleeing for their lives as the death toll reached around 100. The square was a venue for some of the largest demonstrations against Mr Assads rule. agencies today thursday august 4, 2011 35 Brought to you by ACHIEVING BUSINESS SUCCESS Learn from Disney and reach for business excellence within your organisation the Disney way PHOTOS BY KOH MUI FONG Want to know the secret behind the success of The Walt Disney Company Come find out at the Service Excellence workshops presented by Disney Institute and apply it to your own organisation Next U Institute of Service Excellence (ISE) is the only provider in Singapore that offers Disney Institute training and consultancy service. Through this unique collaboration with Disney Institute, ISE has created the Service Excellence program to help Singapore companies achieve strong business results. If you want to drive your companys service standards to greater heights and attain optimal outcomes, then check out ISEs popular Disney Institute program: Leading and Sustaining a Culture of Service Excellence. WHAT THE WORKSHOP IS ALL ABOUT Look beyond your traditional industry and into the world of Disney In this threeday workshop, discover how Disney ensures that greater customer experiences are offered everywhere from their theme parks and resorts to restaurants and information counters. Be inspired as the expert consultants and trainers, who have built careers in Disney, share anecdotes of their experiences from within the organisation. Plus, get insider knowledge about the Disney culture and how their leaders and operations work to maintain success. LESSONS YOU CAN USE Disneys best practices including Leadership Excellence, Brand Loyalty, People Management, Inspiring Creativity and Quality Service are key to business excellence. Find out how these lessons forge enduring bonds between inspiring leaders, motivated employees and satisfied customers. Workshop series Through the leadership excellence topic, Ive learnt that Disney is successful because the leaders believe in building a culture through role modeling, participative management and story-telling. Employees are constantly observing the behaviours of the leaders to determine what they value, said Janice Ho, work shop participant. WHAT YOULL LIKE ABOUT IT Set in an intimate and relaxed environment, the workshop offers interactive classroom experiences, videos for case illustration and group learning activities that are enriching and fun. The Disney Institute facilitators will keep you engaged and ensure a dynamic learning experience. World-renowned for its business practices, Disney Institute showcases practical, real-world expertise that you can adapt to your company. With a wide The personal sharing of incidents on how an individual, regardless of how small hisher role may be, can still impact the life of others by creating a meaningful magical experience for them, said Janice Ho. range of products and services and with large frontline and back office operations, Disney shares similar business issues to any organisation. The project on effective communication is similar to real business issues we faced. Miscommunication or no communication on requirements will result in unsatisfactory completion of a task, said Ms Ho. NICOLETTE ONG SERVICE EXCELLENCE THROUGH DISNEY INSTITUTE Customised solutions Check out the other workshops and services provided by ISE and Disney Institute. Every quarter, Disney Institute presents the Leading and Sustaining a Culture of Service Excellence workshop with ISE. Disney Institute also offers customised one or two day workshops specifically for your organisation in any of the Disney Institute core topics. LEADING AND SUSTAINING A CULTURE OF SERVICE EXCELLENCE WORKSHOP. Enroll in the next workshop and learn how the Disney approach can help you create and sustain excellence within your organisation. Date: Oct 19 to 21 Time: 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Venue: Next U Institute of Service Excellence, 02-01 NTUC Trade Union House, 73 Bras Basah Road. Cost: S1,710 To register: Call 6471 2223 or email pmenextu. sg For more information, visit ise. nextu. sg Fees are inclusive of 50-per-cent funding and GST. Funding is applicable for SingaporeansPRs only. An additional 20-per-cent funding is available. Geschäftsbedingungen gelten. Disney Institute and ISE consultants will work with you to design custom solutions that meet your specific needs. The solutions are tailored to industry, organisational goals and objectives, corporate culture and structure as well as your timeline. Service Excellence Learning Journey The fully-immersive program takes you to Orlando in the USA or Hong Kong to experience both the frontline and back-stage first-hand. It also takes textbook theory into operational reality and allows you to apply your learning through action planning. today thursday august 4, 2011 36 today thursday august 4, 2011 37 today thursday august 4, 2011 World libyan embassy in us to reopen under opposition 38 The US State department has signed off on papers that will allow the libyan Embassy in Washington to reopen. The embassy will be under the control of the opposition Transitional National Council and give staff access to roughly US13 million (S15.7 million) in mission assets that had been frozen previously. State department officials said on Tuesday that the councils request to reopen the embassy had been reviewed and approved following President Barack obama administrations decision last month to formally recognise the Benghazibased group as libyas legitimate governing authority. libyas former Ambassador to the United States, Mr Ali Aujali, who resigned to protest against libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafis violent crackdown on opponents, is expected to serve as charge daffaires. The State department had shut down the embassy shortly after it suspended the operations of the US Embassy in Tripoli in February. ap Indias richest man may lose 27-storey home NEW DELHI Indias richest man faces the prospect of losing the worlds most expensive family home after claims that the land it was built on was sold illegally. Mr Mukesh Ambani, the worlds ninth wealthiest man, moved his family into their 27-storey tower block home, named Antilia (picture), on Mumbais Arabian seafront last year. The home, which is claimed to have cost more than US1 billion (S1.21 billion), has three helipads, a 50-seat cinema, several swimming pools, a ballroom, six floors of parking for 160 cars and space for 600 domestic staff. But the petro-chemical magnate with a personal fortune of more than 16 billion (S31.5 billion) could lose it. Mr Mohammed Arif Naseem Khan, the local Minority Affairs Minister, told the state assembly that the plot was illegally sold by a childrens charity which ran an orphanage on the site. He said the land was owned by the Waqf Board, a trust which controls Muslim heritage properties and charitable institutions throughout India. It had given the plot to a charity to use as an orphanage for Muslim children but the Currimbhoy Ebrahim Khoja Orphanage Trust sold it to Mr Ambani in 2002 for 3 million. The deal was approved by a charity commissioner but not by the Waqf Board, which has since launched court action to recover the site. A decision on whether to call in Indias Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) would not be made until the current inquiry had been completed, he added. The charity denies any wrongdoing. the daily telegraph bloomberg today thursday august 4, 2011 39 today thursday august 4, 2011 World us to tackle extremism at local level 40 local communities around the country are best suited to take on the challenge of combatting the kind of violent extremism that inspires people to kill, the obama administration concluded in a new national plan, expected to be released yesterday, to fight the threat of Al Qaeda and other violent radicals at home. And although Al Qaeda and like-minded groups pose the most significant and direct threat, the strategy focused on violent extremism of all varieties because violent ideologies change over time and new threats will undoubtedly arise in the future, according to an unclassified draft of the strategy. Communities are best placed to recognise and confront the threat because violent extremists are targeting their children, families and neighbours, the strategy said, adding that the federal governments job is to act in a support role in bringing people together and sharing information about threats and concerns and community-based solutions. The eight-page plan, more than a year in the making, was short on specifics and staked out no new ground on the thorny issue of home-grown terrorism. It repeated many of President Barack obamas past statements and in parts was similar to a document the George W Bush administration produced five years ago. aP Mosque case: Washington will not reveal details LOS ANGELES United States Attorney-General Eric Holder has invoked rules on state secrets to prevent information from being released in a lawsuit filed by Southern California Muslims who claim the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) monitored their activities. In a legal declaration, Mr Holder made a rare assertion of the state secrets privilege, arguing that it could cause significant harm to national security if the government is forced to reveal the subjects of a mosquesurveillance operation in 2006 and describe how the monitoring was carried out. Mr Holders declaration came in a motion to dismiss the bulk of a lawsuit filed against the FBI in February by the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California and the Los Angeles office of the Council on AmericanIslamic Relations. A judge must weigh the request, which comes after many details from the investigation, dubbed Operation Flex, have already been made public. The key informant in the case, Mr Craig Monteilh, turned against the FBI and described how his agency handlers taught him to ingratiate himself into the Orange County Muslim community, then secretly gather cell phone numbers, email addresses and record conversations. Mr Monteilh claims the FBI even told him to talk openly about jihad in an attempt to solicit terrorist sentiments from community members. But instead of responding to his violent rhetoric, mosque-goers called the FBI to say they were worried about his statements. The FBI said it does not initiate counterterrorism operations based solely on a groups religion. aP neW World TrAde CenTre a new building, called one World trade center, rises in New york on the site of the terrorist attacks of sept 11, 2001. the skyscraper is now 76 floors and will reach 104 floors, just before the 10th anniversary of the attacks next month. aP today thursday august 4, 2011 41 BUSINESS aFtErNooN latEst today thursday august 4, 2011 42 OCBC profit up 15 despite rising staff costs SINGAPORE Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp (OCBC), Singapores second-biggest lender, posted a lower-than-expected 15-per-cent rise in quarterly net profit this morning as higher staff costs and bad debt charges partially offset strong interest income. OCBC posted a net profit of S577 million in the April-to-June quarter, compared to S503 million a year earlier. Analysts polled by Thomson Reuters had an average forecast of S619 million for net profit. Net interest margin narrowed to 1.87 per cent in the quarter from 1.96 per cent a year earlier, OCBC said. Net interest income grew to S827 million, a 15-per-cent increase from the same quarter a year ago, primarily on the back of loan growth of 27 per cent across various industry sectors in Singapore and key markets overseas. Said CEO David Conner in a press release: Our solid first-half performance shows that our investments are continuing to bear fruit, underpinned by favourable economic conditions in our key markets. While we are cognisant of inflationary risks, as well as possible negative implications of fiscal issues in the US and Europe on global markets, we will continue to focus on expanding our regional franchise for further growth. OCBCs revenue from wealth management activities comprising revenue from insurance, private banking, asset management, stockbroking and sales of other wealth management products grew to S350 million, up 29 per cent from a year ago. Wealth management contributed 24.8 per cent of total revenue, up from 21.9 per cent a year ago. Also notable was the performance of OCBCs private banking business, with assets under management increasing 12 per cent in the first six months of the year to US29.6 billion (S35.7 billion). However, putting a drag on OCBCs performance was increased operating expenses, which rose by 11 per cent year-onyear to S618 million. OCBCs staff costs rose 14 per cent to S373 million. This was due to higher staff costs arising from headcount growth, salary increments, as well as sales commissions and incentive compensation linked to stronger business volumes, said the bank in its press release this morning. The bank noted that net allowances of S56 million were substantially higher than S18 million a year ago, comprising mainly portfolio allowances for the strong loan growth. This increase in portfolio allowances had a negative bearing on the earnings for the quarter, the bank said. The result comes after DBS. South-east Asias biggest bank, last week posted a quarterly profit that was slightly above analyst forecasts, helped by strong loan growth as it rebounded from a loss a year ago when it took a goodwill charge. agENCIEs No ENd to gold rush as prECIous mEtals prICEs spIkE Gold hit a record for a second straight day on Wednesday, powered by deepening fears over the spread of the euro zone debt crisis. Spot gold was last quoted at US1,668.06 an ounce, up 0.5 per cent on the day, having hit a record US1,672.65 earlier. US gold futures were last up 1.6 per cent at US1,671.00 an ounce. The current fundamentals in the gold market are supportive of these higher prices. Concerns about sovereign debt burdens, the long-term value of certain reserve currencies and fear of persistent inflation are likely to continue for the foreseeable future, said Mr Tom Holl, co-manager of the BlackRock World Resources Fund. mIllEt ENrIquEz Franc too strong for its own good GENEVA Switzerlands central bank moved unexpectedly yesterday to ease the pressure on the Swiss economy caused by the super-strong franc, which has soared to record highs as debt crises buffet the United States and Europe. Declaring their currency massively overvalued, the Swiss National Bank cut its key interest rate target, and said it would raise the supply of liquidity to the Swiss franc money market in the next few days in a bid to weaken the franc. An avalanche of greenbacks and euros has been tumbling into this Alpine outpost at record rates, as investors see the franc as a haven from the twin debt crises in the United States and Europe. But its resulting strength risks undermining economic growth in Switzerland and stoking inflation, the central bank indicated. The franc is like the new gold, said a Geneva banker who would give only his first name, Dmitri, insisting on the discretion that is the hallmark of this reserved nation. Its crazy and its all anyone is talking about, in the morning, at lunch, at dinner parties. The Swiss central bank sought to tamp down demand yesterday by narrowing its target band for a key rate, the 3-month Libor, to 0.00-0.25 per cent from 0.00-0.75 per cent to fight the francs appreciation. The Swiss authorities declared they wont tolerate a tightening of monetary conditions, and would take further steps as necessary to curb the francs rise. The franc is like the new gold. Its crazy and its all anyone is talking about, in the morning, at lunch, at dinner parties. a swiss banker who gave his name as dmitri The cost of fine Swiss-made goods, from watches to precision machinery, has gone from eye-popping to eye-watering, and Swiss companies are warning of peril. This is bad for the Swiss economy, said Mr Thomas Christen, the chief executive of Lucerne-based Reed Electronics, who has started buying cheaper materials to offset his costs. thE NEW york tImEs RBS next in line to shed staff LONDON Royal Bank of Scotland plans to shed as many as 2,000 jobs from its investment banking unit, the Financial Times reported this morning. The newspaper cited Mr John Hourican, head of RBSs global banking and markets division, as saying a smaller, more focussed business would deliver more stable profits. An RBS spokesman told Reuters that chief executive Stephen Hester had already made clear that the bank would cut more jobs, including at its global banking and markets (GBM) investment bank arm, but that the bulk of its cuts had already been made. The spokesman declined to say if a specific number of cuts was planned. RBS, like other banking groups with sizable investment banks, is reshaping its business in response to sluggish markets and tighter regulation. RBS has scaled back its investment banking business and has cut 27,500 jobs since the financial crisis, including thousands in its global banking and markets unit. On Monday, HSBC said it would cut 30,000 jobs and on Tuesday Rand fx said it would cut about 3,000 jobs this year. rEutErs today thursday august 4, 2011 43 today thursday august 4, 2011 Business staNdard ChartErEd forECasts EIghth yEar of rECord INCoME 44 Asia-focused bank standard Chartered, the united Kingdoms second-largest lender by market value, has forecast an eighth successive year of record net income after reporting a 19-per-cent jump in first-half profit. Weve got income up, profit up, deposits up, lending up, dividend up, CeO Peter sands said yesterday. We have a somewhat different story to tell to other banks were growing, were hiring, were delivering profit growth. net income climbed 19 per cent from a year earlier to us2.57 billion (s3.1 billion) for the six months ended June, the bank said. Pretax profit surged 17 per cent to a record of us3.64 billion for the period. standard Chartered, which earns most of its profit in Asia, said it plans to hire 1,000 people this year. Given the markets we are in, and the momentum of our businesses, we expect to deliver doubledigit income growth this year and beyond, Mr sands said. Costs remain tightly managed. BLooMBErg BLooMBErg sGX securities turnover falls 3 from year earlier MILLEt ENrIQuEZ emelitamediacorp. sg SINGAPORE Securities turnover on the Singapore Exchange (SGX) fell 3 per cent from a year earlier to S29.3 billion last month. In its monthly statistical report released yesterday, the SGX said this translated to an average of S1.4 billion for securities traded daily. The biggest decline in volume trading was seen in the healthcare sector, which fell 72 per cent to 309 million shares valued at S244 million. Financials and industrials were next, with their share volumes declining 25 per cent and 13 per cent, respectively. Yet despite the fall in volumes, the two sectors still led in terms of value, with financials at S7.8 billion and industrials at S4.7 billion last month. Oil and gas posted the largest trading gain, rising 52 per cent to 1.5 billion shares valued at S2.9 billion. Meanwhile, trading volume for structured warrants increased 84 per cent on-year to 3.4 million units last month. For derivatives, the SGX said trading volume rose by 15 per cent to 5.2 million contracts. On average, about 252,751 contracts were traded daily last month. Nifty futures led the volume gain, increasing by 52 per cent from a year ago with 1.2 million contracts traded. Agricultural commodity futures volume increased 3 per cent on-year to 21,409 contracts following the consolidation of SICOM contracts onto the SGX platform, the report said. More OTC commodity contracts were cleared last month as it inched 5 per cent higher from a year ago to 19,812 contracts. All in, the SGX cleared about S32 billion worth of OTC Interest Rate Swaps last month, taking the total amount cleared to S142 billion notional since its launch. CiAs undergoes rebranding SINGAPORE Ground handling group Changi International Airport Services (CIAS), a subsidiary of Dubai-based travel management provider Dnata, has rebranded its operations here and will now be known as Dnata. The move is part of its parent companys S10 million global rebranding initiative in the 38 countries it operates in, including China, Australia and the United Kingdom. It is also in response to competition from other air service providers such as SATS, which launched its rebranding programme in June, and new competitor, United States-based Aircraft Service International Group, who recently received its ground handling licence from the Changi Airport Group. The company said the rebranding of CIAS is geared towards standardising services and providing better care for its customers in the aviation industry. Dnata president Gary Chapman said: The airlines are under a lot of pressure with higher fuel costs, so they are going to put pressure on ground handlers and flight caterers. Supporting industries such as ground handlers will have to respond to such events by being price competitive. aMaNda fENg today thursday august 4, 2011 45 today thursday august 4, 2011 46 today thursday august 4, 2011 47 today thursday august 4, 2011 Business 48 tuesday Monday Friday thursday 11,866.60 q 12,132.50 q 12,143.20 q 12,240.10 q 2.19 0.09 0.79 0.51 services sector growth slows aFtErnoon latEst doW WEdnEsday closE naME nysE toP 5 By voluME vol PricE changE WASHINGTON The pace of growth in the United States services sector ticked down unexpectedly in July to the lowest level since February last year and the number of jobs created by the private sector also slowed, reports showed yesterday. Taken alongside disappointing data on the manufacturing sector earlier in the week, the services data showed an economy that was frustrating hopes for a rebound in the second half of the year after a very weak first half. It looks like this confirms that we are in a bit of a soft patch here, said Societe Generale senior economist Rudy Narvas at. It is not pointing to recession, but we still have to see how the data turns out the data is a little bit all over the place these days and the risk is things are not looking as bright as they were in June or prior to that. The Institute for Supply Management said its services sector index fell to 52.7 last month from 53.3 in June. The reading fell shy of economists forecasts for 53.6, according to a Reuters survey, though it was still above the 50 figure that indicates expansion in the sector. The new orders gauge slipped to 51.7 from 53.6, while employment fell to 52.5 from 54.1. The report echoed earlier global data that showed the euro zones service sector grew at its weakest pace in nearly two years, while Chinas sector grew at its slowest in three months. Like the manufacturing report earlier this week, the non-manufacturing ISM shows an economy stuck in first gear, said FTN Financial economist Chris Low. rEutErs 11,896.40 (0.25) us nasdaq 2,693.07 (0.89) sP500 1,260.34 (0.50) Bank of america Ford general Electric sprint nextel alcatel-lucent 173.6m 126.8m 85.6m 78.8m 66.8m 9.54 11.65 17.47 4.15 3.64 0.53 p q 1.69 1.51 p 3.75 p 3.12 p us1 us1 us1 us1 us1 us1 ovErnight us MarKEts losing streak snapped The SP 500 index rose, snapping a seven-day losing streak, but worries about the economy kept investors jittery and trading volatile. Trading was the busiest since mid-March. More than 10 billion shares changed hands as the SP dipped to a new low for 2011 before storming back to finish higher. We are not in a bear market psychology yet, but we are definitely in a solid correction psychology, said portfolio manager James Dailey. Euro FtsE100 5,584.51 (-2.34) daX 6,640.59 (-2.30) cac40 3,454.94 (-1.93) coMModitiEs oil us91.93 (-us1.86) oil Prices hit a 5-week low Crude oil dropped to a five-week low on concern that a faltering economy will curb demand in the US, the worlds leading consumer. The main driver is the economy, said natural resource analyst Sean Brodrick. If the US economy is slowing, the easiest path for oil is lower. Well soon be testing support just below US90. US crude hit its lowest settlement since June 27, while Brent oil for September declined US3.23 to end the session at US113.23. ForEX s1.207 0.609 0.697 77.147 a0.928 hK7.800 all figures correct as at 8am this morning today thursday august 4, 2011 49 today thursday august 4, 2011 Business 50 China urges us to deal with debt issue SHANGHAI Chinas central bank governor yesterday urged Washington to act responsibly to deal with its debt issues, saying uncertainty in the market for US Treasuries will undermine the international monetary system and hamper global growth. The remarks by Mr Zhou Xiaochuan, head of the Peoples Bank of China, were Chinas first official response to the passage of a US deficit-cutting deal after weeks of bitter wrangling that alarmed financial markets and brought the country to the brink of what some pundits predicted would be a catastrophic debt default. As the largest creditor to the US, China is particularly vulnerable to US debt strains. Beijing has repeatedly urged Washington to protect its dollar investments, estimated to account for about two-thirds of its US3.2 trillion (S3.86 trillion) in foreign exchange reserves, the worlds largest. Mr Zhou welcomed US progress in dealing with its debt problems but urged Washington to take what he called concrete and responsible measures to bolster confidence in US Treasuries, of which China is a major buyer. Big fluctuations and uncertainty in the US Treasury market will influence the stability of international monetary and financial systems, thus hurting the We hope that the US government and the Congress will take concrete and responsible policy measures. to properly deal with its debt issues, so as to ensure smooth operation of the Treasury market and investor safety. mr Zhou Xiaochuan (picture), head of the Peoples Bank of China Chinese agency downgrades us credit rating BEIJING Chinas leading credit rating agency yesterday lowered its rating on United States sovereign debt to A from A, with a negative outlook, saying the debt ceiling increase will not change the fact that the US national debt is growing faster than the overall economy and fiscal revenue. The move by Chinas Dagong Global Credit Rating is unlikely to affect US borrowing rates, but reflects the pessimism Washingtons debt battle has generated worldwide. Dagong has gained attention in the last year with a number of controversial calls on foreign government creditworthiness, although there is no evidence that the Chinese government or other major investors base their investment decisions on its ratings. In July last year, Dagong introduced itself to the world when it initiated its sovereign rating research by giving the US a lower rating than China. Back then, Dagong gave China an AA rating on its yuan debt and AAA for its foreign currency debt. The US got an AA rating for both local and foreign currency debt. In November, it dropped the US to A on concerns about quantitative easing and the ability of the economy to perk up and pay off its debts. Dagong is little-known outside China but hopes to compete with global ratings agencies Moodys, Standard Poors and Fitch. agENCIEs BloomBErg global economic recovery, Mr Zhou said in a statement posted on the central banks website. We hope that the US government and the Congress will take concrete and responsible policy measures. to properly deal with its debt issues, so as to ensure smooth operation of the Treasury market and investor safety. Due to the vast size and deep liquidity of the Treasury market, US government bond yields are often the benchmark for the pricing of other financial assets around the world. So a sharp spike in US yields may roil markets and raise borrowing costs, endangering global economic activity. Investors who hold Treasuries as collateral would be hurt, too. Mr Zhou made the remarks after US President Barack Obama on Tuesday signed into law a measure to cut spending and raise the US debt ceiling, averting a default on government financial obligations. We welcome such progress, Mr Zhou said. We will further study details of the measures and closely monitor how they would be implemented in various stages. rEutErs today thursday august 4, 2011 51 Digital google blasts Microsoft, apple for patent gang-up today thursday august 4, 2011 52 google, fresh off losing a bid to buy thousands of valuable patents from bankrupt Nortel, accused its biggest rivals yesterday of banding together to block the internet giant in the red-hot smartphone arena. in a rare public outburst, google chief legal officer David Drummond blasted Microsoft, apple, Oracle and other companies for colluding to hamper the increasingly popular android mobile software by buying up patents, effectively imposing a tax on android mobile phones. apart from increasing costs for consumers, snapping up the patents will stifle technological innovation, he said. Microsoft and apple have always been at each others throats, so when they get into bed together you have to start wondering whats going on, Mr Drummond wrote in a blog post, in which he referred to a hostile, organised campaign against android by Microsoft, Oracle, apple and other companies, waged through bogus patents. an apple spokesman declined to comment. google is forging ahead in the smartphone market but has been hampered by a lack of intellectual property in wireless telephony, which has exposed it to patent-infringement lawsuits from rivals including Oracle. it lost out on the Nortel patents to a consortium grouping apple, Microsoft, Research in Motion and others, which together paid US4.5 billion (S5.4 billion). google had bid up to 3.4 billion for those patents before teaming up with intel for a combined US4-billion bid. google was not previously focused on patents but is now shopping to stock up. it recently acquired more than 1,000 patents from iBM. Mr Drummond said google was looking to further stengthen its patent portfolio. reuters blackberrys three new smartphones: (from left) the bold 9900, torch 9850 and torch 9810. ap Biggest launch in BlackBerry history afternoon latest TORONTO Research In Motion (RIM) is releasing three new versions of its BlackBerry smartphone simultaneously in the first overhaul of the handsets in a year as the company tries to regain ground against Apple. The new Bold 9900, first shown at RIMs BlackBerry World trade show in May, features a larger keyboard and thinner case. The Torch 9810 with slide-out keyboard looks similar to the first edition of the device. The last of the three new phones, the Torch 9850, is RIMs first touch-screen-only phone since the BlackBerry Storm, which was criticized for software glitches. All three are based on RIMs new BlackBerry 7.0 platform. The three devices will be available from 225 carriers, with some operators starting next week, in the biggest launch in the history of BlackBerry, said Mr Patrick Spence, managing director for global sales and regional marketing. RIM is counting on the phones, the first new models since last August, to reverse a revenue slowdown that led to RIMs prediction in June that sales this quarter may drop for the first time in nine years. All the models include pinch-and-zoom browsing and webpage loading speeds that are 40 per cent faster than the old Torch, Mr Spence said. Were taking it a step further by enhancing the browsing experience, which is something we know we had to work on, he said. With the addition of what RIM calls liquid graphics that render images faster and make zooming smoother, its an industry-leading experience, he said. Competing against the new BlackBerrys will be a slew of new rival models. Apple plans to introduce an iPhone version in the coming months. Motorola will release the Droid Bionic, its latest Android phone, the same month. That means that RIM has to have an early and successful debut ahead of its rivals in the US, which accounted for about 40 per cent of RIM revenue last year, said IDC technology analyst Will Stofega. Its critical they get a jump start now, he said. Theyve definitely narrowed the gap with the competition. Display is definitely crisper and had to be, given what weve seen in terms of its competitors. blooMberg today thursday august 4, 2011 53 AUGUST Note to Self - HOT TOPICS include: Subscribe to Singapores Child to et help for the kids g concentration composition writing remembering science words motivation Write it right for an A in English composition, learn the science vocabulary and dont miss the exclusive interview with Adam Khoo The answers are directly from the experts Get the school grades up and keep them there Health tips so they can perform their best Develop life skills like leadership and Singapores leading Educational guide offers a treasure trove of information for parents with children 6 months to 12 years of age. With experts opinions you can navigate these learning years with ease. 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YEAR (Please tick your choice) Zinc Zipper Backpack worth 49.90, choice of colour will depend on availability. 38 Arzberg Cucina Basic White Starter Set worth 125.00 Now Name: Address: Postcode: E-mail: Tel: Childs Name: Childs Birth Cert: Childs School: 2-year (24 issues) Subscription Newsstand 108 Subscription 81 Expiry Date. Total Amount: S38 S70 For credit card payment, please fax the completed form to 6546 4398 or scan it and e-mail to subscriptionkey-editions. All credit card transactions will be reflected under GE Connections on cardholders credit card statement. 70 Now Singapores Child Subscription Key Editions Pte Ltd 57 Loyang Drive, Singapore 508968. Tel: 6546 7756 Fax: 6546 4398 Email: subscriptionkey-editions Authorised Signatures Date TERMS CONDITIONS: All subscriptions are applicable to Singapore addresses only, and all subscription payments are inclusive of GST local postage charges. The publisher has the rights to change the subscription gift to one of equivalent value In the event of a cancellation of annual subscription at any time, no refunds can be given Subscriptions requires 4 to 6 weeks for processing. SME sPring singapore sees rise in applications for business funding of innovative ideas Millet enriquez emelitamediacorp. sg today thursday august 4, 2011 54 Reaching out to young entrepreneurs SINGAPORE More young entrepreneurs are seeking funding to kick-start their businesses this year and financial firms are reaching out to these individuals to make their assistance more accessible. For the first half of this year, SPRING Singapore received 90 applications for its Young Entrepreneurs Scheme for Start-ups (YES Start-ups) programme. The programme grants up to 50,000 per start-up where SPRING provides a S4 grant to match every S1 raised by young entrepreneurs under 26-years-old with innovative business ideas. There appears to be a significant increase this year compared to 2009 and 2010, where we saw about 120 applications each year, SPRING said in response to inquiries by MediaCorp. The agency has approved 97 applications and supported some 136 youths since the programme was launched in 2008. Despite global economic uncertainties, business owners appear to be optimistic about the future. As such, OCBC Bank has started a campaign to reach out to more start-ups. Last year, it started extending loans to businesses with a track record of one year. So far, OCBC said it has invested S20 million to support the SMEs. This has since paid off as more than 50 per cent of active young businesses in Singapore are said to have a corporate account with the bank. To mark the third anniversary of its Ubi business banking centre, Mr Tan Chor Sen, OCBCs head of emerging business, and 250 staff spent a day visiting more than 6,500 SMEs in the Ubi area. While there is a high rate of failure among start-ups, Mr Tan does not consider lending to start-ups a high risk. More than two-thirds of our existing business borrowers were acquired during the last five years and we continue to enjoy double-digit loan growth even during the first-half of this year, he said. Mr Larry Yeo, regional sales manager of media players manufacturer AC Ryan, said the bridging loans it received from OCBC a few years back helped the company achieve exponential growth during the initial phase. For start-up SMEs, its a bit hard to get commitment from banks because you dont have a track record, he said, adding that the funding was needed to fulfil client orders. The firm plans to seek new funding from OCBC to expand to Africa, South America, Russia and the Middle East in the next two years. Artizen, a distributer and supplier of commercial kitchen and food service equipment, also hopes to tap on OCBCs commercial property loans to acquire a new space for its showroom, said its director Dick Seow. The firm has been a client since 2005 and has tapped the bank for project financing. Trade financing, overdrafts, working capital funds and loans to purchase equipment and machinery are among the services offered by financial firms like OCBC, Hong Leong Finance and DBS to start-ups. Loan applications in our SME segment, which includes start-ups, have stabilised after registering strong growth in the first half of 2011, said DBS head of enterprise banking Edwin Khoo. Despite current uncertainties in the macroeconomic environment, we firmly believe that SMEs will continue to do well in the long term, in line with Asias growth. To help start-ups take advantage of the low interest rate environment, DBS says it has also lowered the interest rate on its business loans for this year. Meanwhile, Hong Leong Finance has set up its 4th SME CentreBranches at Yishun to serve local business community efficiently. Start-ups can also access SPRING Singapores programme for technology startups and grants under the SPRING Start-up Enterprise Development Scheme (SPRING Seeds). There is also the Incubator Development Programme (IDP), which has assisted close to 300 start-ups. today thursday august 4, 2011 55 SportS shamir osman shamirmediacorp. sg today thursday august 4, 2011 56 Stirring Lions create selection headache World Cup qualifiers clash with sEa games tourney leaving Fas to decide where focus will be SINGAPORE What a difference 180 minutes of football make. From a state of emergency, where both fans and belief had deserted the national football team after a calamitous 2010, the Lions have turned things 180 degrees around. After two stirring showings against Malaysia, ending 6-4 after two legs, the Lions are through to the third round of the World Cup qualifiers, leaving the Football Association of Singapore (FAS) with a headache of a different kind. With at least four players key to both the SEA Games squad and the senior Lions side, they now have to decide if the focus will be on achieving the set target of a silver medal at the November SEA Games or making it into the final group stage of the World Cup qualifiers. FAS president Zainudin Nordin is well aware of the bridge that needs to be crossed soon but his team have at least decided when they will make the call. We are in with a fighting chance of making the fourth round of the qualifiers, and also stand a good chance at the SEA Games. We are already cracking our heads to resolve this, but we dont want to jump the gun, he told Today. The first two matches in the qualifiers are critical, and will give us an indicator of where we stand. We will look at how we perform in those two games and decide after that. Facing China, Jordan and Iraq in Group A of the third round qualifiers, Singapores schedule will see them open their campaign in Kunming on Sept 2, then return to host Iraq four days later. Fas president Zainudin nordin (left) has to choose between a historic World Cup qualifying performance or sEa games glory. Photo By ErnEst Chua But it is the November fixtures, away to Jordan on Nov 11 and a home game against China on Nov 15 that will prove problematic. The SEA Games are scheduled to run from Nov 11-22, and while exact dates for the Games under-23 football tournament are not yet available, it is virtually impossible to have players turn out for both the SEA Games squad and the senior team at the qualifiers. At least four players midfielder Hariss Harun, goalkeeper Izwan Mahbud, defender Safuwan Baharudin and attacker Shahdan Sulaiman are shoo-ins for a starting spot at the SEA Games, and they are also key to national coach Radojko Avramovics plans for the senior team. Izwan earned plaudits against Malaysia, The first two matches in the qualifiers are critical, and will give us an indicator of where we stand. We will look at how we perform in those two games and decide after that. Fas president Zainudin nordin the 21-year-old turning in a steady performance between the Singapore sticks in the absence of the injured Hassan Sunny and Lionel Lewis. He said: Both are big tournaments, and I would love to be able to play in both if possible, but its really up to the coaches to decide which team we train and play for. His sentiment was echoed by Safuwan, who showed a maturity beyond his 19 years in his two starts against Malaysia. He said: The Courts Young Lions are doing well and I think were moving close to peaking at the SEA Games but I think if the senior team does well in the first two World Cup qualifying matches, well probably stay with the seniors. But thats for the coaches to decide. We may have played in the first XI for the national team, but that doesnt mean that if were not with the SEA Games team then they cant perform there are others who can step in and do the job. I think the SEA Games team will manage just as well without us. Singaporean golfers off to flying start PETALING JAYA Eight birdies in a bogey-free first round gave Mardan Mamat and Lam Chih Bing the lead in the Omega Mission Hills World Cup Asian qualifiers here yesterday. The Singapore pair shot an eight-under-par 63 at the Seri Selangor Golf Club, giving them a one stroke lead over the hosts, Malaysia. If they qualify, it will be their fifth appearance in a World Cup together. The Singaporeans combined well shooting six birdies from the eighth hole. Mardan was rock solid. I kind of struggled but I was happy I managed to contribute a few birdies out there, The Times of India reported Lam saying. With only three places up for grabs, first-time pairings Shaaban Hussin and Iain Steel of Malaysia stayed in the hunt on 64. Shaaban, playing in his first Asian qualifying, put on a good debut performance as he eagled on the par five fifth from 10 feet. He had a solid round of one bogey and six birdies. I was feeling a bit nervous but Iain gave me some tips on how to play in this type of format. He helped me a lot and he played very well, said Shaaban. Shaabans team-mate, however, believes the actual test will begin today when the contest eventually levels out. Gareth Paddison and Michael Hendry of New Zealand are currently in third, while Nay Bala and Zaw Moe of Myanmar are fourth, off the lead by three shots. The biennial World Cup will be held in Hainan Island from Nov 24-27. agEnCiEs Lam Chih Bing played well on the first day of the World Cup asian qualifiers. aP today thursday august 4, 2011 57 today thursday august 4, 2011 sports 58 Five more gain elite olympic funding total of 11 athletes now in olympic Pathway Programme as singapore continue push for glory in london PhiliP goh philipgohmediacorp. sg SINGAPORE Five more athletes have been added to the multi-million-dollar Olympic Pathway Programme (OPP), as the Republic seek to improve on the sole silver medal gained at the Beijing Games three years ago. Announced last night by the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports, which administers the S6.3 million fund, the five are pistol shooters Nigel Lim Swee Hon and Poh Lip Meng, table-tennis veteran Li Jiawei and shuttlers Shinta Mulia Sari and Yao Lei. Today had reported in early June the inclusion Shinta and Yao the womens doubles champions at last years Li Ning Singapore Open with last nights announcement confirming their places in the elite programme. Both shuttlers, as well as shooters Lim and Poh, are presently in Surrey, England, as part of a three-week pre-Olympic stint. They will then head to the Yonex BWF World Badminton Championships, which starts on Monday, at Londons Wembley Arena. The quintet bring to 11 the number of athletes in the OPP, which provides funding outside of that available to their respective national sports associations (NSAs). Six athletes were named in the first batch in Since coming back from maternity leave early last year, Jiawei has been training hard and progressing well, and is now our third-highest ranked player in the ITTF list. More importantly, with her pre-Olympic expenses now covered under the programme, we are able to use our NSA funding towards developing our younger players. singapore table tennis association president lee Bee Wah National paddler li Jiawei (left) will now join team-mate sun Beibei (right) in the olympic Pathway Programme. today file Photo May 2009, namely paddlers Feng Tianwei, Wang Yuegu, Sun Beibei and Yu Mengyu, shooter Jasmine Ser and swimmer Tao Li. According to Singapore Table Tennis Association president Lee Bee Wah, Jiaweis inclusion is affirmation that her comeback from time off to start a family is complete. Since coming back from maternity leave early last year, Jiawei has been training hard and progressing well, and is now our third-highest ranked player in the ITTF list. Her inclusion in the OPP is a real morale booster for our Olympic veteran, said Lee. More importantly, with her pre - Olympic expenses now covered under the programme, we are able to use our NSA funding towards developing our younger players, she added. For Singapore Shooting Association (SSA) president Chng Seng Mok, the inclusion of Poh and Lim comes as no surprise. Both Nigel and Lip Meng satisfied the criteria for the OPP after winning gold at last years Commonwealth Games, said Chng. My biggest issue right now is to be able to hire a suitable coach to take them through to the Olympics, now that more funds have been freed up by their inclusion into the programme. With most countries now working on four-year Olympic cycles, the more established ones would have had the funds to engage the most sought-after coaches after the Beijing Games, while we now have the harder task of identifying the best of the rest who can get the job done for us, added Chng. Funded by the Government and the Singapore Totalisator Board, the OPP provides additional logistical, technical and financial support to Olympic-bound athletes earmarked for medal success. Young pro relishes Handa opportunity SINGAPORE He turned 23 yesterday, but for young golfer Koh Dengshan, the best birthday present may have been a sponsors exemption to play in next months ISPS Handa Singapore Classic his first Asian Tour event. Koh was the Malaysian Amateur Open champion in 2008 and turned professional immediately after winning the Warren Amateur Open last Saturday. Im very excited and thank the Singapore Professional Golfers Association (SPGA) and the Asian Tour for this opportunity, he told Today. After a successful launch last year when South African Peter Karmis recorded a wire-to-wire victory at Orchid Country Club, the tournament is setting itself up as one of the few events locally that offer Singapore professionals the opportunity to cross swords with the best on the Asian Tour. The top 20 Singapore professionals will qualify for the event, while five spots have been set aside for local amateurs. SPGA president S Murugiah hopes to see a good handful of local players make the midway cut: Id love to see it as a starting point for our amateurs and a springboard for our young professionals. Bankrolled by Dr Harunisa Handa through his charitable group the International Sport Promotion Society (ISPS), the event carries a purse of US300,000 this year after the organisers and the Asian Tour agreed to donate US100,000 to the Japan tsunami and earthquake relief fund. PhiliP goh last chaNce for feNcers to imPress selectors It is going to be a hectic four days, starting today, for local fencers looking to make the final cut for the November sEA Games, as they battle for honours in the 2011 Fencing singapore International (FsI). Held at the Clementi facility of first-time co-organisers, the singapore Institute of Management, the event will see close to 400 fencers from the world over competing in individual and team categories for foil, epee and sabre. the FsI will serve as a testing ground for both local and regional fencers. Fencing singapore general manager ryan Quek said: this event is critical for those fighting for the third and fourth spots in the team going to the sEA Games, in the womens foil and epee. Womens foil coach, slava Bobok, has already decided on the three women ruth Ng, Cheryl Wong and Wang Wenying who will fly the republics flag at the Games, and is casting a keen eye on two of his proteges, Joan Ang and Liane Wong, looking to take that final slot. Admission to the event is free. shamir osmaN today thursday august 4, 2011 sports aFtErNooN LatEst 59 AKRON The superstar of European golf is heading west. Rory McIlroy, ever surprising and ever his own man, served up a surprise yesterday when he revealed that he intends to join the US PGA Tour and set up a home in Florida. The 22-year-old Northern Irishman, who won the US Open in spectacular style this summer, announced that he wants to play a full schedule in the United States next year, adding that he sees his long-term future centring on the US PGA Tour. I feel as if I play my best golf over here. I am very comfortable in this country and I am going to look at a few houses in Florida after next weeks US PGA Championship, he said, on the eve of the Bridgestone Invitational in Akron, Ohio. Im definitely looking at coming back and playing a full schedule here. Ive thought about it and feel my game really suits playing courses over here. I love Quail Hollow, Memorial, Akron and most of my favourite events seem to be on this side of the pond. McIlroys decision represents a startling volte-face. At the end of last year he gave up his US PGA Tour membership after just one year, citing fatigue. It is just not for me, he said at the time. Two of his three professional wins have come in the US at Congressional in June and at Quail Hollow last year, when he shot a final-round 62 to beat one of the best fields of the year. There was little indication of what has caused this change of mind, though it is safe to assume that McIlroys altered personal circumstances may have had something to do with it. Last month it emerged that he had rory is coming to America gEtty IMagEs split from his long-time girlfriend, who is based in Northern Ireland. He is believed to have told a small circle of colleagues of his intentions during last weeks Irish Open. Like other European Ryder Cup players, he will retain his membership of the European Tour, which requires him to play at least 13 events. It is expected that he will keep his home in Holywood, near Belfast, but given his plans to play as many as 18 events in a full American schedule, he will inevitably spend less time in Europe. McIlroy said he had spoken to US PGA Tour officials yesterday morning in Akron and informed them of his intentions. Id like to give it a go again and last more than one year and see how it goes, he said. News of the Northern Irishmans decision will come as a boost to the US PGA Tour, which will be negotiating new television deals in the coming months. In the absence of the former world No1 Tiger Woods, the US Tour is desperately in need of recognisable and charismatic figures to sell to its mainstream domestic audience. By virtue of his youth, his outspokenness and his talent, McIlroy fits such a profile to perfection. He will be welcomed with open arms. thE guardIaN Nine-man rangers crash out of Champions League MALMO Rangers Champions League hopes were shattered as they crashed out of the competition at the hands of Malmo after being reduced to nine men in the qualifier in Sweden. Steven Whittaker and Madjid Bougherra were both shown straight red cards, before Malmos Ricardinho was also dismissed by the referee Vladislav Bezborodov at the Swedbank stadium. Rangers were dealt a blow ahead of the tie as Dorin Goian was ruled out by injury just hours after being granted clearance to play by UEFA. The club said the Romanian was carrying an injury and, with Rangers looking to turn around a 1-0 deficit from the first leg, Sasa Papac was drafted in to cover at centre-half. A goal by Rangers Nikica Jelavic cancelled out Daniel Larssons strike from last weeks first leg in Glasgow but it was Malmos Jiloan Hamad who had the final say, with Rangers forced to settle for a Europa League play-off spot. Ally McCoist described the result as a massive low. The match itself was pretty open and we created enough chances to add to our Now Barton says he might stay LONDON Joey Barton has hinted he could stay at Newcastle United despite the fact he has been transfer-listed and forced to train on his own, but manager Alan Pardew is taking no chances, lining up Bayer Leverkusen winger Tranquillo Barnetta as his replacement. Although Bartons agent, Willie McKay, claims there is a lot of interest in the midfielder following the news he had been given a free transfer by Newcastle, the 28-year-old has suggested he may yet decide to dig his heels in on Tyneside. Once again communicating via Twitter, Barton said: Just because ur told to jump, it does not necessarily mean u have to. I may choose to stand perfectly still. Its my right. Just a thought (sic). Tottenham Hotspur have backed away from making a move for Barton but Stoke City are still thought to be keeping an eye on the situation. McKay maintains six top-flight managers have expressed an interest in signing Barton even though the player has also been offered to big clubs in the Championship. thE daILy tELEgraPh referee Vladislav Bezborodov showing the red card to rangers steven Whittaker (second from right) after Whittaker threw a ball at the head of a Malmo player. rEutErs lead and unfortunately never took them. But in terms of the two performances, especially tonight, I think with the vast majority of our players I couldnt be happier to tell you the truth, said the Rangers manager. As disappointed as I am, I think we showed real character and no shortage of talent. Ive been involved at this club for a good number of years and you have to experience the highs and the lows. Tonights a massive, massive low and the end of the season at Kilmarnock was a massive high. But you wouldnt swap it, its where you want to be. In my opinion you dont want to play for clubs where mediocrity is acceptable, we will certainly not accept that. Also crashing out of the competition at the first hurdle were Ukraines Dynamo Kiev, felled by Rubin Kazan, and Belgiums Standard Liege, who lost at FC Zurich. But FC Twente and Benfica registered away draws to make it to the next round. thE guardIaN today thursday august 4, 2011 60 arts music movies television Wine dine style design health tech travel cars kit chan shes not what youd expect t4 why on earth are they giving oprah an oscar t6 Travel dubai is a magical man-made dreamscape t10 August 4, 2011 A publicAtion of A publicAtion of ThaTs Rich million dollar drop s george young would lavish his fortune on you t2 Photo by Jason Ho Today Thursday augusT 4, 2011 T2 Today Thursday augusT 4, 2011 T3 television maymediacorp. sg television MAY SEAH George Young really is worth his weight in gold UNLIKE the huge stack of S50 notes Ive been casually using as a doorstop this week, theres nothing flashy or fake about up-and-coming star George Young. Hes even got a hole in his Wednesday socks. But my Friday and Sunday socks are in good condition, so you can tell which are the days I wear socks most often, he quipped. The 31-year-old is the host of Million Dollar Money Drop, the grandiose gameshow that airs next week on MediaCorp TV Channel 5. Each week, Young cheerfully gives each teamed-up pair of contestants a million dollars in cash which they put on trap doors that correspond to four possible answers, hoping that theyve put most of it on the correct one because the other three trap doors will open and swallow their dough. Young looks benevolently on as they try to keep as much of it as possible by getting questions right. My stack of S25,000 is, unfortunately, just some of the fake money that has been used during rehearsals, which we borrowed for our photoshoot (and, yes, we had to pay fake interest). Having never hosted a gameshow before his resume includes acting gigs in BBC productions like Casualty, and even the Bollywood movie Jhootha Hi Sahi Young has been tackling the task with the bushy-tailed enthusiasm of a wide-eyed noob. And while the London-born son of a Malaysian-Chinese father and a Greek mother might also be new to the Singapore entertainment scene, his charisma has earned him several big breaks fast. He has not only landed several modelling gigs, but also hosts the infotainment series ArtBites on MediaCorp TV okto, and will star in the second season of acclaimed Channel 5 legal drama The Pupil (premiering on Aug 18). While Young has a million-dollar smile and looks like a million bucks suited up as a host, in person, he comes across as very much your regular video-game-loving, T-shirt-wearing guy. That is, if regular guys also have great skin and bucketloads of awshucks charm. house, like a proper mini cinema in my own place. iMax would be great. A brilliant car. Some kind of sports car just something really extravagant. And have it in some silly colour pink. Just something like, You spent so much money on that car and you painted it that colour Why Cos I can. Cos Ive got a million dollars. Lest you think him reckless or extravagant, Young has always suffered from a good head on his shoulders. Kinda. Taking the bar to practise law was for the sake of his parents, who wanted him to do the safe option leaving the profession to become an actor that was his own idea. But he said the immodest proceeds from his very first job modelling for a Pepsi commercial with a superimposed image of David Beckham were put in the bank. Although he admitted that he gradually spent it on computer games and food and drink. HE SAId I bought her a trip to Paris. it was a whole week, so that was pretty expensive. I paid for everything, yeah. George Young All photos: Jason Ho Art direction: Phin Wong Hair and make-up: Kenny Tan (HP: 9877 1376) using Bobbi Brown and MATRIX Money cant buy me love or can it If I had a million dollars But what he would do if he had his own million Ive thought about this before, he replied. The serious answer would be investing in bricks and mortar, really. If I really loved the property if I thought it could be marketable or just somewhere Id like to live then I would. Maybe Im just at a stage where I am thinking about investing. I want to establish a base somewhere. Im hoping its Singapore. Its a good market. in terms of a business decision. And the non-serious answer It would again be something to have within the Young, however, has absolutely spent money to show a girl a good time. You stick it on a credit card, you worry about it later. Youre thinking about the immediate payoff, he twinkled. His most extravagant date was a birthday present. I bought her a Time Out guide to Paris, the psychology grad recounted. She was like: Oh, I always wanted to go to Paris. And she opened it and there were two tickets to Paris. I paid for the hotel it was a whole week, so that was pretty expensive. I paid for everything, yeah. So can he top that That would really impress, wouldnt it Young mused. Maybe hire their favourite singer or entertainer but then I would be out of the picture, wouldnt I Id be sitting there (clapping) while theyre having a good time. Probably a singer to sing a ballad to them and then Id ruin it by joining in. I think that would probably use up most of the S1 million, and then maybe the rest on a hotel room But Young has the vibe of someone to whom money isnt everything. After all, if it were, hed still be a lawyer, wouldnt he Im into tech and gadgets and stuff like that, so my most extravagant purchase is this kick-ass PC rig that I bought a few years ago that cost me a few grand, Young recalled. Id just started working in a law firm. It was a few thousand pounds. When I first started earning money, I thought: Yeah, Ill spend it on something thats just pure selfish enjoyment. Was it everything it was cracked up to be Everything the self-confessed massive gamer breathed reverently. Ah, I miss it. Although when I next saw Young a week later, he announced excitedly that he had just bought himself an xbox 360, with Kinect, no less. Catch Million Dollar Money Drop starting Aug 9, right after the National Day Parade telecast, on MediaCorp TV Channel 5. Money (thats what I want) Forget about the price tag We asked George Young, The Muttons, Bobby Tonelli and Chua Enlai to share their views about the money, money, money. If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it Justin Ang (The Muttons): I would buy a house. Actually, wait. I dont think thatll be enough to buy a flat in Singapore soon. Damn. Chua Enlai: I would use it to restore whatever is left of our historic architecture. Its something we should be proud of. Bobby Tonelli: Travel the world and buy a car. Complete the sentence: If money grew on trees. George: Id be a gardener. Justin: Id buy lots of dog poop because I heard it makes trees grow faster. Enlai: Singaporeans would finally know what The Great Outdoors meant. Bobby: I would live in a forest. Vernon A (The Muttons): Id still be broke cos Im a terrible gardener. If I were made of money. George: Id stick myself in a savings account and live there until I doubled in size. Justin: I would give my toes to charity. Vernon: Id be spent every day. It must be funny in a rich mans world because. George: Thats from a song, right Because you can pay yes-men and laugh buddies to laugh at all your jokes. Justin: I would make him laugh and charge him S1,000 for each joke. S2,000 if he falls off a chair. Enlai: Because ABBA said so and Ill believe any Swede with a gypsy cut and bell bottoms. Today Thursday augusT 4, 2011 T4 entertainment Id like to organically evolve Kit Chan walks to the beat of her own drum Christopher Toh christophertohmediacorp. sg ITS been one busy year for Kit Chan so far. Just after helming the Total Defence music video campaign in February, Chan did a successful two-night stint for the Huayi Festival at the Esplanade, performing in collaboration with the Singapore Chinese Orchestra. She then released an album, Reinterpreting Kit Chan, a collection of her favourite covers, popped in at the Ocean Butterflies gala concert, will do her bit at the upcoming Singapop concert on Aug 20, and thanks to unexpected positive response to her album in Hong Kong, shes compiling a special Hong Kong edition of the album. Oh, and shes also going to hold her first pop concerts, entitled The Music Room, which will be held at the Grand Theater in Marina Bay Sands on Oct 13 and 14. Unlike most Chinese pop concerts, which usually comes along with a lot of spectacular bells and whistles in the form of stage props, lighting and pyrotechnics, Chans shows, organised by MediaCorp Vizpro, will be far simpler. Although she will be singing her familiar Cantonese, Mandarin and English hits (and some songs youve never heard me sing live, she added), and there may be some costume changes and special guests, Chan said its not going to be a glitzy, glam affair. Ive seen so many different types of shows, but I realise that the things that strike a chord with me are the ones that are more musically evocative, she explained about the format of the show. Well, the whole show. should evoke something in me. Those are the shows that I remember. Of course, sometimes its nice to watch spectacles, she said. So when I do a show like this, Im sure people will be thinking: Why is she doing it like this Is she digging her own grave Ive seen so many different type of shows, but I realise that the things that strike a chord with me are the ones that are more musically evocative. Kit Chan People want more stuff. But the SCO show which was just me and the orchestra did really well. So you never know. Anyway, Id like to offer an alternative (to whats out there). And no, shes not worried about the turnout. Its become SOP (standard operational procedure) for me, I dont think about turnout. Its something that you have to trust the marketing team to do, and whether one person or 1,000 people turn up, you still have to do the show. In any case, Chan said, the first person the show had to satisfy was herself. In any business, whether you cook food or make clothes, you have to do it for yourself first. Because how can you guess what people want You cant. Id like to think Im a discerning person, and there is a time or place for (this kind of show). Thats why we picked Marina Bay Sands. Maybe if I did the show at the Indoor Stadium, it would be a bit off. Of course, with all this activity in the music front, is this a sign that Kit Chan is coming back full steam into the music biz Dont hold your breath just yet, she said. I have been really busy, but that doesnt mean I will go on like that consistently, she said. Ive said it before, that I kind of like the idea of work being seasonal. And this is something that I dont take for granted. But right now, Im in my summer phase, this is my Indian summer (and) Im enjoying the summer of my contentment. After this, I think I need to have my autumn and winter, chill out a bit, and then think about the next cycle, whatever form it might take, Chan added. Its not that I want to keep people guessing Im just marching to the beat of my own drum. Id like to organically evolve. I think its nice to keep your distance and not let your whole life be dictated (by what others expect). Kit Chans The Music Room will happen on Oct 13 and 14, 8.30pm at the Grand Theater, Marina Bay Sands. Tickets at S68 to S168 available from Sistic on Aug 8 onwards. Today Thursday augusT 4, 2011 T5 Today Thursday augusT 4, 2011 T6 entertainment Oprah Winfrey, James Earl Jones to receive Oscars Leonardo DiCaprio named Hollywoods highest earning actor LeONArDO DiCaprio was hollywoods highest paid actor over the last year as he made an estimated US77 million (S93 million). The star displaced Johnny Depp, the previous years biggest earner, according to the annual list by Forbes magazine which assessed income to May 1. DiCaprios two major films Shutter Island and Inception grossed a combined total of US1.2 billion at the box office. In addition to his fee, the actor received a proportion of the profits from the films. Depp, who has seen his worth rise dramatically through the Pirates Of The Caribbean movies, was the second highest earning star this year making an Photos: reuters and aP estimated US50 million. Adam Sandler, who starred in Grown Ups, was the third highest with US40 million, ahead of Will Smith on US36 million and Tom hanks, who made an estimated US35 million. Movie stars pay deals are often complicated and shrouded in secrecy and Forbes made its estimates after talking to industry insiders including agents and producers. It put Tom Cruise, once hollywoods highest paid star, in 10th place with an estimated US22 million. A list of hollywoods highest earning actresses released by Forbes last month had Angelina Jolie and Sarah Jessica Parker in joint top spot. THE DAILY TELEGRAPH They didnt feature in any movies this year, but Oprah Winfrey, James earl Jones and makeup artist Dick Smith will be getting Oscars. The Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences says the three will be honoured with Oscar statuettes at the Governors Awards in November. The academys Board of Governors voted on Tuesday to recognise the entertainment industry veterans. Winfrey will receive the Jean hersholt humanitarian Award, which honours philanthropic and humanitarian contributions. The 57-year-old media mogul, who was nominated for a supporting actress Oscar for 1985s The Color Purple, supports various charitable and educational causes, including her own namesake foundations and Academy for Girls in South Africa. Jones and Smith will receive honorary Oscars for their outstanding careers. Jones has appeared in more than 50 films. The 80-year-old actor and voice of Darth Vader was nominated for an Academy Award in 1971 for The Great White Hope. his other credits include Field Of Dreams, Patriot Games and The Hunt For Red October. Smith was NBCs first makeup man when he started his career in 1945. he won an Oscar in 1984 for his work on Amadeus and was nominated again in 1989 for Dad. Known as the godfather of makeup, he also worked on The Godfather, The Exorcist and Taxi Driver. Smith also helped train many of todays top movie makeup artists. Smith, Jones and Winfrey will receive their statuettes on Nov 12 at the third annual Governors Awards dinner at the Grand Ballroom at hollywood highland Center, just above the Kodak Theatre, where the Academy Awards are presented. AP Arguments begin in Golden Globes broadcast dispute ATTOrNeyS for the organisers of the Golden Globe Awards and its longtime producers sparred over whether an 18-yearold agreement gave the company a perpetual right to work on the show as long as it airs on NBC. If the agreement is interpreted as the producers want, the hollywood Foreign Press Association argued that it would lose crucial rights to its signature property, worth millions of dollars each year. The producers, dick clark productions, however, claimed they received a now-disputed perpetuity clause in part for resurrecting the show after a scandal knocked it from airwaves in early 1980s. United States District Judge Valerie Baker Fairbank, said she planned to issue a ruling this week. An attorney for the production company, also known as dcp, argued that courts have long upheld the rights of parties to enter into agreements that might seem strange to outsiders. In the case of the nearly 30year history between the hFPA and dcp, the perpetuity clause made sense, attorney Brad Phillips said. The production company had accomplished essentially miracles for this show, Phillips said. At stake is not only of hollywoods highest-profile awards shows, but also millions of dollars. Tax records for 2009, show that hFPA received US7.5 million (S6.9 million) for the Globes. hFPA and dcp split revenues from the Globes 50-50 under their agreement, which was first entered in 1983. Their relationship began months after CBS cancelled its contract to air the show after a controversy emerged over the hFPA, long criticised for being too cozy with the stars it honoured, was accused of impropriety in awarding a newcomer award to Pia Zadora. The hFPA has said there is plenty of time to plan next years show, regardless of whether they win this round in court or have to take their case to a jury. AP Today Thursday augusT 4, 2011 T7 Today Thursday augusT 4, 2011 T8 entertainment Ben Foster takes on Gotti role ACTOR Ben Foster (picture) has landed the lead role in the upcoming movie about crime boss John Gotti and his son, producers said on Tuesday. But Lindsay Lohans role in Gotti: In The Shadow Of My Father appeared to be in doubt after producers said she had not officially signed onto the movie and they were still in talks with her. Foster, 29, best known for roles in The Messenger and 3:10 To Yuma, will play John Gotti Jr opposite John Travolta, who has already been cast as the late head of New Yorks powerful Gambino family, John Gotti. Lohans casting as Kim Gotti, wife of John Gotti Jr, was announced in May. But Steve Honig, a spokesman for both Fiore Films and Lohan said on Tuesday that the producers of the film and Lindsays representation have not yet worked out an agreement for her to appear in the movie. Lohan, 25, whose career has been derailed by repeated trips to jail and rehab since 2007, has not had a movie role since the low-budget 2010 release Machete. Producers declined to comment on the apparent stumbling block. But it follows a change of director from Nick Cassavetes to Barry Levinson, and a lawsuit last week brought by actor Joe Pesci, who claimed that his part had been Charlie Harper to rest in peace CHARLIE Sheens Two And A Half Men character will not only be killed off, he will be given a funeral when the TV series returns in September, according to entertainment website Deadline Hollywood. Sheens screen demise follows his firing from Two And A Half Men after a vicious public spat earlier this year with the shows co-creator and producer Chuck Lorre. Lorre now appears set to exact revenge when the comedy returns with new star Ashton Kutcher in what Deadline Hollywood said is a secrecy-shrouded two-part season premiere, to be filmed later this week. Sheens womanising bachelor character Charlie Harper said to be a close Photo: Bloomberg changed and his pay cut. Pre-production starts next month and shooting is due to start in January. Levinson described Foster as one of the few young actors who can literary transform himself from role to role, from light comedy to a deadly gunslinger. I think he can bring something very memorable to the role of Gotti Jr. The senior John Gotti was known as the Teflon Don for his ability to evade conviction before eventually being convicted of murder, racketeering and extortion. He died of cancer in 2002 while serving a life sentence. REUTERS version of himself helped to make Two And A Half Men the most-watched comedy on American television. Deadline Hollywood said Harper would die and his Malibu beachfront house would be put up for sale, allowing Kutchers character to be introduced as a potential buyer. Sheen was fired in March after insulting Lorre in a bizarre series of interviews that followed months of drug and drink-fuelled partying and repeated spells in rehab. Kutcher, the creator of TV series Punkd and the husband of actress Demi Moore, was hired in May as a new character on the series. Sheen has since signed a deal for a new TV series called Anger Management, but the show has not yet been picked up by any US television network. AGENCIES One epic Teenage Dream POP princess Katy Perrys Teenage Dream reached a new height this week as Last Friday Night (T. G.I. F.) became the albums fifth single to reach the top of Billboards pop songs chart, marking the first time any album has amassed such a feat in its 19-year history. If Perrys newest No 1 also lands atop the Hot 100 later this week, Teenage Dream will be the only album other than Michael Jacksons Bad to generate five separate No 1s. Bad was released in 1987, before Billboard began issuing the pop song chart. Prior to Last Friday Night (T. G.I. F.) reaching No 1, Teenage Dream was tied with Justin Timberlakes FutureSex LoveSounds (2006-07) and Lady Gagas The Fame (2009) which both had four Photo: aP 2K DIGITAL 2K DIGITAL 3D 2K DIGITAL 2K DIGITAL 3D 3D 3D NO FREE LIST (CS) Session times are subject to change 2K DIGITAL 3D 2K DIGITAL singles snag the top spot. Last Friday Night (T. G.I. F.) became not only Perrys fifth No 1 off Teenage Dream but her seventh overall, tying her with Lady Gaga for second-most No 1s since the charts inception. Rihanna currently holds the record with eight. REUTERS Advert ID:397406 130 mm by11 mm Today Thursday augusT 4, 2011 T9 entertAinment 1 Of glass houses and neighbours Local artists take on Malaysia and the first arts council in two shows Mayo Martin mayomediacorp. sg THERE is a house-like structure with transparent Perspex walls squatting in the middle of the gallery, surrounded by large frames tilted at an angle a handful of paintings and drawings scattered here and there and hanging upside down from the ceiling is a chair encased in Perspex. By tomorrow, Tang Da Wus Long Po Feng Yi First Arts Council will be completed as one of two shows opening at Valentine Willie Fine Art (VWFA), along with the gallerys annual survey show of Singapore artists, this time titled Imagine Malaysia. The highly-anticipated installation which also includes contributions from Jeremy Hiah, Lee Wen, Zai Kuning, and Pan Jia Ding, marks the influential artists first solo show in Singapore in 25 years. And while no one has yet to see the complete work, gallery owner Willie offered up a teaser of what to expect. Drawing on various allusions including the emotional and financial support given to Vincent Van Gogh by his brother, Theo, and sister-in-law Willie reckons its a critical look at the role of cultural institutions and the idea of nurturing artists. Hes been wonderfully cryptic, he said of the multi-disciplinary artist and founder of The Artists Village. Meanwhile, also in the gallerys space, 20 local artists have gazed into their respective crystal balls to Imagine Malaysia. VWFAs third annual Singapore survey show, after The Air-Conditioned Recession and last years Beyond LKY, looks at the relationship between the two countries. It was thematically conceived to tie up with the recent closure of the Tanjong Pagar railway station, where the gallerist had unsuccessfully wanted to set up a counterpoint exhibition of Malaysian artists. The artworks on display reveal a varied dispositions towards the theme, with hints of subtle political commentary in some, poignant reflection in others and even some playful approaches. One of Jason Wees works are different embroidered flags postulating a scenario of adding an additional point in Malaysias 14-point star. Green Zeng will present a sculpture of a time capsule with the words Open After Reunification. Sherman Ong, meanwhile, presents the poignant short dance film I Want To Remember, which features an incarcerated Singaporean interrogated by a naturalised Singaporean 2 3 1 Johor-Singapore Causeway by Green Zeng. 2 Tree Of Life by Sean Lee. 3 Petronas (After Humans) by michael Lee. 4 First Arts Council by tang Da Wu. 4 6311 9162 m. gv. sg gv. sg GV EXCLUSIVE WATCH Venue. GV Marina Time Date. 9pm. Friday, 19 Aug Saturday, 20 Aug Photos courtesy Valentine Willie Fine Art Singapore Look out for ayumi hamasaki RocknRoll Circus Tour FINAL in September. Enjoy 20 off when you purchase tickets to both concert movies. Fan Package: S32 (One ticket each to ARENA TOUR ROCK N ROLL CIRCUS TOUR) Visit gv. sg for details. VIVOCITY PLAZA SINGAPURA GRAND, GREAT WORLD CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER 12.50 3.40 6.35 9.30pm CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER - 3D 1.05 3.55 9.45pm RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES 12.00 2.20 4.50 7.20 9.50pm ON BIG SCREEN Ticket Price. 20 (Public) 18 (Member) woman from Malaysia. The dynamics of the relationship between the two countries are explored in works by Ang Song Nian, who offers two similar-looking photographs that actually include one of Pulau Tekongs terrain mimicking the oil palm plantations in Malaysia Alan Oeis two portraits of Lee Kuan Yew and Mahathir Mohamad and Zhao Renhuis series of photographs of lions and tigers. Poetic musings are revealed in the family portraits of Alecia Neo and Sean Lee, the former reconstructing portraits of a family with roots in Ipoh, and the latter employing the delicate hands of his own to create unusual shapes and figures. In some ways, like Tangs own installation work utilising structures, a number of works in Imagine Malaysia bring it to the fore, such as Genevieve Chuas intricate postage stamps of the highly disputed island of Pedra Branca Michael Lees photographs of dismantled monuments, including the Petronas Towers and Heman Chongs hilarious (and audacious) text posters publicising the hypothetical construction of a Guggenheim museum in Johor Bahru. Both shows a comeback of sorts by a respected artist, and the intriguing responses by homegrown artists to their neighbour are bound to be a talking point for art enthusiasts this month. But does gallerist Willie think the shows would be controversial like last years Beyond LKY I dont know. I dont seek to be controversial, he said. Both shows run from Aug 6 to 28 at Valentine Willie Fine Art Singapore, artspacehelutrans, 39 Keppel Road, Tanjong Pagar Distripark, 02-04.Visit vwfa. netsg for details. MARINA SQUARE YISHUN CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER 10.45am 1.30 3.45 4.15 6.30 7.00 CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE 9.45pm FIRST AVENGER 12.50 CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE 3.50 6.45 9.40pm FIRST AVENGER - 3D CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE 11.00am 1.45 4.30 7.15pm FIRST AVENGER 12.00 RISE OF THE PLANET OF 3.00 5.45 8.30pm THE APES 11.30am 1.45 GVmax CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER 1.20 4.10 FIRST AVENGER 12.50 1.45 3.30 4.20 6.10 6.55 10.00pm 8.45 9.30pm CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER - 3D FIRST AVENGER - 3D 12.30 3.30 9.30pm 2.00 4.35 7.10 9.45pm RISE OF THE PLANET OF RISE OF THE PLANET THE APES 11.30am 2.00 OF THE APES 11.50am 12.50 2.15 3.05 4.30 5.20 4.30 7.00 9.30pm 6.45 7.35 9.00 9.50pm HORRIBLE BOSSES 1.00 HORRIBLE BOSSES 1.05 3.10 5.20 7.30 9.40pm 3.15 5.25 7.35 9.45pm CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE 2.20 4.10 4.45 6.35 7.10 HORRIBLE BOSSES 12.10 FIRST AVENGER - 3D 9.00 9.35pm 2.20 4.40 7.00 9.20pm 10.20am 1.05 4.05 9.50pm HORRIBLE BOSSES 11.15am 12.30 1.25 2.50 RISE OF THE PLANET OF 4.20 5.10 6.40 7.30 9.15 THE APES 11.30am 1.55 9.50pm CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE 2.40 4.20 5.05 6.45 7.30 TWISTED MAND 12.10 FIRST AVENGER 1.15 9.10 9.55pm 2.15 9.15pm 4.00 6.45 9.40pm HORRIBLE BOSSES TIONG BAHRU PLAZA 11.40am 1.00 1.50 3.10 BISHAN JUNCTION 8 4.10 5.20 6.30 7.30 8.50 CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER 1.00 3.40 CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE 9.40pm 6.45 9.30pm FIRST AVENGER 1.15 4.00 TWISTED MAND 12.30 CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE 6.45 9.30pm 6.30pm FIRST AVENGER - 3D CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE 1.30 4.20 9.45pm FIRST AVENGER - 3D 10.45am 1.30 7.00pm RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES 11.30am RISE OF THE PLANET 12.40 1.50 2.55 4.20 5.10 OF THE APES 11.10am CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE 6.45 7.25 9.00pm 1.35 4.00 4.35 6.45 9.10 FIRST AVENGER 1.00 9.55pm HORRIBLE BOSSES 4.00 7.00 10.00pm 12.40 5.00 7.10 9.20pm HORRIBLE BOSSES 12.40 RISE OF THE PLANET OF 2.50 5.00 7.10 9.20pm THE APES 11.45am 2.15 TWISTED MAND 1.00 3.05 10.00pm TWISTED MAND 9.40pm 7.45 10.30pm HORRIBLE BOSSES 12.30 3.30 6.30 8.50pm TAMPINES MALL CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER 12.50 3.10 3.45 6.40 9.35pm CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER - 3D 1.05 4.00 6.55 9.50pm RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES 11.15am 12.10 1.40 2.35 4.05 5.00 6.30 7.25 8.55 9.50pm HORRIBLE BOSSES 12.20 2.40 5.00 7.20 9.40pm TWISTED MAND 11.00am 1.05 9.55pm TWISTED MAND 1.20 3.20 5.20 10.00pm JURONG POINT CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER 11.00am 1.45 4.30 6.40 7.15 10.00pm CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER - 3D 11.00am 4.20 9.45pm RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES 12.20 2.00 2.45 4.30 5.10 6.55 7.35 9.10 10.00pm HORRIBLE BOSSES 11.00am 1.10 3.20 5.30 7.40 9.50pm TWISTED MAND 2.10pm More movie choices and session times are available at all GV cinemas. Please log on to gv. sg for full listings. Cinema opens 30 mins before 1st show. All movie rated PG unless otherwise stated, Session times are subject to change, No Free Passes, English Subtitles. No refunds for uncollected tickets. THE ASSAULT FRENCH 12.45 5.00 7.00 9.00pm CINEMA EUROPA Tickets Now at Standard Ticket Prices CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER PG Action Violence, TWISTED NC16 Violence Horror, X-MEN: FIRST CLASS PG Violence, HORRIBLE BOSSES M18 Coarse Language Sexual References, RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES PG Violence, THE ASSAULT M18 Violence Religious References Today Thursday augusT 4, 2011 T 10 Today Thursday augusT 4, 2011 T 11 travel Dubai is a fantastic constructed dreamscape that must be seen to be believed travel entire population. At last count, the resident population of dubai one of seven emirates in the United Arab emirates stands at about 1.93 million, while another 1.07 million enter the city daily for business. the segregation between the locals and the expatriates mirrors the divide between the old and new dubai: the expats hardly meet or converse with a local in their everyday lives. that is not to say that the locals resent dubais breakneck pace of progress or its rulers for masterminding the development. the sycophancy over dubai ruler sheik Mohammed might seem excessive to outsiders with huge banners of him lining the expressway, portraits of him in classrooms and offices and newspapers publishing glowing articles about his achievements almost every day. But the adulation of emiratis of their ruler is well-placed. they enjoy free education, health care and interest-free housing loans. And it is his grand vision fuelling dubais breakneck pace of development that has taken the shape of outlandish architectural feats: the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world the Palm Islands, an artificial archipelago and the World, 300 islands constructed in the shape of a world map are some of the completed projects, with several in the pipeline. For the average traveller in dubai, luxury does not always come with an extravagant price tag thanks to keen competition among the hotels, which offer up to 50-per-cent Getting there: singapore Airlines operates daily flights on weekdays and twice-daily flights on weekends to dubai. travellers to dubai during ramadan should refrain from eating, drinking or smoking in public view during the day. While the majority of eating and drinking establishments are closed during the day, some coffeehouses with screens to allow people to eat away from public view are open. Where to stay: Jumeirah Zabeel Saray the lavish interior of the fivestar hotel is inspired by palaces of the Ottoman period and features hand painted finishings, turkish artworks and murals that conjure up images of the Ottoman empire. the resort boasts the largest spa in the Middle east the 80,000 sqm, two-storey talise Ottoman spa cheekongmediacorp. sg LOH CHEE KONG An oasis of wealth Photos: iStockphoto, loh Chee Kong take a trip along the dubai Creek on a wooden dhow and soak in the sights of old dubai. the everyday lives of the emiratis are a sight that most expatriates do not see. the Burj Khalifa, the worlds tallest building. A desert metropolis awash in oil money, obsessed with skyscrapers, and where opulence is unabashedly celebrated. But scratch beyond the surface and dubais eclectic mix of east-meets-West and oldmeets-new will charm even the cynics. First impressions can deceive: the sight that greets visitors immediately upon leaving the airport is a six-lane expressway flanked by shiny skyscrapers, which almost resemble giant trophies glistening under the desert sun. the construction boom that began in the 1990s and went into an overdrive a decade later means there are few mementoes of dubais distant past. But dubai Creek, a 10km waterway that splits the city into two main sections, provides remnants of old dubai, a common reference used by the tour guides for the area around the creek. Here, workers onboard large, wooden dhows unload their cargo of bulging cardboard boxes directly on to the quays. Nearby, shopkeepers peddle textiles and spices along the narrow streets of the Gold soukh shopping area. to seek a deeper understanding on the Arabic way of life, visit the sheikh Mohammed Centre Of Cultural Understanding. It explains Middle eastern culture and practices such as why the women are covered from head to toe in public and why the men are almost always dressed in white and women in black. the centre is just one way of preserving their proud heritage for the native emiratis, who face a constant struggle as they make up only a fifth of the discounts during ramadan and dubais summer months (June to August). For instance, rates at the luxury resort Jumeirah Zabeel saray this month start from a relatively affordable s236 per person per night. If you desire more personalised service, the Armani Hotel dubai provides a personal butler. the hotel was the first to be designed by Italian designer Giorgio Armani, in collaboration with emaar Properties. said Marc dardenne, chief executive officer of emaar Hotels resorts: the concept of lifestyle managers, who meet every need of the guests, has redefined service standards. dubai is not quite Ibiza, but its nightlife is one of the citys biggest draws for european visitors seeking not just the sun, but also some fun. And most of the clubs offer fun until 3am. the action here usually revolve around hotels as these are the places that have liquor licenses. Unlike many Arab countries, and even in some parts of the UAe such as neighbouring sharjah, where drinking is not allowed, nonMuslims are free to drink in dubai. dubai is also synonymous with luxury shopping. But for those who prefer a more authentic Arabian experience, there are the local souks or markets that can be found around town. From the narrow alleyways selling gold, perfume, spice, electronics to the textile souks in deira and Bur dubai, visitors can pit their bargaining facilities where guests can try the traditional turkish bath. What to do: Try iFLY Dubai Located in Mirdif City Center, the indoor skydiving center provides visitors the opportunity to experience flying in a vertical wind tunnel. Perfect for the whole family. Where to shop: Dubai Mall the worlds largest shopping mall has about 600 retailers including designer labels and global brands. Dubai Creek area the souks (traditional markets) are one of dubais greatest attractions. they are located on both sides of the creek. the highlight is the colourful spice Market, which abounds with exotic aromas and bustles with locals seeking bargains. skills against some of the worlds savviest traders. But whats a trip to the Middle east without heading into the desert dune bashing is a popular activity among visitors who can also enjoy a lavish dinner in the middle of the desert, complete with a belly-dance performance. It is this triumvirate of culture and luxury in exotic Middle east which makes dubai richly rewarding. This trip was made possible by Singapore Airlines and the Dubai Governments Department Of Tourism And Commerce Marketing. enjoy the sunset after an exciting ride in the desert. Today Thursday augusT 4, 2011 T12 travel Kaohsiung How to spend S101 (you big spender, you) in a day So what if Kaohsiung isnt as popular as Taipei Taiwans second-largest city has been quietly and rapidly transforming itself in the wake of the successful clean-up and subsequent development along the banks of Love River running through it. A hit TV show, Black And White, starring Mark Chao made the southern city cool while the new Juejiang Shopping district more than rivals Taipeis Ximending. Prices here are cheaper, too which pretty much seals it as the biggest reason to go south. SERENE LIM onboard the Hello Kittythemed Ferris wheel (NT150 for adult fare), officially known as Kaohsiung Eye, for a birds eye view of the city and the sea surrounding it. Late lunch at Cijin island: S21.58 From Gushan Ferry Pier in Koahsiung, take a ferry (NT15) to Cijin Island for a half day trip. Rent a bike (NT100 for a day) from the rental shops at the Cijin Ferry Pier to see historical attractions like the Chi Hou Lighthouse and Tien Hou Temple. Stop at the old seafood street to savour fresh catch prepared the way you want them. Each dish is only about NT100 so order four or so and pig out. Chilling out at The Wall: S19.42 Spend the rest of the day in Koahsiungs coolest area. The Pier 2 art district has transformed old warehouses along the wharf into modern art galleries. once youre done with that, park yourself at The Wall (thewall. tw) where indie acts, local and foreign, rock the house. Tickets start from NT400. Spend any remaining dough on drinks. Breakfast at a local soya bean milk stall: S10 A traditional brekkie in Taiwan consists of salty soya bean milk, fried fritters, pancakes and dumplings. Hit Guo Mao Lai Lai (Junction of Liuhe Second Road and Zichiang Road) for a satisfying dose of local cuisine. Be prepared to queue. Shopping and rides at Dream Mall: S50 Hang out at Taiwans biggest mall. The whopping 50,000 square meters space has huge department stores like Hankyu where you can shop your brains out. After that, refresh your spirits on the rooftop theme park by hopping Total: S101 Prices and conversion rates accurate as of press time. The insider Chan Brothers Monster Travel Fair Dont miss the one-day Chan Chan Brothers Monster Travel Fair happening this Sunday (Aug 7) at Suntec Singapore Level 4 Exhibition Hall 401. Besides getting a free goody bag and a chance to win cruise vacations and spa vouchers in the instant Click, Spin, Win competition at the fair, you can look forward to great deals like early bird discounts and a free second holiday. Citibank holders can also enjoy additional S50 off selected packages, and a free luggage when you charge S2,500 to the card. Travel deals and steals Hotels 20th birthday bash Hotels is offering prizes of weekend stays and accommodation bargains to travellers as part of its 20th birthday celebrations. Enjoy specials like three nights for the price of two when booking hotels both in Singapore and worldwide. There are also daily draws to win getaways from Sofitel and Hilton when you register. Visit hotels deals20thanniversary-sg for more information. Promotions end on Aug 20. Today Thursday augusT 4, 2011 T13 Today Thursday augusT 4, 2011 T14 Brought to you by Easy doEs it A hearty meal can be made in minutes with FairPrice Chicken Nuggets and Tomato Ketchup annEttE tan foodmediacorp. sg Chicken nuggets and childrens party seem to be words that go hand in hand. Yet in a pinch, chicken nuggets can be turned into a hearty dish that your family can enjoy during dinner, with some help from pantry staples like ketchup or chilli sauce. I often have a bag of FairPrice Chicken Nuggets in my freezer for such occasions. I like that they are preservative - and trans fat-free and that they can be toasted in the oven when I dont feel like doing any frying. These come in either regular or spicy variations. I made this classic sweet and sour chicken one day when I had a hankering for it, but was feeling lazy. By using chicken nuggets, you eliminate the steps of marinating the meat, making a batter, coating the meat and frying it and thats before you even start on the sauce. In the sauce, I used FairPrice Tomato Ketchup, which is halal-certified, making it suitable for almost everyone. You can taste the quality ingredients that go into it, which is also an important factor when choosing what goes into your food. If you want to tweak it to make it spicier, you could also add two tablespoons of FairPrice Chilli Sauce. CHEats sWEEt and soUR CHiCKEn (serves 2 to 4) 2 tbsp water 12 FairPrice Chicken nuggets 1 tbsp FairPrice Cooking Oil 6 tbsp FairPrice tomato Ketchup 1 red onion, large dice 3 tbsp FairPrice Fine Sugar 1 yellow pepper, large dice 4 tbsp water 1 red pepper, large dice 1 tsp white vinegar 1 tomato, cut into wedges A pinch of FairPrice Salt tbsp FairPrice Corn Flour 1. Preheat oven to 180C. Place FairPrice Chicken Nuggets on a foillined baking tray and bake for 20 minutes. Remove and set aside. 2. Place FairPrice Tomato Ketchup, sugar, 4 tablespoons water, white vinegar and salt in to a bowl and stir to mix. Set aside. 3. Mix cornflour with 2 tablespoons water in a small bowl. Set aside. 4. Place oil in a wok over medium-high heat. Fry onion and peppers for 3 minutes, or until they start to colour slightly. 5. Add sauce and stir to mix well. Cook for 4 minutes, or until the sauce comes to a boil. 6. Add corn flour mixture and stir so that the sauce starts to thicken. 7. Add nuggets and tomato. Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary. 8. Remove to a plate and serve immediately. FairPrice Chicken nuggets 850g (original or Hot spicy), priced at s6.45 each FairPrice tomato Ketchup s0.90, Chilli sauce s1.10 and Garlic Chilli sauce s1.35, all 340g, are available at all FairPrice outlets. Koh Mui Fong Enjoy 8 off when you charge to Plus Visa or NTUC Plus Visa cards for purchase of FairPrice Housebrand items More than 500 items (excludes Pasar and Home Proud). Full payment must be charged to Plus Visa or NTUC Plus Visa Credit Debit Card (Visa transactions only). Not valid for cash NETS payment. Plus Visa NTUC Plus Visa Card 8 is calculated based on nett price after all promotional discounts and senior citizen discount. Please refer to plus. sg for full terms and conditions. Plus U is an initiative provided by Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited for Plus U. Prices are correct at time of printing. Today Thursday augusT 4, 2011 T15 things to do Ze Huang Xiao Zhen and Huang Jie Songwriting Sharing Session With hits like Tahiti and December Night, Ze Huang is well-known for her signature toe-tapping melodies and unpretentious lyrics. Huang Jie is armed with his soothing vocals and insightful lyrics. Meet these two fun and talented indie singer-songwriters and learn more about them and their songwriting styles. Today, 8pm, CrazyWorld Cafe, 24 Temple Street. Free admission with performance ticket. First come first served. esplanadeinmusic guidance is advised. Today, 7.30pm, Objectifs, 56A Arab Street. Free admission. To register, call 6293 9782. Chong Tze Chien. Come witness the official launch of his sophomore collection of plays titled Four Plays. Today, 6.30pm, Festval Club, National Library Building. mansingaporetheatrefestival The Visit Presented by the Singapore I-Lien Drama Society, this play is a 1956 classic by Swiss dramatist Friedrich Durrenmatt. It has been adapted for Asian audiences by director Chua Soo Pong and producer Lim Ngian Tiong. The play tells the story of Claire, who returns to her impoverished hometown. Claire offers an extraordinary monetary gift to the mayor and townspeople in return for the death of her former lover. As the drama unfolds, Claire proves that everything, including justice, can be bought. Today and tomorrow, 8pm, Play Den at The Arts House. Tickets at S22 from bytes. sg 4th ASEAN and Asia Forum: Economy, Energy, Environment The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Asia Forum is an annual regional conference organised by the Singapore Institute of International Affairs. This year the panel focuses on energy, the environment and the economy, as well as panels on business, trade, and the wider outlook for ASEAN nations. Leading keynote speakers expected at the forum include Charles Ormiston, Tony Fernandes and Muhamad Noor Yacob. Today, 8am to 6pm, Capella Singapore, Grand Ballroom. Tickets at S800. Registration required. aseanasiaforum Etiquette 2011: Words Be a part of the inaugural Women Out Loud and listen to poetry, prose and dialogue from nine writers. Readings include that of awardwinning novelist, short-story writer and playwright, Ovidia Yu, ands published author-artist Dana Lam. Listen about their emotional night of first love, supermarket rage, mother-daughter tension and clinical regret. Today, 7.45pm to 10pm, The Substation Theatre. Entry by donation. substation. org Images of Cambodia This photographic show introduces an exciting and diverse country rich in history and culture a country that curator Nicholas Deroose has developed a deep connection with. Earnings from print sales will go to Tabitha Foundation, a foundation that helps the poor. Today, 7pm, DYMK Bar and Cafe, 41 Neil Road. dymk. sg International Workshop on Masculinities in Asia This workshop addresses the masculinity and gender in Asia. By engaging scholars of gender studies in Asia from a variety of geographical locations, theoretical perspectives, and disciplinary approaches in a conversation, the workshop identifies shared concerns, challenges and discourses, and transnational and regional patterns and processes. Today, 9am to 1pm, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, 469A Tower Block, Level 10, Bukit Timah Road. Free admission. To register, email Valerie. yeonus. edu. sg. ari. nus. edu. sg Artist talk by Sara Roitman Sara Roitman is a Chilean Israeli artist based in Ecuador. Sara will be talking about her latest show at Light Editions Gallery and discussing her photography of the human form and the conceptualisation of her latest work. She will also be sharing her personal journeys, dealing with issues such as human trafficking, history and gender. Contains some nudity, parental Man Singapore Theatre Festival 2011: Chong Tze Chiens Four Plays Book Launch The festival will feature celebrated local playwright sudoku plus difficulTy raTing: how To play The rules are easy. Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. CopyrighT uCliCk yesTerdays soluTion today thursday august 4, 2011 t 16 on mediacorp on mediacorp covert affairs (premiere) Channel 5, 10pm Young CIa trainee, annie Walker, is mysteriously summoned to headquarters for duty as field operative. While annie believes shes been promoted for her exceptional linguistic skills, there may be something or someone from her past that her CIa bosses are really after. Christopher Gorham plays auggie anderson, a CIa military intelligence agent who was blinded while on assignment and who is annies guide in this world of bureaucracy, excitement and intrigue. 6.00aM 6.30 9.00 10.00 11.00 Planets Funniest animals VIII aM live The Martha Stewart Show VI The Doctors Planets Funniest animals VIII 11.30 asian eat list nOOn Under One Roof V 1 2.30PM Chemistry CHannel 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.30 10.00 Triple nine II The Middleman The Martha Stewart Show VI americas Got Talent IV India: a love Story Minute To Win It Killer Wave (Premiere) news 5 Tonight Covert affairs (Premiere) 11.00 Mn 1.00aM 1.45 2.00 3.00 3.30 4.00 5.00 Drop Dead Diva II Dirty Sexy Money II Greys anatomy V Just For Variety India: a love Story: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Buffetlicious The Doctors The Martha Stewart Show VI tHe asian centUry Channel newsasia, 1.02pm CHannel 6.00aM Golden age Talentime 2011 7.00 Good Morning Singapore 10.00 The Unforgettable Memory nOOn Power Duet 1.00PM news 8 at One 1.30 Tuesday Report: Montage 60s 2.00 little Wwoofers 2.30 Kopi-o II 3.30 4.30 5.30 6.30 7.00 8.00 8.30 Fairy Of The Chalice Pay It Forward no limits Singapore Today love My Star Guide VI (Debut) Show Me The Money (last episode) 9.00 On The Fringe XI (PG) 10.00 10.30 11.00 Mn 1.00aM 2.00 3.00 4.00 news Tonight Focus Golden Ferris Wheel lotus lantern Fable Black Rose The Hotel Splash To Victory Taiwan Tornado explore the effect of Shanghais new two-child policy, on its ageing population. Will parents be able to cope with the many pressures that come along with having a second child my star GUide 6 (debut) Channel 8, 8pm 1 1.00aM 3.00PM 5.00 6.00 7.00 Home Shopping The Game 100 entertainment Survivors law II Dong Yi CHannel 8.00 Worlds no 1 9.00 lifes Perfectionists 10.00 Moonlight Resonance 11.00 news Tonight 11.30 The Ultimate Crime Fighter 1 2.30aM 1.30 2.30 3.30 Worlds no 1 lifes Perfectionists 100 entertainment Close Worlds no. 1 Channel U, 8pm Ziyi goes to Sichuan province in China, to search for a worm that resembles a combination of a centipede and a cockroach. and witness his excitement when he discovers a whole forest full of the precious culinary ingredient black truffles. 9.00aM Club M. a.G. I.C 9.30 10.00 10.30 11.00 Club M. a.G. I.C (prescHool) (prescHool) (prescHool) (prescHool) Max Ruby (prescHool) Poko (prescHool) Poppy Cat (prescHool) Join star guide Yvonne lim as she heads to Hainan, China to unearth foodie finds 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.00 11.30 The Berenstain Bears On SInGTel MIO TV nOOn Dive Oily Dive 1 2.30PM Hi-5 (prescHool) 1.00 Club M. a.G. I.C 1.30 2.00 2.30 3.00 (prescHool) Max Ruby (prescHool) Poko (prescHool) Poppy Cat (prescHool) Hobby TV 10.00 11.00 Mn einsteins Tingkat Hi Tech Bring Your Toothbrush Babar Mirmo Zibang Pokemon Diamond Pearl Part III SpongeBob SquarePants Globo loco Generator Rex Groom My Room artzooka I Shouldnt Be alive: Trapped In The Canyon Foodage (Debut) Food nation Close 4.00PM 5.00 6.00 6.30 7.00 8.00 8.30 9.00 9.30 10.30 11.00 11.30 Mn Tain-3T Hi Bro Glamor Raya II Ketuk Ketuk Ramadhan III Pertama Ramadan. Datang lagi (Debut) Berita Homestay Impian Si Kecil Gelora Di Hati Sara II Bicara VII Ketuk Ketuk Ramadan Berita Close On STaRHUB CaBle TV Hop (exclusive tv premiere) mio TV Video On Demand (latest Blockbusters), anytime on Demand employing state-of-the-art visual effects, Hop tells the comic tale of Fred, an out-of-work slacker who accidentally injures the easter Bunny and must take him in as he recovers. as Fred struggles with the worlds worst houseguest, both will learn what it takes to finally grow up. 3.00PM 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 anjaraipetti II Sathy leelavathi Take It easy Vazhkai III Mythilli nijangal Vikadavadi naeram 6.00 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.00 Vasantham Star Gokulathil Seethai Pathivugal Vaira nenjam Tamil Seithi Kathai alla nijam II 10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 Mn Thee Star ethiroli VIII Tamil Seithi Close Headlines 12.30pm, 1pm, 1.30pm, 5.30pm, 6pm, 6.30pm, 10.30pm, 11.30pm, 12.30am, 1am, 1.30am Headlinesspore Updates 9.30am, 11.30am, 2.30pm, 4.30pm Headlines sinGapore market report 10.30am, 3.30pm Programmes may be pre-empted due to breaking news 6.00aM 6.30 7.00 9.00 9.38 10.00 10.32 11.00 11.33 nOOn 1 2.32PM 1.02 1.32 2.00 2.33 3.00 3.32 4.00 4.33 asian Home news aM live early edition aM live asia Today aSean Panorama World Today Singapore Heartbeat World Today asian Home news World Today aSean Panorama The asian Century How to be a Super Parent asia Today aM live Bite-size asia Today Spirit of Singapore asia Today aSean Panorama 5.00 5.32 6.02 6.32 7.00 8.02 8.32 9.00 9.31 10.00 10.31 11.00 11.31 Mn 1 2.31aM 1.01 1.31 2.00 asia Market Report Design a-Z The Maverick Reasonable Doubt Primetime asia Insight GIFTS Primetime news Yours Truly, asia IX Singapore Tonight asia Business Tonight asia Tonight Insight World Tonight GIFTS Singapore Tonight asia Business Tonight Full Page Headlines Wild indonesia BBC Knowledge (StarHub TV Ch 407), 10pm Strung out along 5,000km of the equator, between asia and australia, Indonesias 17,000 islands make up the largest and most varied archipelago on earth. From freezing glaciers to coral reefs, orangutans to Komodo dragons, the sheer diversity of landscapes and life defies the imagination. This bluechip series tells the story of one of the worlds most fascinating regions and its magical wildlife. SIGN UP AS A MEMBER AT PERKS. MOCCA doUble exposUre (exclusive tv premiere) SeT (mio TV 20), 9pm Double Exposure is a docu-series that goes behind the lens of celebrity photography duo Markus Klinko and Indrani, a former couple, along with high-end-stylist GK Reid, giving viewers a taste of the world of high fashion and celebrity photography. N ATIO STR I REG IS E FRE disneys a cHristmas carol STaR Movies (StarHub TV Ch 622), 9pm In this animated re-telling of the classic story, three spirits take Scrooge on an eye-opening journey revealing truths he is reluctant to face. today thursday august 4, 2011 today thursday august 4, 2011 Today is published by MediaCorp Press Ltd, Caldecott Broadcast Centre, Annex Building, Level 1, Andrew Road, Singapore 299939 Tel: 6333 3888. Printed by KHL Printing Co Pte Ltd, 57, Loyang Drive, Singapore 508968. Tel: 65432222

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