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Durch die Konzentration auf Inhalte und die Förderung der Gemeinschaft Engagement wollen wir vertrauenswürdige und einzigartige Umgebungen für Business-Marken und Business-Profis zur Optimierung der Beziehungen zu schaffen. Unsere Leute Unsere Leute sind unser größtes Kapital und wir hatten Glück, einige der besten digitalen Talente im Land zu gewinnen. Mit einem erfahrenen Managementteam, erfahrenen Kampagnen - und Account-Managern, preisgekrönten Redakteuren und einem führenden Produktions - und Technologieteam haben wir eine Struktur und Qualität, die uns von anderen Verlagen abhebt. Erfahren Sie mehr und treffen Sie das Team unten. Sift war es, branchenspezifische Informationsdienste anzubieten, die das Internet nutzen, indem es traditionelle Nachrichten und Webinhalte integriert hat. Mit Bens Hintergrund in der Buchhaltung wurde beschlossen, dies wäre der erste Markt für Exploration und so im Jahr 1997 AccountingWEB. co. uk geboren wurde. Die Formel funktionierte, und in 12 Monaten war die Auflagenliste von 10 auf 4.000 gegangen, wobei die Einnahmen aus Anzeigen in wöchentlichen E-Mail-Bulletins generiert wurden. Sift Media erreicht nun über 700.000 registrierte Business-Profis jeden Monat und liefert über 5 Millionen Seitenimpressionen in seinem Portfolio von 11 Titeln in Großbritannien und den USA. Nicht nur werden wir weiterhin einige der loyalsten und engagiert Online-Business-Communities zu entwickeln, bieten wir führende Lösungen für Werbetreibende. Für eine ausführlichere Geschichte besuchen Sie unsere Website sift. Wenn Sie an einem der aufregendsten Verlage Großbritanniens teilnehmen möchten und Sie glauben, dass Sie die Leidenschaft und die Fähigkeiten haben, um ein wertvoller Teil des Teams zu werden, warum nicht überprüfen Sie unsere aktuellen Stellenangebote. Updated: 30 Apr 2008 Das Folgende ist eine Liste der Filme, Videokassetten und Laserdiscs, die von der Educational Media Collection erhalten wurden. (HINWEIS: Titel mit Verwendungsbeschränkungen sind mit einem gekennzeichnet.) Diese Beschränkungen sind das Ergebnis vertraglicher Einschränkungen des Verkäufers, sie sind definitiv und dürfen nicht ignoriert werden.) Das Wort (Silent) tritt nach einigen unten aufgeführten Titeln auf. Es handelt sich um 16mm Filme, die mit stiller Geschwindigkeit projiziert werden sollen. 18 Bilder pro Sekunde. Überprüfen Sie bitte, ob Sie die richtige Projektionsausrüstung haben. Hinweis . Diese Titel werden allmählich ausgetauscht und aus der Sammlung entfernt, so dass keine spezielle Projektionsausrüstung erforderlich ist. 290 Titel und 5 Serien gefunden. BF SKINNER UND VERHALTENSWECHSEL: FORSCHUNG, PRAXIS UND VERSPRECHEN 1975 ----- Farbe ----- 48 min ----- 16mm Dr. Skinner und eine angesehene Gruppe von Sozialwissenschaftlern diskutieren Geschichte, Theorie, Ethik und Anwendungen Des Verhaltens und demonstrieren Theorie und Praxis in einer Vielzahl von Einstellungen. Die Teilnehmer diskutieren auch die umstrittenen sozialen und ethischen Fragen, die sich aus der weit verbreiteten Anwendung von Verhaltensmethoden ergeben haben. BABOON VERHALTEN 1960 ----- Farbe ----- 32 min ----- 16mm vhs Einführung in das Pavianleben auf den Savannen von Ostafrika. Baboons Beziehungen mit anderen Tieren, ihre Essgewohnheiten, die Entwicklung ihrer jungen und Merkmale ihrer hoch integrierten sozialen Einheit, die Truppe. BABOON ECOLOGY 1962 ----- Farbe ----- 21 min ----- 16mm vhs Demonstriert besondere Anpassung der Paviane an die Wiesen Ostafrikas. Live-Fotografie und Farbanimation veranschaulichen einige der ökologischen Prinzipien bei der Arbeit. Paviane Truppen werden gesehen, die mit Impala, Gazelle, Heartebeest, Buschbock und Zebra weiden und als Einheit auf potentielle Raubtiere reagieren. Jede Spezies, die sich auf die Alarmsignale der anderen stützt. BABOON TALES 1998 ----- Farbe ----- 52 min ----- vhs Präsentiert die Geschichte von der Geburt durch das erste Jahr des Lebens in der fast Jahrzehnt langen Reise zum Pavian Erwachsenenalter. Olive Paviane (Papio anubis) sind intensive soziale Tiere, Weben ein verändertes Netz von Beziehungen mit Familie, Freunden und Feinden. Dieses intime Porträt nimmt die Paviane Sicht in einer Reihe von Möglichkeiten. Es wird auf Pavianebene unter Verwendung von Nahaufnahmen geschossen und, so viel wie möglich, erzählt die Geschichte durch Paviane Brille, besonders, wie sie von einer Gruppe von Babys getragen wird, die die Hauptfiguren der Filme sind. Diese brillante Filmgeschichte ist die Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Anthropologenprimatologen Dr. Shirley C. Strum, der seit 26 Jahren Paviane studiert und das preisgekrönte Team der Filmemacher Rudi Kovanic und Gillian Darling Kovanic (Closed-Captioned). (Umfangreicher Studienführer inbegriffen) (Nur für Universitätsuniversitäten zugelassen) BABY MAKERS, THE 1980 ----- Farbe ----- 43 min ----- 16mm Geburt ohne Geschlecht, gefrorene Embryonen und selektive Zucht Sind Begriffe, die einst auf die Science-Fiction beschränkt sind. Die Geburt im Jahr 1979 von Baby Louise, das weltweit erste Test-Tube-Baby, erhielt weltweite Aufmerksamkeit, doch die Kunst der künstlichen Reproduktion wird oft in einer Atmosphäre der Geheimhaltung praktiziert. Erforscht die vielen Kontroversen um die künstliche Besamung, die Ei-Embryo-Manipulation (die außerhalb des Körpers geschaffenen Babys) und die Verwendung von Ersatzmüttern. Es gibt Fortschritte, die weit über die allgemeine öffentliche Erkenntnis hinausgehen und eine Prüfung der rechtlichen, moralischen und ethischen Fragen vorstellen, die diese Fortschritte hervorrufen. ZURÜCK ZUR BASICSHOW SICHER SIND WIR 2005 ----- Farbe ----- 108 min ----- dvd (Rx für das Überleben: Eine globale Herausforderung der Gesundheit Herausforderung Reihe, Teil 3) Rx für Überleben: Eine globale Gesundheit Herausforderung überprüft Kritische, weltweite Bedrohungen von alten Krankheiten und bizarre neue Krankheiten resistent gegen die moderne Medizin. Die Sechs-Episoden-Serie Profile wie Krankheiten wie Ebola Fieber, SARS, das West-Nil-Virus, HIVAIDS und die Vogelgrippe. Enthalten auf dieser Scheibe sind zurück zu den Grundlagen (54 min) Kontraste Regionen mit einem Mangel an den Grundlagen (d. h. Sauberes Wasser, Vitamine, etc.) mit Ländern, die eine Überfülle von ihnen haben (was in Fettleibigkeit, Diabetes, etc.). Wie sicher sind wir (54 min) Werfen Sie einen Blick auf Infektionskrankheiten (wie Ebola, AIDS und Vogelgrippe) und die Bedrohung, die sie stellen zusammen mit Möglichkeiten, in denen Nationen versuchen, die infizierten helfen, während die Verhütung neuer Fälle. (Eingeschränkt auf die Campus der Universität von Washington) ZURÜCK ZUR BEWEGUNG (1979-MID-1980S) 1990 ----- Farbe ----- 58 min ----- vhs (Augen auf der Prize II Serie, Teil 8) Die Serie schließt mit einer Untersuchung der politischen und wirtschaftlichen Veränderungen, die gleichzeitig von zwei Städten im Norden und Süden erlebt werden: Chicago und Miami. Miamis Schwarze Gemeinschaft - durch städtische Erneuerung, ein Mangel an Arbeitsplätzen und Polizei harrassment - explodiert im Aufruhr. Aber in Chicago triumphiert eine unvorhergesehene Basisbewegung. Frustriert durch Jahrzehnte der unerfüllten Versprechen von der Stadt Demokratischen politischen Maschine gemacht, installieren Reformer Harold Washington als Chicagos ersten schwarzen Bürgermeister. Schließt mit einem Blick zurück auf die Leute, die diese Bewegung eine Kraft für Änderung in Amerika machten. Amerika ist weit gereist, um zu dieser rassischen Kreuzung zu gelangen. (Regie: Vincente Minnelli, leichtsinnig von Charles Schnee nach einer Geschichte von George Bradshaw mit Lana Turner, Kirk Douglas, 1982 ----- bw ----- 118 min ----- Walter Pidgeon, Dick Powell, Barry Sullivan, Gloria Grahame, Gilbert Roland) Dieses glänzende Melodram über einen schlechten meglomanischen Hollywood-Produzenten und einen schönen alkoholischen Stern ist eines jener Filme, die erklären, was Hollywood wirklich ist. Es ist ein Beispiel für das, was es vorstellt - luxuriöser Exhibitionismus - und der Verlauf dessen, was als Ratten-Rennen zum Erfolg beschrieben wird, ist der weichste Rasen aller Zeiten. Gefördert durch das Department of Comparative Studies (beschränkt auf den Einsatz auf Campus Universitäten nur) TASCHEN 1967 ----- Farbe ----- 9 min ----- 16mm Präsentiert eine sardonische Allegorie über die Natur der Tyrannei und der Drehungen der Revolution. Mit animierten Live-Objekten wird der Konflikt zwischen einer gierigen, swaggering Tasche und verschiedene Dachbodenobjekte verfolgt. Wie Orwells Tierfarm. Es stellt eine eisige Aussage über das Scheitern von Systemen, die Heuchelei der Revolution, die Versuchungen der Macht und das erschreckende Thema einer Bewegung dar, die zu dem wird, was sie besiegt. BAHAMAS: WO LIMESTONES HEUTE HEUTE 1959 ----- Farbe ----- 40 min ----- 16mm Erklärt und zeigt die Riffe, Kalkablagerungen und oolitischen Gesteine in der Region der Bahama-Inseln. Unterwasser-Fotografie wird verwendet, um verschiedene Arten von Pflanzenformationen auf dem Meeresboden zu zeigen. Erörtert die Möglichkeit der Ölbohrung in Kalksteinlagerstätten. BAJA CALIFORNIA: LIMITLESS LAND 1992 ----- Farbe ----- 13 min ----- vhs Ein schnelllebiges Werbevideo zur Betonung der Geschäftsmöglichkeit im Bundesstaat Baja California. Produziert von der Regierung von Baja California es bewundern die erstaunlichen natürlichen und wirtschaftlichen Ressourcen und lobt die Bemühungen derer, die den Staat ein Beispiel für den Rest von Mexiko gemacht haben. (Eingeschränkt durch das Department of Canadian Studies) (beschränkt auf die Verwendung von Einrichtungen des Lernens innerhalb des Staates nur von Washington) BAKA: MENSCHEN DES WALDES 1988 ----- Farbe ----- 59 min ----- 16mm Die Baka, ein halbnomadisches Volk, leben in den Regenwäldern Südost-Kameruns, einem Land an der Westküste Afrikas. Häufiger als Pygmäen bekannt (ein Name, den sie nicht mögen), haben die Baka auf ihre Umgebung so weit angepasst, dass sie im Gleichgewicht mit dem Regenwald sind. Das Leben einer Familie wird gefolgt, während sie durch die Jahreszeiten bewegen. Eine bemerkenswerte Szene zeigt, wie der Vater seinen jungen Sohn lehrt, wie Schimpansen Werkzeuge benutzen, um Termiten für Nahrung zu erhalten. In diesem außerordentlich fotografierten Dokumentarfilm von der National Geographic Society werden Erzählungen, Lieder, Jagd und Sammlung und Handel mit anderen Stämmen gezeigt. BAKHTIARI MIGRATION, DIE 1974 ----- Farbe ----- 51 min ----- 16mm Ein mühsamer Test der menschlichen Ausdauer, die Bachtiari-Migration dauert etwa fünf Wochen und umfasst etwa 200 Meilen. Eine halbe Million Menschen und Millionen von Schafen und Ziegen durchqueren das massive Zagros-Gebiet im südlichen Iran zweimal jährlich, um zwischen Sommer - und Winterweiden zu ziehen. BAKUBA: MENSCHEN DES KONGOs 1957 ----- b w ----- 17 min ----- 16mm Der Bakuba-Stamm der Provinz Kasai im Kongo hat einige der besten Handwerke des Kongo produziert. Beispiele für ihre reiche kulturelle Tradition von Handwerk und Dekoration sind: gewebte Matten, Samt, Stickereien, Zeremonien, Ritualwerkzeuge und Trommeln, Statuen und Schnitzereien der Köpfe der alten Könige, Symbole für Tätowierungen sowie Gürtel und Kostüme. BILANZ BARRIER 1977 ----- Farbe ----- 30 min ----- 16mm John Cleese ist der hochmoderne, hochmoderne Manager, der alle Aspekte des Geschäfts mit Ausnahme der Finanzen kennt . Ronnie Corbett ist ein Rohöl. Ungebildeter kleiner Unternehmer, der Geld wissen muss, um erfolgreich zu sein. Cleese kommt zu ihm um Rat. Als Corbett geduldig Cleese durch seine Löffelfabrik nimmt, werden die Geheimnisse des Buchhaltungsjargons mit animierten Cartoons und Diagrammen weggeräumt. BALINESE TRANCE SEANCE, A 1980 ----- Farbe ----- 28 min ----- 16mm Auf Bali, dem Balian. Oder der traditionelle Heiler zwischen den übernatürlichen und den menschlichen Welten vermittelt. Jero Tapakan ist sowohl ein Geistmedium als auch ein Masseur in einem zentralen balinesischen Dorf. Kunden konsultieren mit Jero in ihrem Haushalt Schrein, bringen Angeboten von Reis, Blumen und gewebte Kokosnussblätter. Jero betritt eine Trance und versucht, mit dem Geist seiner Klienten verstorbenen Sohn zu kommunizieren, um die Ursache seines Todes und seine Wünsche für die bevorstehende Verbrennung zu bestimmen. BALLAD OF EIN UNSUNG HERO (nd) ----- Farbe ----- 28 min ----- vhs Chroniken das bemerkenswerte Leben des 89-jährigen Pedro J. Gonzalez, von seinen frühen Jahren als Telegraph-Operator Für Pancho Villa während der mexikanischen Revolution zu seiner bahnbrechenden Karriere als Rundfunk - und Aufnahmestern in Los Angeles, seine Verhaftung von 1934, auf Trumped-up-Gebühren und spätere Haft in San Quentin, seine Deportation nach Mexiko und eventuelle Rückkehr in die USA Geschichte seines Lebens im Stil eines Korridos. Oder mexikanische Ballade. BALLAD OF CROWFOOT 1970 ----- bw ----- 10 min ----- 16mm Die grafische Geschichte des kanadischen Westens wurde in diesem Film von einer Besatzung kanadischer Indianer geschaffen, die die Traditionen, Einstellungen und Probleme ihres Volkes. Während der Film läuft eine bewegende Dylan-Stil Ballade, die die zerbrochenen Verträge übersieht und spekuliert wryly, ob es ein besseres morgen gibt. BALLAD OF NARAYAMA, THE (NARAYAMA-BUSHI KO) 1983 ----- Farbe ----- 129 min ----- vhs (geschrieben von Shohei Imamura, fotografiert von Masao Tochizama, Musik von Shinichiro Ikebe mit Ken Ogata, Sumiko Sakamoto) Tief im Norden Japans in einem isolierten, verarmten Dorf sind die Älteren, nach Erreichen des Siebzigjährigen, gewöhnlich auf einem Berg verlassen, um den Göttern von Narayama zu begegnen. Orin, eine Matriarchin, deren Zeit sich nähert, muss Pläne machen, um das Überleben ihrer Familie zu sichern. Indem sie ihren Mut, ihre Intelligenz und ihre jugendliche Vitalität bei der Überwindung von Widrigkeiten unter Beweis stellt, beharrt sie immer noch darauf, dass ihr widerwilliger Sohn sie zu Narayama bringt - denn ihr Tod ist die letzte Versicherung, die die Familie überleben muss. (Auf japanisch mit englischen Untertiteln) BALLADE URBAINE (URBAN STROLL) (QUEBEC) 1989 ----- Farbe ----- 13 min ----- vhs Bummeln in der Stadt Quebec, bedeutet, im Winter, Hören Das prächtige Stöhnen des Eises, gemobbt und durch die Flut des St. Lawrence gebrochen wird, bedeutet es, das fröhliche Quaken von Tausenden von Wildenten, von weißen Gänsen und von kanadischen Gänsen, die zu uns aus dem Süden kommen, jeden Frühling zu hören Bedeutet das Gefühl, so stolz auf den St. Lawrence, die in den Golf zu öffnen, seine Kiefer auf Europa es bedeutet, dass, wie Sie gehen diese kurvenreichen Straßen mit antiken Häusern gesäumt, entdecken Sie, dass Quebec kann nur Französisch sein. Ich liebe es so (Musical Soundtrack ohne Erzählung) (Eingeschränkt durch das Department of Canadian Studies) (beschränkt auf die Verwendung von Institutionen des Lernens innerhalb des Staates nur von Washington) BALLETT: LEBEN DER TEIL (CLARK TIBBET) 1989 ----- Farbe ----- 26 min ----- vhs (nach Reflexion Reihe) Host Al Page spricht mit Clark Tibbet, Choreograph und Prinzip Tänzer, The American Ballet Theatre. Herr Tibbet diskutiert die Verwendung von geistigen Bildern und die Gründe für sein beständiges Interesse am Ballett. Er spricht über seine Karriereentscheidungen, Ausbildung, Probleme mit Selbstdisziplin und seine Anfänge in der Choreographie. BALLET MECHANIQUE 1924 ----- bw ----- 15 min ----- 16mm Dieser berühmte abstrakte Film des bemerkenswerten Malers Fernand Leger verwendet ein Minimum an gezeichneten oder gemalten geometrischen Formen und eine überwiegende Menge an fotografischen Bildern . Zeigt den Einfluss der Freudschen Theorie auf Filmemacher der 20er Jahre, da die offensichtliche sexuelle Symbolik einiger Gegenstände dem Film einen unverschämten Humor verleiht. Kinematographie von Man Ray. (ANMERKUNG: Film sollte mit leiser Geschwindigkeit projiziert werden, dh 18 framesscond.) (Beschränkt auf den Einsatz in der Bildungsmedien-Sammlung nur) BALLETT MIT EDWARD VILLELLA 1970 ----- Farbe ----- 27 min ---- - 16mm Edward Villella zeigt, dass perfekte Ballett - und Ballettreue eine Frage der Kraft, der Beweglichkeit und der fantastischen Disziplin ist. Präsentiert Pas de Deux mit Patricia McBride und Ausschnitte aus Giselle, Apollo und Jewels. BALZAC 1951 ----- bw ----- 20 min ----- 16mm (Historische Sammlung) (Actualites Francaises) Präsentiert die Biografie des französischen Schriftstellers Honore de Balzac (1799-1850), erzählt durch die Fotografie von Gemälde, Manuskripte, Skulpturen und Gebäude der Zeit. BAND KONZERT, DIE 1935 ----- Farbe ----- 9 min ----- 16mm Die erste Mickey Mouse-Karikatur in Farbe, wird das Band-Konzert von vielen als die beste Karikatur jemals produziert werden. Mit der unfähigen Unterstützung von Donald Duck und seinen magischen Pfennigpfeifen leitet Mickey seine Konzertversion der Ouvertüre zu Rossinis William Tell. Die subtilen Nuancen der Aufführung sind garantiert, jedes mögliches Publikum zu lassen, das Lone Ranger vergessen. Berühmt, liebte der berühmte Dirigent, Arturo Toscanini, diese Karikatur immer wieder zu sehen. BAND WAGON, 1953 ----- Farbe ----- 112 min ----- laserdisc (Regie: Vincente Minnelli, Drehbuch von Betty Comden, Adolph Green, Musik und Texte von Howard Dietz und Arthur Schwartz mit Fred Astaire , Cyd Charisse, Oscar Levant, Nanette Fabray, Jack Buchanan) Tony Hunter (Astaire), Hollywood-Sängerin, fühlt sich gewaschen und Köpfe für Broadway, um seine Karriere zu revitalisieren. Seine alten Freunde Lily und Les Martin (Nanette Fabray und Oscar Levant ihre besten Betty Comden und Adolph Green Eindrücke) haben eine Idee für eine lustige kleine Broadway-Show und Fred, er, Tony, ist bereit, es zu tun. Bigshot künstlerischer Direktor Jeffrey Cordova (Jack Buchanan) proklamiert sein ein modernistischer Faust und besteht auf der Einstellung einer prima Ballerina, Gabrielle Gerard (Cyd Charisse), um gegenüber Tony, er, Fred zu singen. Nun, sein Hass auf den ersten Blick und die Show-Flops. Aber denken Sie daran, dies ist ein musikalisches, Romantik, können es diesmal richtig machen, und eine triumphale Eröffnungsnacht bringen alle zu Rechten. Musical-Nummern gehören: Shine auf Ihre Schuhe, Tanz in der Dunkelheit, Triplets, Thats Entertainment, das Mädchen Hunt Ballett. (Gefördert durch das Department of Comparative Literature) (beschränkt auf den Einsatz auf der University of Washington Campus nur) BANGLADESH NATIONHOOD: SYMBOLE UND SHADOWS 1975 ----- Farbe ----- 49 min ----- vhs präsentiert eine Fallstudie Eines neuen Nationskampfes, sich zu definieren. Durch umfangreiche Gespräche mit Menschen aus verschiedenen Lebensbereichen und die Darstellung der kulturellen Traditionen der bengalischen Bevölkerung werden die Kräfte, die zur Entstehung Bangladeschs als souveräne Nation führten, erforscht. BANKRUPT 1982 ----- Farbe ----- 27 min ----- 16mm (Enterprise-Serie) Inforex war ein 70 Millionen jähriges Computerunternehmen, das die High-Tech-Welle zum Wohlstand in den frühen 1970er Jahren ritt. Gegründet 1968, hatte es auf der Bühne mit der IKE, einem fernsehähnlichen Dateneingabegerät, das die alten Lochkartensysteme überholt hatte, geplatzt. Aber das Unternehmen hatte noch nie ein zweites Produkt gewonnen und Ende der 1970er Jahre war Inforex in tiefen Schwierigkeiten. Im Herbst 1979 legte es den Schutz nach Kapitel 11 des Bundes-Insolvenzgesetzes ein. Folgt Inforex, wie es versucht, Reorganisation zu überleben. BANZAI - JAPAN, 1931-1942 1974 ----- Farbe ----- 54 min ----- 16mm Bewertungen der Hintergrund und Ergebnisse der Japans Eintritt in den Zweiten Weltkrieg durch Angriff und schwerwiegende Schäden an der US-Marine-Basis an Pearl Harbour am 7. Dezember 1941. Der Angriff stürzte die USA in den Krieg als Präsident Roosevelt erklärte den Krieg gegen Japan. Mitsuo Fuchida, Führer des Angriffs auf Pearl Harbor, die Philippinen und Malaya, wird in einem Interview gezeigt, wie überlebende amerikanische Marine Personal, die das Gemetzel des Ereignisses zu beschreiben. BAOBAB: PORTRAIT OF A TREE 1973 ----- Farbe ----- 52 min ----- dvd Ein faszinierendes Studium einer Welt in Miniatur, dem legendären afrikanischen Baobab. Der geschwungene Rumpf, die massiven wurzelförmigen Gliedmaßen und der einladende Schatten dieses sagenhaften Patriarchen sind Heimat und Zufluchtsort für das Leben einer wimmelnden Mikroumgebung. Vögel, Insekten, Reptilien und Säugetiere werden geboren, jagen, füttern, schimpfen und sterben, die eine Kette von Existenz treiben, die um den Baobab schwenkt. Jede Kreatur unterstützt und wird wiederum von diesem komplizierten Ökosystem unterstützt. BAPTISM OF FIRE - YPRESSLAUGHTER UND SACRIFICE - SOMME 2001 ----- Farbe ----- 94 min ----- vhs (Für König und Reich: Kanadas Soldaten im Großen Krieg Serie, Teil 1) Von 1914 Bis 1918 Kanada schickte 400.000 Soldaten in Übersee zu kämpfen während des ersten Weltkriegs 60.000 von ihnen starben. Für König und Reich: Kanadas Soldaten Im großen Krieg ist die Geschichte von diesen Soldaten. Host Norm Christie nutzt Fotos und Filmaufnahmen aus dem Krieg, Auszüge aus Briefen, die Soldaten an geliebte Personen geschickt haben, sowie Besuche von alten Schlachtfeldern und Kriegsdenkmalen, um uns den Heldentum und Horror des Krieges zu zeigen und wie es Kanada betrifft. Episode 1 - Taufe des Feuers: Die Kanadier in Ypern - 1915 (47 Min.) Der Beginn der Kanadas Soldaten im Krieg, die Verwendung von chemischen Waffen und der große Tribut an der Schlacht bei Ypern. Episode 2 - Schlacht ein Opfer: Die Kanadier an der Somme - 1916 (47 min) Geht über die Schlachten an der Somme, vor allem die vielen Versuche, verschiedene Gräben in das Gebiet und das Dorf Courcelette zu nehmen. 25.000 Kanadier starben. (Spenden an die EMC von WA Douglas Jackson) (Eingeschränkt auf die Nutzung durch Institutionen des Lernens innerhalb des Staates nur von Washington) BARB: BRECHEN DES ZYKLUS DER MISSBRAUCH 1977 ----- Farbe ----- 29 min ---- - 16mm (Northwest Resource Center für Kinder, Jugend und Familien) Überarbeitete Version von Dont Give Up auf mich. Die missbräuchliche Mutter, ihre Gefühle gegenüber den Schutzarbeitern, ihre Gefühle gegenüber ihren Kindern und ihre Schuldgefühle werden verstärkt betont. Neue Sequenzen befassen sich mit einem Wochenende Selbsthilfe-Gruppe, in der Barb beteiligt ist. Endet mit einer Erklärung eines Laien, der an dem Film über ihre ersten Gefühle gegenüber missbräuchlichen Eltern und die Einsicht, die sie in die persönlichen Probleme, die zu Missbrauch führen kann gewonnen hat. BARBER SHOP, Die 1933 ----- b w ----- 21 min ----- 16mm W. C. Fields porträtiert die bumblebe und sorglos Barbier, Cornelius OHare. Elsie Cavanna wird als seine vegetarische und nüchterne Frau gegossen. Fields ist in Top-Form als der Verkäufer von Dorf Klatsch und Löser von unzähligen individuellen Problemen. Die Aktion beginnt, wenn ein lokaler Gangster betritt OHares Friseurgeschäft und zwingt Fields, seine Identität zu ändern, indem er seinen Schnurrbart rasiert und sein Haar schneidet. Fields, die tapfere Seele, die er ist, setzt sich auf den Banditen zu erfassen und behaupten, die 2.000 Belohnung. BARNET (THE CHILD) 1971 ----- Farbe ----- 48 min ----- 16mm Präsentiert eine vollständige Darstellung der Konzeption, der Trächtigkeit und der Geburt eines Kindes, einschließlich der Geburt des Kindes. Verwendet Animation zu erklären, Konzeption und Fotografien verfolgen die Entwicklung des Fötus. Diese Sequenzen sind mit denen, die die Schwangerschaft dokumentieren und zeigen, was die werdende Mutter muss für die richtige pränatale Betreuung zu tun. Endet mit einem Konto der postnatalen Krankenhausversorgung. BARNETT NEWMAN 1966 ----- b w ----- 29 min ----- 16mm Eine Einführung in Barnett Newman, seine Umgebung, seine persönlichen Philosophien, die Bedeutung der Malerei zu ihm und seinen Werken. Newmans Gemälde, The Stations of the Cross, gezeigt werden, während der Künstler erklärt, warum er sie erstellt und was sie persönlich meinen. Er wird auch an verschiedenen Öffnungen und Veranstaltungen gezeigt. BAROQUE DANCE 1675-1725 1980 ----- Farbe ----- 22 min ----- 16mm Präsentiert eine Einführung in die sozialen und theatralischen Tanz der Barockzeit zeigt Texte, Notationen und grafische Illustrationen aus dem Zeitraum Features Performances Von Sue Wanven und Ron Taylor, die beide von Shirley Wynne, dem Chef des Barock-Tanzensembles, ausgebildet wurden. Enthalten sind Sequenzen, die das Menuett, die Finger - und Handbewegungen und die Techniken der Interpretation barocker Notation demonstrieren. Der Film schließt mit einer Aufführung eines Vier-Bewegung Balletts, Suite für Diana und Mars. In voller Kostüm und Masken. BARTLEBY 1961 ----- b w ----- 29 min ----- 16mm (Historische Sammlung) Herman Melvilles Kurzgeschichte, Bartleby, der Scrivener. Angepasst für Film durch Dr. George Bluestone, Abteilung von Englisch, Universität von Washington. Mit der rätselhaften Persönlichkeit eines jungen Scrivener in einer Kanzlei des 19. Jahrhunderts. BATAAN - THE FORGOTTEN HELL 1982 ----- Farbe ----- 50 min ----- vhs Konzentriert sich auf eine unglaubliche Geschichte des menschlichen Überlebens von amerikanischen Soldaten erzählt, die von den Japanern während des Zweiten Weltkriegs gefangen genommen wurden. Die befragten Männer hatten Hunger und schwächende Krankheiten erlitten, noch bevor sie nach dem Fall von Bataan den Japanern überliefert wurden. Gezwungen, den Todesmarsch unter der blasenden tropischen Sonne mit wenig Nahrung und Wasser zu gehen, wurden viele amerikanische und philippinische Truppen geschlagen, bajonettiert und auf dem Weg enthauptet. In sechs Tagen verloren rund 10.000 Männer ihr Leben. Die Überlebenden wurden in japanischen Gefängnislagern und später auf japanischen Höllenschiffen einer brutalen Behandlung unterzogen. (Berichtet von Lloyd Dobyns, NBC News) BATE AUTO: SÜSSE ALS NUTZ 1975 ----- Farbe ----- 16 min ----- 16mm Eine Begegnung mit einem Mann, der seinen eigenen Ersatz für Benzin in barnyard gefunden düngen. Herr Bate ist ein Erfinder, eine klassische Kombination aus zielstrebigem Know-how und praktischem Träumer. Aber seine Entdeckung ist real genug. Zeigt, wie seine hausgemachten Digester Dünger in potente Methan-Gas, um sein Auto macht. Zu guter Letzt zeigt er auch seine neueste Energie-Maschine - ein Fahrrad, das von den Beulen in der Straße angetrieben wird. GEBAUTES KIND, DAS 1977 ----- b w ----- 58 min ----- 16mm (Northwest Resource Center für Kinder, Jugendliche und Familien) Basierend auf dem Buch The Battered Child von C. H. Kempe und R. Helfer. Die Behandlung von körperlichen und emotionalen Missbrauch wird zusammen mit Diskussionen über Kinderverletzungen auf der Grundlage von Fallbefunden dargestellt. Interviews mit den missbräuchlichen Eltern werden gezeigt und die Vorfälle, die sie dazu veranlasst haben, ihre Kinder zu schädigen, werden beschrieben. Psychiatrische Behandlung, nicht Strafaktion, wird betont. Die Rolle der Staaten bei der Entwicklung wirksamer Kindermissbrauchs - und Vernachlässigungsgesetze, die die Rechte von Eltern und Kindern schützt, wird betont. BATTERED WOMEN: VIOLENCE HINTER GESCHLOSSENER TÜREN 1976 ----- Farbe ----- 23 min ----- 16mm (Nordwest-Ressourcenzentrum für Kinder, Jugend und Familien) Blickt hinter das idyllische Bild der Familie als Quelle Liebe, Harmonie und Unterstützung. Eine Gruppe zerschlagener Frauen diskutiert die Hilflosigkeit, die sie empfunden haben, die Schande, ein Scheitern als Frau zu sein, der Schrecken, allein zu sein und die Hoffnung, dass sich eines Tages ihre Ehemänner ändern können. Interviews mit Männern, die körperliche Gewalt einsetzen, um ihre Frauen zu kontrollieren, zeigen ein gelerntes Verhaltensmuster. Erforscht eine Reihe von Optionen für Frauen in einer Schlägerei Situation. Neue Methoden der polizeilichen Intervention und Familie Krisenberatung schlagen positive Veränderungen in etablierten Systemen vor. BATTLE AT ELDERBUSH GULCH 1914 ----- bw ----- 26 min ----- 16mm (Regie: DW Griffith mit Lillian Gish und Mae Marsh) Das schnelle Tempo und die dynamische Bearbeitung dieses Griffith Zwei-Reeler, erschossen Vor Ort in Kalifornien, macht es zu einem seiner besten Kurzfilme. Sein Thema, der dünne Ort der Zivilisation am Rande einer gefährlichen Wildnis, wie zwei östliche Frauen auf Indianer im Westen treffen, wird in seinen späteren Arbeiten oft wiederholt. (ANMERKUNG: Film sollte mit leiser Geschwindigkeit projiziert werden, dh 18 framessecond.) (Beschränkt auf den Einsatz in der Bildungsmedien-Sammlung nur) BATTLE FÜR eine kontinentale 2000 ----- Farbe ----- 107 min ---- - vhs (Kanada, A Völker Geschichte Serie, Teil 4) Eine Periode von etwas mehr als zwei Jahrzehnten in der Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts ändert das Schicksal von Nordamerika. England und Frankreich kämpfen gegenseitig im Siebenjährigen Krieg, ein Konflikt, der als Zusammenstoß zwischen den Kanadiern und den hungrigen amerikanischen Siedlern im Ohio-Tal beginnt und zu einem Weltkrieg wird, der den Kontinent verschlingt. Festung Louisbourg, Symbol des französischen Imperiums, ist das Ziel von 27.000 Soldaten und Matrosen in der größten Marine Invasion in Nord-Amerika Geschichte. Im Jahre 1759 führt General James Wolfe den Angriff gegen Quebec, aber die Zitadelle widersteht einer verheerenden Belagerung und Bombardierung. Mit dem Winter kommt Wolfe den Kommandanten der französischen Truppen, Louis-Joseph de Montcalm, in eine letzte verzweifelte Begegnung. Der Kampf um Nordamerika entfaltet sich auf einem verlassenen Bauernfeld, den Ebenen von Abraham, etwas außerhalb der Stadtmauern. Als der Krieg im Jahre 1763 endet, kommen 70.000 französische Kolonisten unter die britische Herrschaft, in der die französisch-englische Dynamik in Kanada in Gang gesetzt wird (Closed-Captioned). Letterboxed (gespendet von WA Douglas Jackson, Kanadische Studien) (Eingeschränkt auf die Nutzung durch Institutionen des Lernens innerhalb des Staates nur von Washington) BATTLE FÜR DIE BÄUME 1993 ----- Farbe ----- 57 min ----- vhs Es ist eine komplexe Schlacht, die an vielen Fronten kämpft - in den Gesellschaftsräumen, in den Gesetzgebungen, auf den Straßen und im Wald. Die Waffen reichen von Millionen-Dollar-PR-Kampagnen zu leisen Handlungen des zivilen Ungehorsams. Auf dem Spiel stehen die letzten Stände des altwachstumsstarken Küstenwaldes von British Columbia, die jedes Jahr mit einer erhöhten Rate abgeschnitten werden. Bald werden sie für immer verschwunden sein. Die Soldaten sind normale Bürger, Wissenschaftler, Holzfäller, Umweltschützer und Einheimische, die die Liquidierung unserer öffentlichen Wälder und damit eine Lebensart bezeugen. Untersucht die Schlachtstrategien beider Seiten und bietet praktische Lösungen, die die wirtschaftlichen Bedürfnisse mit der Erhaltung der alten Wälder ausgleichen. (Eingeschränkt durch das Department of Canadian Studies) (beschränkt auf die Nutzung durch Einrichtungen des Lernens innerhalb des Staates nur von Washington) BATTLE OF ALGIERS, die 1966 ----- bw ----- 121 min - Dvd vhs Regisseur Gillo Pontecorvo gibt einen dokumentarischen Blick auf seinen Wiederaufbau der algerischen Rebellion gegen die Franzosen zwischen 1954 und 1957. Inmitten aufwendiger Inszenierungen von Aufständen, Angriffen auf die Rebellen in der Casbah, Bombenanschläge im europäischen Sektor der Stadt, Pontecorvo konzentriert sich auf Ali, den FLN-Führer und Colonel Mathieu, den methodischen Franzosen, der versucht, die Rebellentätigkeit zu unterdrücken. Obwohl der Regisseur klar Seiten mit den Rebellen, die Filme unerschrocken Darstellung von Terrorismus und Gewalt ist ein Kommentar zu den schrecklichen Gewalt, die Geschichte über Männer ausübt. DVD beschränkt sich nur auf Universitäten der Universitäten von Washington (auf Englisch mit englischen Untertiteln) BATTLE OF RUSSIA 1943 ----- bw ----- 84 min ----- vhs Präsentiert die Geschichte von Russen kämpfen gegen Eindringlinge, alte und moderne. Gebildet von gefangengenommenen und alliierten Wochenschriften, animierten Karten, synchronisierten Stimmen, Erzählung durch Walter Huston und einem rührenden musikalischen Hintergrund der russischen Klassiker und Volkslieder erhöht die dramatische Wirkung. BATTLE OF SAN PIETRO 1946 ----- bw ----- 32 min ----- 16mm Der Regisseur John Huston präsentiert eine Zeichentafel-Militärstrategie mit Karten und Entwürfen und liefert dann eine unübertroffene Darstellung der Bodenkämpfe, die zusammen fotografiert wurden Die Fußsoldaten während der Schlacht. Das Ergebnis zeigt, wie ungewiss der Sieg war und die extremen Verluste, die es möglich machten. Noch mehr als eine große, humane Aussage über den Schrecken und die Verwüstung des Krieges, erfaßt er die sehr ambivalente Kriegsführung - ihre Gründe und berechneten Belohnungen. - Museum für moderne Kunst Filmbibliothek BATTLE OF STALINGRAD, THE 1960 ---- - bw ----- 90 min ----- vhs Präsentiert die sowjetische Sicht der klassischen Schlacht, die den Verlauf des Krieges zu Gunsten der Alliierten veränderte. Selten gefangenes deutsches Material wurde verwendet, das in keinem anderen Dokumentarfilm der Alliierten gefunden wurde. KAPITEL DER TITANER, DIE (PROBLEME DER WELTWIRTSCHAFT) 1993 ----- Farbe ----- 53 min ----- vhs Wie können amerikanische Arbeiter mit ihren Kollegen in Ländern der Dritten Welt konkurrieren, die für 30 Cents arbeiten Eine Stunde Schuhe, Kleider, Kameras, Autos, Computer, die früher im Westen produziert wurden, werden nun in Entwicklungsländern hergestellt. Gefilmt in Indonesien, Venezuela, Ägypten und Nigeria, stellt dieses Programm schwierige ökonomische Fragen beim Zeigen des Zusammenhangs zwischen ökonomischem deprivation und politischen Unruhen. 45 Millionen neue Arbeitsplätze werden jedes Jahr in der Dritten Welt benötigt, um mit dem Bevölkerungswachstum Schritt zu halten. Dies führt zu einer erhöhten Arbeitslosigkeit in den Vereinigten Staaten. Handelsbarrieren würden dazu führen, dass die Länder nicht instabil werden. Dann könnten radikale Führer anspruchsvolle Waffen gegen den Westen entfesseln. BATTLE VON VIMY RIDGE, THE 1997 ----- color ----- 95 min ----- vhs Zur Zeit ist keine Beschreibung verfügbar. (Gespendet an den EMC durch WA Douglas Jackson) (eingeschränkt auf Gebrauch auf Campus der Universität von Washington nur) BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN, DAS (BRONENOSETS POTYOKIN) 1925 ----- bw ----- 74 min ----- dvd ( Regie: Sergei M. Eisenstein, Kinofilm von Eduard Tisse, Musikpartitur von Dimitri Schostakowitsch) Basierend auf einem Zwischenfall, der auf dem Fürsten Potemkin während des Aufstandes von 1905 auftrat, ist der Film die komplizierteste Demonstration der Eisensteins-Schnitttechnik, die besonders ausdrucksstark ist Die berühmte Odessa Steps Sequence. Alle Filmtexte zitieren die Montageexperimente (Kollision von Bildern, Parallelschnitt, Zeitausdehnung) in dieser Szene, die sich vor allem überwältigend bewegt. Es wird von vielen Kritikern als einer der zehn größten Filme aller Zeiten betrachtet. BAY BOY, THE 1984 ----- color ----- 100 min ----- vhs (Directed by Daniel Petrie with Liv Ullmann, Kiefer Sutherland, Peter Donat, Mathieu Carriere, Isabelle Mejias) Its 1937, a time of innocence. But love, seduction and murder become part of the life of 16-year-old Don in the Nova Scotia town of Glace Bay. Don is the apple of almost everyones eye. His adoring mother hopes to see Don become a priest and works hard to shield him from the realities of the Depression, while an attractive teenage admirer works hard to get him into bed. When a sadistic policeman brutally murders an elderly couple, there is one witness to the crime--Don. With each day, the murderer becomes more convinced that Don saw the crime. Torn with indecision and doubt, he remains quiet until the need to speak out becomes a matter of life and death. (Closed-Captioned) (Donated by the Department of Canadian Studies) ( Restricted to use by institutions of learning within the State of Washington only ) BE WELL: HEALTH IN THE LATER YEARS 1983 ----- color ----- 24 min ----- 16mm Provides a general overview of the main health concerns for people sixty and older. Presenting aging not as a problem, but as a natural process with its own unique challenges and rewards, the film deals with the following topics: common myths about older people reversing loss of health and vigor health monitoring and common complaints the importance of preventive health care through proper nutrition, exercise and stress reduction getting the most out of a visit to the doctor advice on medication problems with alcohol and tobacco and ways to change unhealthful habits. BEACH: A RIVER OF SAND 1965 ----- color ----- 20 min ----- 16mm vhs By analysis of the currents produced by waves and the calculations of the accumulation and depletion of sand, the beach is shown to be a moving river of sand between the land and the water, with the most pronounced movement along the shore. BEACHCOMBER ON THE SHORES OF OTHER PEOPLES KNOWLEDGE, A (BILL MOYERS) 1933 ----- color ----- 28 min ----- vhs (Upon Reflection series) Host Marcia Alvar speaks with Bill Moyers, noted journalist, about his most recent television series, Healing and the Mind . It focuses on the medical effect of human emotion on the body and the mind, how Western science has ignored this link to wellness, and how the average American is now turning to natural, holistic measures for healing, together with modern medical methods. They discuss his critical view of television broadcasting today, the style of his productions, and what distinguishes them from others. They also discuss his career as a journalist including his years in the Johnson White House. BEAMS AND FRAMES 1969 ----- color ----- 31 min ----- 16mm Illustrates the behavior of structures consisting primarily of elements subjected to bending. The curvature produced in a bent element is contrasted to the lengthening due to tensile stresses. BEAST OF MONSIEUR RACINE, THE 1975 ----- color ----- 9 min ----- 16mm Someone is stealing Monsieur Racines prize pears. He lays a trap and catches the marauder, a strange but harmless-looking beast and the two become great friends. What happens when Monsieur Racine presents his dear companion to the Academy of Science throws Paris into an uproar. A French flavor is captured by Charles Duvalls narration of this delightful childrens story. BEAUTIFUL DREAMERS 1990 ----- color ----- 108 min ----- vhs (Directed by John Kent Harrison with Rip Torn, Colm Feore, Wendel Meldrum, Sheila McCarthy, Colin Fox) After meeting renowned free-thinker Walt Whitman at a medical conference, a young doctor decides the poets philosophy of human compassion offers a new approach to treating the mentally ill. Returning with Whitman to his small-town asylum, the physician soon discovers that town folk--and his own wife--are outraged at Whitmans radical ideas of individuality and guiltless sexuality. But gradually, Whitmans gentle rebellion works its liberating magic on the asylums barbaric techniques--and on the doctors own faltering marriage. A deeply moving, triumphantly optimistic story based on actual events. (Closed-Captioned) (Donated by the Department of Canadian Studies) ( Restricted to use by institutions of learning within the State of Washington only ) BEAUTYFAME 2001 ----- color ----- 98 min ----- vhs (Human Face series, Part 2) Beauty (49 min) John Cleese examines beauty close-up so close in fact that he spends much of this section perched upon various parts of Elizabeth Hurleys face. (You really have to see it to understand how very appropriate it really is.) Sarah Doukas, managing director of a leading model agency, takes us through the selection of a new model. Dr. Stephen R. Marquardt, surgeon at UCLA Medical Center explains how symmetry and the proportions of 1:1.618 can be used to measure beauty. Shows how infants and childrens faces are naturally beautiful and how this aids them in survival. As a person matures the age of beauty seems to be between 14 and 24. After than experience and aging sets in and changes beauty to character. Fame (48 min) The faces of the famous used to be recognized because they had done something meaningful--emperors, statesmen, authors. Today in the insatiable age of media exposure fame is something taken at face value with little depth. A leading Hollywood casting director examines the head shots of three aspiring young actors and, finally, sees each of them. What does it all mean Not much. For, in the end, beauty is only skin-deep Closed-Captioned. (Produced by the BBC) ( Restricted to classroom use only ) BECAUSE THATS MY WAY 1971 ----- color ----- 59 min ----- 16mm A compelling one-hour synopsis of a 16-hour human encounter session during which ten vastly different individuals confront each others prejudices, experiences and values in an effort to understand each other and the drug culture. Features Dr. Carl Rogers, psychologist. BECOMING AMERICAN 1982 ----- color ----- 58 min ----- 16mm vhs Hang Sou, his wife and child, sister-in-law and her five children, a strongly united Hmong tribal family, await resettlement in a refugee camp in northern Thailand. Informed that they will be allowed to emigrate to the U. S. a 12,000 mile odyssey begins. Nothing can prepare them for the shock of stepping into the post-industrial world. Preliterate and wedded to a tradition of the land, the family is literally lost in an automated, specialized culture. Hang Sou and his family face intense cultural shock and prejudice as they gradually adapt to their new Seattle home. These quiet, almost invisible newcomers are making a huge psychological leap as they adjust to urban American values, laws, customs and language. ( Restricted to use by institutions of Higher Education in Washington state only ) BED AND SOFA ( TRETYA MESHCHANSKAYA ) 1927 ----- b w ----- 73 min ----- vhs (Directed by Abram Room with Nikolai Batalov, Ludmila Semyonova, Vladimir Fogel) Unlike almost any other Soviet silent film, Bed and Sofa deals with an atypical situation: a menage-a-trois during a housing shortage in Moscow. It is a landmark film primarily because of its incredible humor and naturalism in depiction of the characters, particularly of the woman in the triangle. Her decision at the end of the film may symbolize the liberation of women in the new Soviet society. ( Restricted to classroom use only ) BEER DRINKER IN A CHAMPAGNE WORLD, A (EDWARD VILLELLA) 1992 ----- color ----- 28 min ----- 16mm vhs (Upon Reflection series) Host Marcia Alvar talks with Edward Villella, noted premiere dancer and author of Prodigal Son: Dancing for Balanchine in a World of Pain and Magic . Mr. Villella describes his childhood in New York Citys garment district, progressing from the dancing son of an embarrassed, truck-driving father, through his youth as a college student torn between his love for dance and the expectations of his family. He also discusses his turbulent years dancing in the New York City Ballet for George Balanchine, his artistic father. He tells how his career on stage ended and of his recent strides as an instructor and lecturer. BEFORE STONEWALL: THE MAKING OF A GAY AND LESBIAN COMMUNITY 1984 ----- color ----- 86 min ----- vhs (Narrated by Rita Mae Brown) In 1969 the police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York Citys Greenwich Village, leading to three nights of rioting by the citys gay community. With this outpouring of courage and unity the Gay Liberation Movement began. Presents the dramatic story of the sometimes horrifying public and private existences experienced by gay and lesbian Americans since the 1920s. Relives the emotionally-charged sparking of the gay rights movement, from the events that led to the fevered 1969 riots to many other milestones in the fight for acceptance. ( Restricted to classroom use only ) BEGINNING OF HISTORY 1950 ----- b w ----- 45 min ----- 16mm Great Britain from the Ice Age to the coming of the Romans. Development of the axe illustrates the advancing culture of each succeeding age, the Stone Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. Shows early examples of arts and crafts. BEGINNING OF LIFE, THE 1970 ----- color ----- 29 min ----- 16mm Shows a human embryos development from fertilized ovum to birth. With remarkable artistry and innovative camera techniques, photographer Lennart Nilsson catches the ever-growing, self-transforming, evolution of a single cell into a human baby--the story of life, repeating itself without end. BEGINNING OF LIFE, THE (PENN) 1981 ----- color ----- 21 min ----- 16mm (Life on Earth series, Part 2) Beginning with an uninhabitable earth 3 12 thousand million years ago, famed naturalist David Attenborough explains how life began on earth. Cellular reproduction is briefly covered, touching on DNA, its replication, mutations and the process of natural selection. From complex carbons and amino acids to respirating blue-green algae, Attenborough highlights the crucial stages and turning points in the development of life as we know it. BEHAVIOR AND ECOLOGY OF CORAL REEF FISHES, THE 1974 ----- color ----- 28 min ----- 16mm Describes the specifics of the feeding and space-related behavior of the 15 species of Chaetodontidae . small, brightly colored, diurnal fishes found on all coral reefs of the world. Each species is introduced by its common and scientific name and its occurrence on the reef is discussed in relation to its feeding behavior. The second half discusses the territorial behavior and resource partitioning that have evolved in fishes living on tropical coral reefs. BEHAVIOR AND ECOLOGY OF VERVET MONKEYS ( CERCOPITHECUS AETHIOPS ) IN THE MASAI-AMBOSELI GAME RESERVE, KENYA 1971 ----- color ----- 38 min ----- 16mm vhs Filmed in the Masai-Amboseli Game Reserve of Kenya, this field study describes basic aspects of the behavior and ecology of free-ranging vervet monkeys, including social interactions, dominance, sexual behavior and mother-infant relations. BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION: TEACHING LANGUAGE TO PSYCHOTIC CHILDREN 1968 ----- color ----- 42 min ----- 16mm Based on the pioneering work of Ivar Lovass at the University of California, Los Angeles, the use of reinforcement and stimulus fading techniques in the teaching of speech to psychotic children is explained. Methods and data are presented on the acquisition of certain aspects of meaning, as well as the establishment of relational terms. BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION OF AN AUTISTIC CHILD 1966 ----- b w ----- 23 min ----- 16mm Use of reinforcement principles and procedures to improve the behavior of a 7-year-old autistic boy enrolled in a psychiatric in-patient clinic. Begins with a sequence showing the childs self-hitting, tantrum, withdrawn and non-verbal behaviors. Subsequently a session with the psychiatrist, sessions with the behavior therapist and sessions with the childs mother show reinforcement techniques used to modify his behaviors. BEHAVIOR THEORY IN PRACTICE, PARTS 1 2 1965 ----- color ----- 43 min ----- vhs Each individual part presents basic behavior principles in the laboratory and examples of the presence and use of those principles in a variety of everyday settings with a variety of species. Describes basic research in Skinnerian behavior theory. Part 1- Respondent and Operant Behavior 21 min Includes respondent behavior, operant behavior, operant conditioning and extinction. Part 2- Shaping Various Operants in Various Species 21 min Includes schedules of reinforcement and shaping various operants in various species. BEHAVIOR THEORY IN PRACTICE, PARTS 3 4 1965 ----- color ----- 43 min ----- vhs Each individual part presents basic behavior principles in the laboratory and examples of the presence and use of those principles in a variety of everyday settings with a variety of species. Describes basic research in Skinnerian behavior theory. Part 3: Generalization Discrimination and Motivation 22 min Includes generalization, discrimination and motivation. Part 4: Sequences of Behavior 20 min Includes sequences on behavior and programmed instruction. BEHAVIORAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE RHESUS MONKEY 1947 ----- b w ----- 11 min ----- 16mm (Historical Collection) General appearance, manipulation, posture and locomotion of Rhesus monkeys, as seen in semi-natural environment. Discusses phylogenetic relation of primates. BEHAVIORAL TREATMENT OF AUTISTIC CHILDREN 1988 ----- color ----- 43 min ----- vhs Dr. O. Ivar Lovaas updates his films, Reinforcement Therapy and Behavior Modification: Teaching Language to Psychotic Children . Shows follow-up data from autistic children, who were treated in the 60s, 25 years later as adults. Presents a detailed explanation and demonstration of a new, intensive behavioral treatment project for young autistic children. Illustrates various outcomes from this new project, including normal functioning in half the children. Illustrates experimental designs and fundamental principles of behavioral treatment. ( One VHS restricted to use on University of Washington campuses only ) Access this title at the UW Libraries Media Center BEHIND THE MASK 1977 ----- color ----- 53 min ----- 16mm (Tribal Eye series, Part 2) The craftsmen of the Dogon people of Mali are among the finest sculptors in the world. The head of each household must tend the wooden cult figures in which the spirits of his ancestors dwell, feeding them regularly with millet and blood to ensure the fertility of the fields, the return of the seasonal rains and the health of the people. Concealed in remote desert shrines, the carvings are as meaningful to the Dogon as the Bible is to the Western world. Without their sculpture, some of the most splendid and crucial events in their lives could not take place. BEING MUSLIM IN INDIA 1984 ----- color ----- 41 min ----- vhs Follows the daily routines and explores the life and home of Qasim, a devout Sunni Muslim and successful businessman who lives in Lucknow, India. He and his children describe what it is like to be a Muslim, the importance of daily prayer, Islamic education, dietary customs and the centrality of the Quran . Although we do not meet Qasims first wife, who has been observing seclusion since she was six, we meet his other two wives. They describe their relationships toward Qasim, each other, and each others children, as well as their roles in the extended family. BELIEVING 1984 ----- color ----- 54 min ----- 16mm (Heart of the Dragon, The series, Part 4) To explain the forces that have shaped the attitudes of todays Chinese, this part explores the ancient teachings of Daoism, Buddhism and Confucianism as well as those of Marx and Mao. It shows the influences of both traditional and modern doctrines on the daily lives of ordinary people in Shandong province. BEND IN THE NIGER, THE 1972 ----- color ----- 49 min ----- 16mm Follows one of Africas great rivers as it flows northward in West Africa to Timbuktu, then eastward to the Atlantic Ocean. Provides glimpses of the cultures and people who live along the river such as the Bambaras, the Bororos, the Moslem Hausa, the Tauregs and the Dendi. The beauty and diversity of Dogon art is exemplified by sculpture and architecture. BENEATH ALASKA TIDES 1983 ----- color ----- 16 min ----- vhs Surveys the inhabitants in the underwater world of southwestern Alaska. This underwater world is separated into four distinct zones: tidal zone, kelp forests, boulder fields and sand fields. It is, in other words, the inshore coastal ecosystem. It presents a surprising array of vegetable and animal life. (Includes 30 second promo at the beginning of the cassette) BENIN KINGSHIP RITUALS 1962 ----- color ----- 21 min ----- vhs Shows the kingship rituals of the Olsa of Benin (present capital of the mid-western state of Nigeria) which reached its peak in the second half of the 19th century. With the British conquest, it declined until revived after the restoration of the monarchy in 1914. Shows the greatest ritual, the Igwe festival when the Olsas divine powers are renewed for the coming year. BENYA KRIK 1926 ----- b w ----- 93 min ----- vhs (Directed by V. Vilner, written by Isaac Babel) The setting is the seamy Jewish underworld of prepost-revolutionary Odessa. Based on the life of gangster king, Mishka Yaponchik (Mike the Jap) Vinnitsky, murder is a way of life for Benya and his gang. They profit from their criminal activites until the Russian Revolution, and the local commissar assigns them emergency revictualing patrol, making them a revolutionary regiment, complete with tattooed red stars. But this new post backfires for Benya as he finds himself ensnared in a Bolshevik trap. . not only presented its swaggering hero as the victim of the Bolshevik regime but risked accusations of anti-Semitism by portraying Jews as criminal profiteers. Opening in Kiev in early 1927, Benya Krik was almost immediately banned by the Ukrainian office for political education. --J. Hoberman, Village Voice Restored in 1996 by The National Center for Jewish Film, Brandeis University (Silent with English inter-titles) (Funded, in part, by the Department of Slavic Languages and Literature) ( Restricted to use by institutions of Higher Education in Washington state only ) BEOWULF AND OLD ENGLISH LITERATURE 1984 ----- color ----- 38 min ----- vhs Introduces the origins of the English language and literature. Explores the Celtic-British culture and the oral epic traditions through Caedmon and Bede and culminates in a detailed examination of the greatest masterpiece of the age, Beowulf . and of its protagonist who is our first tragic hero. BERFUNKLE 1964 ----- color ----- 10 min ----- 16mm An animated film showing the problem of communication as it is involved in establishing the meaning of the spoken word, for example, a coined-word: berfunkle. How the same word can mean something different to each receiver. How to improve communication with regard to verbal instructions or directions. BERKELEY IN THE SIXTIES 1990 ----- color ----- 118 min ----- vhs Considered by many the best filmic treatment of the era, it takes one back to the Civil Rights sit-ins, the Free Speech Movement, the Anti-War Movement, the Black Panthers, and the counter-culture. Former student leaders grapple with the meaning of their campus experience and its impact on their adult lives. Footage culled from thousands of film clips and hundreds of interviews interwoven with the music of Jefferson Airplane, Jimi Hendrix and others bring the period to life. (Sectioned for classroom use: Part I: Confronting the University (42 min) Part II: Confronting America (32 min) Part III: Confronting History (44 min)). BERLIN--SYMPHONY OF A GREAT CITY ( BERLIN: DIE SINFONIE DER GROSSTADT ) 1927 ----- b w ----- 70 min ----- vhs (Directed by Walter Ruttmann) This is a symphonic documentary which attempts to capture the mood of a city during a day. It opens at dawn on a late spring day and proceeds to midnight. Unique in the German cinema, it is a marvel of documentary montage, wedding avant-garde style to feature filmmaking. (And two years before Vertovs Man with a Movie Camera .) BERTOLT BRECHT: HE MADE SUGGESTIONS 1986 ----- b w ----- 52 min ----- vhs Presents a bibliographic portrait of one of the most revolutionary of all theatrical innovators. His theory of epic theatre changed dramatic practice in the 20th century. Examines his life and work, showing his literary and social roots. He continuously pursued new ways in making theatre audiences more intellectually alert while counteracting emotional over-involvement. Explores how his works, both in theatre and in poetry, mirrored the troubles of the age in which he lived. Shows how his wife, Helene Weigel, contributed to his work and to the founding of the Berliner Ensemble. Includes hitherto unknown footage of the Berliner Ensemble. BERTRAND RUSSELL 1958 ----- b w ----- 30 min ----- 16mm Bertrand Russell, noted philosopher and mathematician discusses what he has learned and his feelings of the present needs of the world and his hopes for the future. BEST JOB IN THE WORLD, THE (BILL BRADLEY) 1996 ----- color ----- 29 min ----- vhs (Upon Reflection series) Host Marcia Alvar speaks with Bill Bradley, Rhodes scholar, professional basketball player and New Jersey Senator who recently announced his intention to leave the Senate. He is the author of Life on the Run . which described his years with the New York Knicks, and more recently, the memoir, Time Present, Time Past . which is about his life, his country, and his role in government, and his hopes for Americas future. They discuss politics in American government today, why Senator Bradley decided to leave the Senate, and areas which are in drastic need of reform such as campaign spending. BEST TIME OF MY LIFE: PORTRAITS OF WOMEN IN MID-LIFE 1988 ----- color ----- 58 min ----- vhs Women aged forty to sixty share the thoughts and experiences that enrich this new stage of their lives. Reflecting a wide range of income levels, lifestyles, careers and experiences, they have in common the conviction that growth and change are always possible. Whether they chose to re-enter the work force, go back to school, begin a new romance or develop neglected talents, their attitudes challenge the stereotype of the middle-aged woman. While not everyone passed through menopause with equal ease, they all feel a sense of freedom and the energy to explore new directions. BETHUNE 1964 ----- b w ----- 59 min ----- 16mm Presents a film biography of Dr. Norman Bethune, a Canadian doctor who served with the loyalists during the Spanish Civil War and with the North Chinese Army during the Sino-Japanese War. In Spain he pioneered the worlds first mobile blood-transfusion service in China his work behind battle lines to save the wounded made him a legendary figure. BETTER ATHELETES ALL AROUND (RON SMITHFRANK SMOLL) 1994 ----- color ----- 29 min ----- vhs (Upon Reflection series) Host Marcia Alvar speaks with Ron Smith and Frank Smoll, sports psychologists at the University of Washington. They discuss their work on appropriate coaching behavior at all levels of sport. The effect of sports on children is considered along with the effect of youth sports on parents. They also discuss mental preparation, questions of sportsmanship, and the sports fan. BETWEEN THE TIDES 1959 ----- color ----- 21 min ----- 16mm Animal and plant life on the coast of Britain--life along the shore and among the rocks uncovered when the tide is low. Includes time-lapse photography, underwater sequences and detailed close-ups. BETWEEN TIME: A TIBETAN VILLAGE IN NEPAL 1984 ----- color ----- 20 min ----- 16mm Portrays Tibetan village life on the southern slopes of the Himalaya in northeast Nepal. The people strongly reflect their Tibetan origins, but date their departure from Tibet over 400 years ago. Little of the modern world has affected these people. Tells the story of Teliene, a Buddhist Lama and village elder and his nephew, a shaman, as they conduct an exorcism ceremony which blends Lamaism (Tibetan Buddhism) and Bon (a form of animistic shamanism). Shows how these seemingly opposite forms of religious expression work in complementary and harmonious ways. ( Restricted to use by institutions of Higher Education in Washington state only ) BETWEEN TWO RIVERS 1969 ----- color ----- 26 min ----- 16mm Thomas James White Hawk, one American Indian who tried to make it in the white mans world and failed, was a promising pre-med student at the University of South Dakota. Now, the 21-year-old Sioux Indian is serving a life sentence for murder and rape. No attempt is made to excuse his crimes, but instead looks at the case as an extreme example of the alienation of Indians who are caught in a cultural conflict. BEYOND CULTURE SHOCK 1983 ----- color ----- 28 min ----- 16mm (Going International series, Part 3) Presented specifically for the family or individual moving abroad. Experts explain the psychological phases of the process of adjustment. Expatriate families discuss their experiences in overcoming culture shock. Spouses and childrens needs during relocation are given particular attention. Offers clear and practical suggestions on how to make living abroad an enriching adventure. ( Restricted to use by institutions of Higher Education in Washington state only ) BEYOND KILLING US SOFTLY: THE STRENGTH TO RESIST 2000 ----- color ----- 34 min ----- vhs Deals with the fight against the toxic and degrading messages to girls and women that dominate the media. Presents leading authorities (including Carol Gilligam, Graham Professor of Gender Studies, Harvard University Gloria Steinem, Co-founder, Consulting Editor of Ms. Magazine and noted author Gail Dines, Associate Professor of Womens Studies and Sociology, Wheelock College Catherine Steiner-Adair, Clinical and Consulting Psychologist, Harvard Eating Disorders Center Valerie Batts, Clinical Psychologist and Executive Director of Visions, Inc. Amy Richards, Co-founder of Third Wave Foundation) in the fields of psychology of women and girls, eating disorders, violence against women, media literacy--and focuses their ideas on practical solutions for reclaiming our culture. Aims to build self esteem in girls and women and promotes a reassessment of societys views of gender roles. ( Restricted to use by institutions of learning within the State of Washington only ) BEYOND THE RING OF FIRE 1996 ----- color ----- 56 min ----- vhs (Ring of Fire series, Part 5) Lawrence Blair, whose ten-year odyssey through Indonesia with his brother, Lorne, resulted in the classic Ring of Fire series, sails again, eight years later, on a retrospective voyage to many of the islands first visited and others never previously filmed. After the tragic death of Lorne, he takes thirty firends aboard an expeditionary vessel--from the Asmat swamps of West New guinea, gradually westwards, via the shark killer nomadic seafarers, islands of giant bats, hidden reefs with seven-foot Moray eels and deadly, banded sea snakes. the volcanic Spice Islands, the megalithic cultures of Timor and Tanimbar--on an adventure through nature, tribal civilizations and transformational experience, ranging from our distant past up to the present day in Bali. BHARAT NATYAM 1946 ----- b w ----- 10 min ----- 16mm Classic south Indian dance against an authentic traditional setting. Principal gestures as well as the significance of the dance itself are explained. BIBLE AND DISTANT TIME, THE 1987 ----- color ----- 27 min ----- vhs (Make Prayers to the Raven series, Part 2) Raven first created a perfect world but, because he is a trickster, he recreated the world and made it imperfect. Traditional beliefs of the Koyukon combined with Christian beliefs when their village was visited by a priest in 1950. They found that many of the stories were similar to their own even though no members of the tribe had ever seen a Bible. A woman describes the beliefs her grandparents instilled in her and how they were later combined with Christianity. The Koyukon beliefs concerning death are shown as a funeral ceremony is held. BIG BANG AND BEYOND, THE 1986 ----- color ----- 29 min ----- vhs Explores the theories on the beginning of life on earth. Looks at experiments dealing with the growth of sulfur ingesting bacteria on volcanos bacteria collected from super-heated deep-sea trenches (John Baross, University of Washington) amino acids supernova computer reconstructions carboniferious meteorites and lipids space dust and crystals older than the solar system (Donald Brownlee, University of Washington) frozen gases in meteorites radio emissions from molecules in space. BIG BEAR SOLAR OBSERVATORY 1978 SHOW FILM 1978 ----- b w ----- 11 min ----- 16mm Demonstrates the variety of solar flares. They have been photographed in various wave-lengths at the Big Bear Solar Observatory with the small heliograph in Pasadena and with the heliograph in Tel Aviv. The time intervals can be deduced from the clock in the corner. Twenty-three flares are shown--big ones, little ones, surges, eruptions, loops. (NOTE: Sound is provided by an audio cassette with narration by Professor Harold Zirin which can be run concurrently with the film.) BIG SKY ABOVE, BAD LAND BELOW (JONATHAN RABAN) 1998 ----- color ----- 28 min ----- vhs (Upon Reflection series) Host Ross Reynolds talks with Jonathan Raban, author of Bad Land . winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award for non-fiction. In 1909 countless homesteaders were lured to the unforgiving landscape of eastern Montana. Most failed. Rabans lyrical history of their struggles is a classic. No one has evoked with greater power the marriage of land and sky that gives this country both its beauty and its power.-- Washington Post Book World BIG STRANGERS: SPENDING A WEEK WITH THE BUSHMEN (JOHN PERROTT) 1993 ----- color ----- 28 min ----- vhs (Upon Reflection series) Host Marcia Alvar speaks with John Perrott, author of Bush for the Bushman . The book, written after the author spent a week living with a nomadic Bushman tribe in the Kalahari Desert, argues that the desert and the tribe are doomed. Advancing civilization, and the Bantu and their cattle, have encroached into the desert and changed the natural environment. They discuss the primitive lifestyle of these oldest of nomads and how they survive in an exceedingly inhospitable environment. Excerpts from In Search of the Bushmen are shown, as well as photographs from the expedition. BIG TRAINS ROLLING 1955 ----- color ----- 26 min ----- 16mm (Historical Collection) (Association of American Railroads) Considers the early development of the railroad and its importance to the growth of this country. Early railroads are shown and a cross-country trip on a streamliner is portrayed. (Out-of-Print) BIKINI: RADIO-BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY 1950 ----- color ----- 19 min ----- 16mm (Historical Collection) Documents the Bikini Research Project by the Applied Fisheries Laboratory, University of Washington. Shows how, in order to trace and study the nature of radioactivity in the life cycles throughout an aquatic environment in which an atomic explosion has occurred, the Laboratory returns year after year to make comparative studies on the observable effects of radiation on various forms of life. (Out-of-Print) BILL LOOSELYS HEAT PUMP 1975 ----- color ----- 10 min ----- 16mm An intriguing film for anyone bedeviled by the high cost of home heating. A thermal engineer, Bill Loosely collects warmth from the ground outside his house and pumps it inside. The principle--using copper tubing and freon gas--is clearly explained with animated diagrams and by Loosely himself. It is so simple that youll wonder why you didnt think of it yourself. BILLION DOLLAR DAY 1986 ----- color ----- 28 min ----- vhs On June 4, 1985 the Enterprise cameras focused on the international currency market. Three traders, one each in New York, London and Hong Kong, are followed through one typical day. The stress, the responsibilities and the dedication of each man is evident as they work through a day of trading in Pounds Sterling, U. S. Dollars and German Marks. ( Restricted to use on University of Washington campuses only ) BINARY BIT PATTERNS 1969 ----- color ----- 3 min ----- 16mm A computer programmed, optically printed, film study which explores the graphic permutations of a Persian-like pattern. Shows various abstract mosaics which appear, dissolve and undergo metamorphoses on the screen. BING BANG BOOM 1969 ----- b w ----- 24 min ----- 16mm Presents a novel approach to teaching music to children. Toronto composer-conductor R. Murray Schafer has seventh grade music students listen to all the sounds around them (even their own breathing), feet shuffling, bangles jingling and varied noises outdoors. From such basics children develop, quite spontaneously, an awareness of rhythm and musical phrasing and then go on to try their own composition. BINOMIAL DISTRIBUTIONS 1989 ----- color ----- 30 min ----- vhs (Against All Odds: Inside Statistics series, Part 17) Explains the law of large numbers, addition rules for means and variances of random variables, the binomial distributions for sample counts, and normal approximation to binomial. BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE 1964 ----- color ----- 22 min ----- 16mm Demonstrates the relationship of molecular structure to biological activity using sulfanilamide. Explains that some compounds structurally similar to those in cell chromosomes may stop cancer cell growth. Uses time-lapse microphotography to show laboratory demonstrations. BIODIVERSITY 1988 ----- color ----- 49 min ----- vhs (Produced by the National Academy of Sciences and the Smithsonian Institution) Presents highlights of a 2-hour teleconference on biodiversity: what it is, why it is of importance to us, how it is being threatened, and what can be and is being done to protect and enhance it. Panelists include: Michael H. Robinson, National Zoological Park, Washington, D. C. Thomas E. Lovejoy, III, World Wildlife FundThe Conservation Foundation Edward O. Wilson, Harvard University Peter H. Rave, Missouri Botanical Garden Paul R. Ehrlich, Stanford University Joan Martin-Brown, United Nations Environment Programme. BIOGRAPHY OF THE MOTION PICTURE CAMERA 1949 ----- b w ----- 21 min ----- 16mm Record of successful inventions by Marey, Muybridge, Lumiere and Edison which resulted in the camera that opened a new world industry and a new art form. Explains the basic principles involved in presenting motion on a screen by using a series of still photographs. BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS: STUDIES IN CHRONOBIOLOGY 1977 ----- color ----- 22 min ----- 16mm A pilot flying across time zones upsets his circadian rhythms and experiences a discomforting, out-of-sync feeling. The pilot is a likely subject for chronobiology, the study of internal rhythms. Documents recent experiments designed to discover the source of internal timeclocks, how they affect behavior and efficiency in plants, animals and humans and how they can be changed. Experiment subjects include one-celled Gonyaulax . bean plants, fiddler crabs, homing pigeons and human beings. BIRD BRAIN 1976 ----- color ----- 27 min ----- 16mm (Nova series) Birds migrate to insure a continuing food supply and will travel up to 20,000 miles, returning to exactly the same place where their journey began. Birds do instinctively what man has only recently learned to do with the aid of mechanical devices. Birds use coastal routes to navigate. Birds have an instinctive knowledge of wind and weather patterns. Some birds use the stars to navigate at night, while others, on overcast days, rely on the earths magnetic field to navigate correctly. BIRDS OF PREY: THEIR BIOLOGY ECOLOGY 1993 ----- color ----- 20 min ----- vhs An introduction to birds of prey and the characteristics that make them an important part of our natural world. Illustrates the features which are unique to birds of prey or raptors. Explains the characteristics of the four families of diurnal raptors ( Falconiformes ) and the two families of nocturnal raptors, or owls ( Strigiformes ). Because the raptors are intricately linked to the ecosystem, the ability of birds of prey to act as an early warning system for potential ecological disasters is stressed. (Donated by the Department of Zoology) ( Restricted to use by institutions of learning within the State of Washington only ) BIRTH AND DEATH OF A STAR, THE 1974 ----- color ----- 29 min ----- 16mm Prominent astronomers are interviewed as they present lucid explanations of the phases in the formation, development and death of stars: from gaseous dark clouds to young blue giants from a stable, middle-aged star, like our sun, to the horrendous, all-engulfing flames of the red giant stage from the flashing pulsar of the neutron star to the white dwarf star and finally to the incredibly dense black holes. BIRTH OF A BRAIN: TEN MILLION GALAXIES 1982 ----- color ----- 35 min ----- 16mm vhs Illustrates the genetic origins and development of the brain and the corresponding behavioral manifestations. Follows the physiological progress of a human fetus from prenatal development through birth to the age of eight months. A birth sequence, computer graphics and other visual effects enhance the film as it correlates physiological changes to corresponding behaviors. (Original title: Naissance du Cerveau: Dix Milliards de Galaxies produced by Les Films du Levant) BIRTH OF A NATION, THE (TINTED) 1915 ----- color ----- 187 min ----- dvd laserdisc (Directed by D. W. Griffith, screenplay by D. W. Griffith and Frank E. Woods, Jr. based on the novel and play The Clansman and the novel The Leopards Spots by Thomas Dixon with Lillian Gish, Mae Marsh, Henry B. Walthall, Miriam Cooper, Mary Alden, Ralph Lewis) In nine short years American film making matured from Porters The Great Train Robbery to D. W. Griffiths still-controversial masterpiece. It is a fascinating look at two families symbolizing the North and the South during the Civil War and the Reconstruction. Griffiths attitude toward the Klu Klux Klan has kept this film a center of controversy for over eighty years, yet few people today have ever seen a complete showing. It set the standard for film spectacle and absorbing historical melodrama. (With a musical soundtrack) Laserdisc funded by the Department of Comparative Literature ( Laserdisc Restricted to use on University of Washington campuses only ) BIRTH OF EUROPE, THE 1978 ----- color ----- 42 min ----- 16mm vhs (Christians, The series, Part 3) Hordes of Goths and Vandals swept down from the North destroying order and sacking even the city of Rome itself in 410. Christianity was kept alive through the Dark Ages by monks in remote corners of Ireland and Italy from which future modes of Christianity would emerge. Charlemagnes crowning as Holy Roman Emperor in 800 established a new tie between Church and State. In 1094 Pope Urban II made the Abbot of Lerins the highest earthly authority in Europe, second only to the Pope himself. Monks were now civil servants. Thus the feudal hierarchy of the medieval church was established. Rome was the center of Europe again. BIRTH OF SOVIET CINEMA, THE 1972 ----- b w ----- 49 min ----- 16mm Presents an historic overview of the beginning of the Soviet cinema including film clips of The Extraordinary Adventures of Mr. West in the Land of the Bolsheviks, A Man with a Movie Camera, The Battleship Potemkin, October (Ten Days That Shook the World), Mother, The End of St. Petersburg, The Descendant of Genghis Khan (Storm Over Asia), Arsenal and Earth . BIRTH OF THE RED KANGAROO, THE 1966 ----- color ----- 20 min ----- 16mm An unusual and vivid documentation of the development of the Australian red kangaroo from conception through the first year of life. Illustrates the unique features of marsupial development including the differences between the adult male and female reproductive cycles, mating behavior and female behavioral patterns during pregnancy and birth. Shows the first footage ever taken of the newborn kangaroos journey from the birth canal to the pouch where it remains for six months receiving nutritive milk from the mother to complete its development. BISMILLAH KHAN 1967 ----- b w ----- 29 min ----- 16mm Depicts a typical day in the life of Bismillah Khan, one of Indias leading musicians and an exponent of the reed instrument, shenai . Shows him playing meditation music on the banks of the Ganges. Explains the shenai s religious significance. BITTER MELONS 1974 ----- color ----- 32 min ----- 16mm For people who have to carry their belongings as they move from place to place in the desert, the intangible culture of music, dance and myth becomes more valuable than material wealth. Follows Gwi musician, Ukxone, as he plays his innovative compositions on a hunting bow--songs about the land upon which his people depend, social life and animals. Like the tsama melons which give liquid refreshment, Ukxones songs nourish the nomadic life. BITTER WIND 1973 ----- color ----- 30 min ----- 16mm Presents a dramatization about the breakdown of an American Indian family because of alcoholism, illustrating the nature and magnitude of the problem of alcoholism in American Indian culture. BLACK AND WHITE--UPTIGHT 1969 ----- color ----- 35 min ----- 16mm The myths that perpetuate prejudice against Black people in our society and the subtle ways that hate is learned are explored. The social and economic differences that do exist between Blacks and whites are caused by historical inequities in education and economic opportunity and are, in some cases, perpetuated by laws. Examples are given of areas in which government, business, and Black and white people are working together to wipe out the hatred and misunderstanding between races. BLACK CANNON INCIDENT, THE 1985 ----- color ----- 95 min ----- vhs (Directed by Huang Jianxin with Liu Zifeng, Gerhard Olschewski) In an effort to modernize production, a Chinese industrial complex hires a German engineer to supervise the assembly of new machinery from Europe. Called away by his company, the engineer returns to find that a total incompetent has replaced his first Chinese interpreter. Neither of the two men who worked so well together can understand the Party Committees reason for the action which threatens the project. As the reasons become clear, this modern film from China exposes the hypocrisy of the Committee and its need to save face at any cost. (In Chinese with English subtitles) ( Restricted to classroom use only ) BLACK HISTORY: LOST, STOLEN OR STRAYED 1968 ----- color ----- 54 min ----- 16mm Bill Cosby presents a guided tour through a history of attitudes--black and white--and their effect on the Black American. It is a portrayal of some of the things that happen to an American--if he is Black. Cosby reviews Black American achievements omitted from American history texts: the absence of recognition of Africas contribution to Western culture and the changing Hollywood stereotype of the Black American. BLACK ON WHITE 1986 ----- color ----- 58 min ----- vhs (Story of English, The series, Part 5) Blacks became part of American society when slaves were transported from Africa to work on the plantations of the South. Stripped of a common language and separated from their homeland, Blacks created a new variety of English and their own culture. Explores the origins of Black English, including Gullah, Pidgin English, plantation Creole and jive. Discusses the influence of this variety of English upon white American speech and literature. BLACK ROBE 1991 ----- color ----- 100 min ----- vhs (Directed by Bruce Beresford with Lothaire Bluteau, August Schellenberg, Aden Young, Sandrine Holt, Tantoo Cardinal) In the rugged 17th century Canadian wilderness, Father Laforgue, a young, idealistic Jesuit priest, is assigned to go up river into the wilderness on a perilous journey to convert the Huron Indians. His Algonquin Indian guides nickname him Black Robe. His young aide and translator, Daniel, falls in love with Annuka, the beautiful daughter of the Algonquin chief. Torn between his own desires and ideals of the priesthood, Laforgues faith is tested as the expedition faces the elements. Attacked, captured and brutalized by hostile Indians, the traumatic experience challenges everything the young priest believes. But together with his young companions he escapes to complete his mission and comes to understand the true spirit of the land and the spirit he sought to convert. (Closed-Captioned) (Donated by the Department of Canadian Studies) ( Restricted to use by institutions of learning within the State of Washington only ) BLACK TIDE 1979 ----- color ----- 58 min ----- 16mm (Nova series) The rustic beauty of Frances Brittany coast was devastated by the worst oil spill in history on March 16, 1978, when the tanker Amoco Cadiz . carrying 68 million gallons of crude oil, lost her steering and was impaled on rocks in stormy seas. Brittanys industry, tourist trade and seaweed chemical business will be crippled for at least a decade. No one knows how long it will take for the coasts delicately balanced ecology to recover. BLACKFLY 1991 ----- color ----- 5 min ----- vhs Blackfly is a breakneck romp based on the song of the same title, written and sung by Canadian folk singer Wade Hemsworth, with back-up vocals by Kate and Anna McGarrigle. This animated film recounts Hemsworths battles with this quintessential Critter during a summer of surveying in Northern Ontario. (Closed-Captioned) (Donated by the Department of Canadian Studies) ( Restricted to use by institutions of learning within the State of Washington only ) BLADE RUNNER (THE DIRECTORS CUT) 1991 ----- color ----- 117 min ----- vhs (Directed by Ridley Scott screenplay by Hampton Fancher and David Peoples, based on the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick with Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, Edward James Olmos, Daryl Hannah) Released nine years after the original version, this Directors Cut removes the roadmarks that the studio felt the film needed to be understood by the general public. As usual, the general public wasis a lot smarter than the studio. Blade Runner is not so much a science-fiction film as it is a classic 1940s film noir in which Bogart and Bacall would not be uncomfortable. In fact, Sean Youngs costuming harkens back to that time directly. Sam Spade in a future Los Angles gone mad--bio-tec and genetic engineering in the hands of corporations. What more could one ask for Letterboxed ( Restricted to use on University of Washington campuses only ) BLADES AND PRESSURE FLAKING 1969 ----- color ----- 20 min ----- 16mm The world authorities, Francois Bordes who demonstrates how stone blades were probably made by direct percussion and by the punch technique, and Don Crabtree, an expert in lithic technology who demonstrates various methods of manufacturing tools by pressure flaking techniques. BLONDE VENUSSHANGHAI EXPRESS 1932 ----- b w ----- 97 min ----- laserdisc (Directed by Josef von Sternberg, screenplay by Jules Furthman, S. K. Lauren based on a story by Joseph von Sternberg with Marlene Dietrich, Herbert Marshall, Cary Grant, Dickie Moore) Certainly a triumph of style over substance, Dietrich as a woman who sacrifices her body for the noblest of reasons (sick husband, child). Of course she sells herself to Cary Grant and down she sinks. Only to rise to stardom as the toast of the nightclub world as evidenced by her big musical number, Hot Voodoo, sung while wearing a gorilla suit 1932 ----- b w ----- 80 min ----- laserdisc (Directed by Josef von Sternberg, screenplay by Jules Furthman based on a story by Harry Hervey with Marlene Dietrich, Clive Brook, Anna May Wong, Warner Oland) In a glossy mixture of sex and intrigue, Shanghai Lily (Dietrich) and her old flame (Brook) fall into the hands of a cruel war lord (Oland) and his gang while on a train ride through China during civil warfare, with Ms. Wong as a spunky partisan. Again a triumph of style--a fusion of sin, glamour, shamelessness, art, and, even perhaps, a sense of humor. (Funded by the Department of Comparative Literature) ( Restricted to use on University of Washington campuses only ) BLOOD GROUPS, SKIN COLOR AND GENE POOLS 1962 ----- color ----- 28 min ----- 16mm Explains alleles and hereditary aspects of differing genotypic combinations in human blood groups and skin color. Defines population genetics and emphasizes part played by chance in inheritance. BLOOD OF THE CONDOR 1969 ----- b w ----- 72 min ----- 16mm Banned in Bolivia until violent protest forced its release, Blood of the Condor is one of the most controversial films ever produced in Latin America. Based on actual events, it tells of a U. S.-imposed population control program which sterilized Quechua women without their knowledge or consent. In recounting this incident, the film offers a fascinating look at the customs and religious rituals of the Quechuas as well as a window to life in the breathtaking Andes. Provides an accurate reflection of the predominant attitude of Latin Americans toward U. S. aid programs, thus offering the American viewer a unique opportunity to see ourselves as other people see us. (In Quechua and Spanish with English subtitles) ( Restricted to use by institutions of Higher Education in Washington state only ) BLOOD WEDDING ( BODAS DE SANGRE ) 1981 ----- color ----- 71 min ----- vhs (Based on the play by Federico Garcia Lorca) Antonio Gades, Spains leading dancer-choreographer created his most famous work in this flamenco interpretation of the classic drama by Federico Garcia Lorca. The story of murderous passion and revenge is told entirely through dance. A young bride runs off from her wedding with a married lover. Her jilted husband tracks them down and fights a knife duel to the death. (In Spanish with English subtitles) ( Restricted to classroom use only ) BLUE ANGEL, THE ( DER BLAUE ENGEL ) 1930 ----- b w ----- 93 min ----- 16mm (Directed by Josef von Sternberg with Emil Jannings, Marlene Dietrich and Hans Albers) Traces the painful deterioration of a middle class university professor at the hands of an unscrupulous woman who takes pleasure in humiliating and degrading him inch by inch until he has virtually become an animal--a trained rooster that crows on command. Von Sternberg surrounds his characters with an atmosphere of decadence so all pervasive that, from the beginning, one knows that all is lost. (In German with English subtitles) BLUE COLLAR AND BUDDHA 1987 ----- color ----- 57 min ----- vhs Explores Americas most recent refugees struggling against the mounting tension of a post-Vietnam era filled with guilt and anger. A group of Laotian refugees have built a Buddhist temple on a small farmstead on the outskirts of a resolutely blue collar town. Their efforts to preserve their culture and religious heritage have been greeted by several terrorist attacks upon their temple. By investigating opinions of townspeople and officials concerning the refugees, the production provides a barometer of Americas attitude towards refugees and immigrants. BLUE COLLAR TRAP, THE 1972 ----- color ----- 53 min ----- 16mm Explores the problems, politics, lifestyles and frustrations of Americas young blue collar workers. Compared to the previous generation, they are better educated, more affluent and have more leisure. But those who are now affluent want satisfaction from their jobs, which, by their repetitious and standardized nature, cannot offer them. BLUE END 2000 ----- color ----- 85 min ----- vhs (A film by Kaspar Kasics) Joseph Paul Jernigan was 39 years old when he was executed in Huntsville, Texas, in 1993. Ten minutes after the lethal injection he was handed over to scientists Dr. Victor Spitzer and Dr. Michael Ackermann, transported to Denver, frozen in blue gelatin and, over a period of four months, planed off, millimeter-by millimeter, and photographed. When Jernigan was convicted no one, including Jernigan, had foreseen that he would be reborn on the Internet as the visible man: the first completely digitized human being, a third millennium prototype of human anatomy. This worldwide, digitally distributed Visible Human Project is the result of a unique interaction between justice and science, between family destiny and American career planning, and between the helplessness of the individual and the power of scientific ambition. BLUE EYED 1995 ----- color ----- 93 min ----- vhs Jane Elliots blue eyedbrown eyed exercise is recognized as a groundbreaking experiment in the sociology of racism and anti-racism training. This video is the summation of 28 years of experience in schools, universities and corporations it marks a significant advance over previous films, Eye of the Storm and A Class Divided . A diverse group of 40 public employees from the Midwest--blacks, Hispanics, whites, women and men--are subjected to Elliotts withering regime. Jane Elliott treats them according to negative traits that are commonly assigned to people of color, women, lesbians and gay men, people with disabilities, and other non-dominant members of society. She later describes, with great emotion, how her family has been harassed and ostracized as a result of her efforts to educate white people about racism. (A study guide is available upon request) BLUE VELVET 1986 ----- color ----- 121 min ----- laserdisc (Written and directed by David Lynch with Kyle MacLachlan, Isabella Rossellini, Dennis Hopper, Laura Dern, Hope Lange, Dean Stockwell) Terminally weird, though flamboyantly original film about a young mans involvement in a small-town mystery involving a kinky nightclub singer, a sadistic kidnapperdrug dealer, and a lot of other swell folks. A highly individual look at the bizarre elements just behindunderneath the facade of a picture-perfect American town. Critics have heaped praise and other things on this film, but youre the one who needs to see it in order to make up your own mind. I cant do everything for you (Letterboxed) Funded by the Department of Comparative Literature ( Restricted to use on University of Washington campuses only ) BLUEPRINTS IN THE BLOODSTREAM 1978 ----- color ----- 51 min ----- 16mm (Nova series) In laboratories all over the world, scientists are delving into the secrets of the bodys defenses against foreign cells. Within twenty years, babies may be tissue-typed and immunized against inherited weaknesses. Documents new developments which may revolutionize our understanding and treatment of disease. BOAT, THE ( DAS BOOT ) 1981 ----- color ----- 145 min ----- vhs (Directed by Wolfgang Petersen with Jurgen Prochnow, Herbert Gronemeyer, Klaus Wennemann, Hubertus Bengsch, Martin Semmelrogge) Follows the daring patrol of U-96, one of the former German U-boats known as the grey wolves. Prowling the North Atlantic, they challenged the British Navy at every turn. Relentlessly under attack, the U-96 is forced to unheard of depths, the creaking hull threatening to collapse and crush the panicked sailors. An amazingly accurate account of Germanys elite U-boat crewmen which deliberately hammers away at the tragic waste of war. (In German with English subtitles) ( Restricted to classroom use only ) BODY DEFENSES AGAINST DISEASE (2ND EDITION) 1978 ----- color ----- 13 min ----- 16mm Although we do not see them, each day we come into contact with harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. A complex defense system daily guards our bodies against infection and disease. Using an unusual blend of electron photomicrography, animation and live action, this film provides viewers with rare glimpses of disease-carrying organisms, the action of antibodies on disease causing germs and emphasizes the importance of immunization in disease prevention control. BOEING VS. THE WORLD (THE JET SET) 1982 ----- color ----- 28 min ----- 16mm (Enterprise series) For most of the past 20 years, the Boeing Company has dominated the airplane manufacturing industry. It has built 60 of the jets now in service. But it must work to maintain its lead against an aggressive new consortium of European aircraft manufacturers, supported by the governments of France, Germany, Great Britain and Spain--Airbus Industrie. Its current vitality stems from its success in persuading Frank Borman, president of Eastern Airlines, to buy 23 Airbus jets in the late 1970s. Airbus aims to raise its share of the international market from 15 to 30 in the 1980s--at Boeings expense. BOHEMIAN GIRL, THE 1936 ----- b w ----- 70 min ----- 16mm (Directed by James Horne and Charles Rogers from the operetta by Michael William Balfe with Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, James Finlayson, Thelma Todd, Julie Bishop, Paulette Goddard) In this very freely adapted version, Laurel and Hardy are happy-go-lucky members of a gypsy band. Ollies wife, enamoured of a dashing young gypsy, proves her love by kidnapping a young princess. Then she leaves the child with Stan and Ollie and flees with her lover. The child grows up and the traditional complications continue until the boys have a date with the dungeon. BOLDT DECISION: IMPACTS AND IMPLEMENTATION 1976 ----- color ----- 60 min ----- vhs In 1975, U. S. Judge George Boldt ruled that treaty Indians in Washington are entitled to half the harvestable catch of salmon and steelhead. This decision has had wide-reaching effects both emotionally and economically. First the views of those most affected by the decision--commercial, sports and Indian fishermen, and those in related industries--are presented. Finally a studio discussion is shown with representatives from state fisheries, the court and Indian and non-Indian fishermen. (A Washington Sea Grant presentation) BOLERO, THE 1973 ----- color ----- 26 min ----- 16mm dvd A triumph of form and feeling, this film takes the viewer into the musicians world. In early planning and casual rehearsals, we share in conductor Zubin Mehtas perspective on the musical values he will build into the performance. The film involves the viewer in each musicians approach to his part in the complex score, as they near the flawless final performance. The final section of the film presents a complete performance of the work by the Los Angeles Philharmonic with Zubin Mehta conducting -- the DVD also includes a shorter 12 minute version of the program. ( dvd Restricted to use on the University of Washington campuses ) BOMBER 1941 ----- b w ----- 10 min ----- vhs (Historical Collection) (Produced by the War Information Office) With commentary written by Carl Sandburg, the film shows the strength of the people of the free world as they prepare to meet the invading German armies, with the help of the American assembly-line bomber. Another example of the American view of World War II, as the bomber is born in fire, to fight fire, with fire. BONNIE AND CLYDE 1967 ----- color ----- 112 min ----- laserdisc (Directed by Arthur Penn with Warren Beatty, Faye Dunaway, Michael J. Pollard, Gene Hackman, Estelle Parsons) Although few scenes in this powerful film are representative of the true facts, Bonnie and Clyde is a landmark film that permanently established the status of its stars, Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway, and its inventive director, Arthur Penn. The approach was simple: show the story everyone wants to see, forget the facts, and immerse the fiction in a heavy, colorful documentary atmosphere to make it appear factual, real, and, most importantly, significant. Thematically, it deals with such various subjects as displaced sexuality, kinship, alienation, and dehumanization. (Includes Original Theatrical Trailer) Letterboxed (Funded by the Department of Comparative Literature) ( Restricted to use on University of Washington campuses only ) BONO MEDICINES 1982 ----- color ----- 69 min ----- 16mm (Part 1) For millenia traditional people have attended to their own medical needs as in the Techiman district of rural Ghana. Explores the Bono peoples medical and religious life through the work of indigenous healers who are also spiritual leaders. (Part 2) This is also a story of western healthworkers in Techiman who began teaching the healers the basics of western preventive healthcare. Buoyed by this cooperative effort, the healers began to organize within their own ranks--meeting to discuss the future of their practices, taking the initiative to improve sanitary conditions in their villages and planting an arboretum to assure future access to their plant medicines. BONY FISHES, THE 1981 ----- color ----- 27 min ----- 16mm (Life on Earth series, Part 11) David Attenborough explores the world of the bony fish as he snorkels amidst a coral reef. Colorful shallow water fish are photographed while Attenborough describes the unique adaptations of these specialized fish. Then, in a submersible the viewer is taken down to the murky depths of the sea floor where rare photographs of bottom dwelling fish are presented. Concludes with the remarkable journey of the salmon who Attenborough calls the paragon of fish. BOOGIE NIGHTS 1997 ----- color ----- 155 min ----- laserdisc (Written and directed by Paul Thomas Anderson with Mark Wahlberg, Julianne Moore, Burt Reynolds, Don Cheadle, John C. Reilly, William H. Macy, heather Graham, Nicole Parker, Philip Seymour Hoffman) Well, its about this 17-year-old busboy from Torrance, CA, in the 1970s with an exceptionally. Who could have foreseen that an epic about the porn business in the late 70s and early 80s would turn out to be one of the most invigorating, deeply entertaining movies around. The milieu is sleazy, the era is vulgar, the people are dumb and Burt Reynolds does his best acting work in decades. Director Anderson creates a family who redefines the meaning of family values. (Letterboxed) Closed Captioned Funded by the Department of Comparative Literature ( Restricted to use on University of Washington campuses only ) BOOK BANNING 1957 ----- b w ----- 16 min ----- 16mm (Historical Collection) (CBS) Tells the story of Mrs. Ann Smart, who appointed herself a committee of one to ban certain books from high schools in the San Francisco area. (Originally presented on See It Now . Edward R. Murrow) BOOZERS AND USERS 1974 ----- color ----- 28 min ----- 16mm Existing attitudes toward societys use of a broad spectrum of drugs are examined including alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, barbiturates, amphetamines and heroin. Presents an inquiry into the motives, as well as the risks involved in drug-taking behavior and asks whether lasting personal happiness, solution of problems and escape from boredom can be achieved through the use of drugs that produce mood or mind alteration. Examines detection and rehabilitation programs. Differentiation and characteristic behavior patterns of casual drinkers, excessive drinkers and alcoholics that may serve as warning signs of alcoholism are defined. BORDER BRUJO 1990 ----- color ----- 51 min ----- vhs Guillermo Gomez-Pena is a brilliant Chicano performance artist who is among the most eloquent artists and theoreticians addressing connections and differences between United States, Chicano and Latin American cultures. In this tape of a live performance he presents his thoughts on La frontera es el languaje (Language is the border), La identidad es une ilusion optica (Identity is an optical illusion), and Hacia un futuro post-colombino (Towards a post-Columbian future). (In Spanish and English) BORDER CONFIRMED: THE TREATY OF WASHINGTON (1867-1871) 1969 ----- b w ----- 58 min ----- 16mm (Struggle for a Border - Canadas Relations with the United States series, Part 8) The uneasy years after the Canadian Confederation when American attitudes to Canada were qualified and ambiguous--this critical period in Canadian-American relations is examined and the complex diplomacy of the Treaty of Washington is brought to life in striking fashion. BORDER STREET (ULICA GRANICZNA) 1948 ----- b w ----- 116 min ----- vhs (Directed by Aleksander Ford with Jerzy Leszczynski, Maria Broniewska, Jurek Zlotnicki, Mieczyslawa Cwiklinska, Tadeusz Fijewsik) Shows how the lives of several families from different social classes in a neighbourhood of pre-war Warsaw are changed. A tragedy about the Warsaw ghetto during the Nazi occupation involving an old tailor who tries to save his daughter and others. Culminates with the Warsaw ghetto uprising in 1943, when Jews, with the support of the Polish underground, take up arms and die fighting. (Donated by the Center for Western European Studies) (In Polish with English subtitles) ( Restricted to use by institutions of learning within the State of Washington only ) BORDERLINE MEDICINE 1991 ----- color ----- 56 min ----- vhs With the U. S. struggling to control soaring health care costs and 37 million Americans not covered by health insurance, the Canadian system of national health insurance looks attractive. Takes a close look at how health care is delivered on both sides of the border. Begins by comparing prenatal care in both countries. While routine medical care is more accessible in Canada, there are often waiting lists for elective surgery. Canadian patients with coronary artery disease often cross the border for surgery in the U. S. Also examines the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. High technology diagnostic procedures are much more available in the U. S. and Canadian patients may be subjected to older, more dangerous diagnostic tests. BORDERLINE RELATIONS WITH MEXICO (WILLIAM LANGENWEISCHE) 1994 ----- color ----- 28 min ----- vhs (Upon Reflection series) Host Marcia Alvar Host Marcia Alvar speaks with William Langenweische, news correspondent, pilot and author. He discusses his new book, Cutting for Sign . and the importance of Mexican immigration. He points out that his book does not focus on the conflicts over border crossings, but rather on the prejudice of American bureaucrats and how this prejudice manifests itself in the conflicts. He also discusses the contrasts between third and first world countries and the gulf that prevents understand of each others society. BORDERLINE SYNDROME: A PERSONALITY DISORDER OF OUR TIME 1988 ----- color ----- 74 min ----- vhs Patients diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder are a growing population in mental health facilities. Presents what is currently known about the disorder. Provides explicit information about the patient as well as the views of the leading therapists in the field. Rare footage shows in-depth conversations with patients who express their personal feelings about the illness, its treatment, their early life and the frustration and pain they experience as they attempt to understand what is happening to them. Staff members at a psychiatric hospital share their strategies for dealing with the enormous demands made by these patients. BORGES PARA MILLIONES 1983 ----- color ----- 70 min ----- vhs Presents a look at the popular side of Jorge Luis Borges mysterious, arcane, often violent work and at the man who created it. (In Spanish without English subtitles) BORN IN A TRUNK (STEVE ALLEN) 1991 ----- color ----- 26 min ----- vhs (Upon Reflection series) Host Marcia Alvar speaks with Steve Allen, author, composer and television personality. Mr. Allen speaks of his success in life as being a series of accidents. He reminisces about the early days of television and the beginnings of The Tonight Show . He compares the cynical humour of Lenny Bruce to the mean-spirited, vulgar humor of Andrew Dice Clay. He discusses his show, A Meeting of Minds . and his wife, Jayne Meadows. BORN WITH A HABIT 1977 ----- color ----- 30 min ----- 16mm The birth of an infant to a narcotic addicted woman confronts health care and social work professionals with a wide range of social, emotional, medical and legal issues. Illustrates some of the intervention points during which professionals can make a difference--positive or negative--in the lives of these women and their children. BORROWED FACES 1980 ----- color ----- 29 min ----- 16mm Explores the audition and casting process of The Colorado Shakespeare Festival from the viewpoint of both performer and director as they prepare for the upcoming season. Provides an examination of the real world of theatre as individual actors suffer through auditions and casting, approval and defeat. Reveals the intense commitment as well as the objective appraisals that govern the casting process. Presents the unique opportunity to observe a directors concept emerge through the process of casting. (Deposited by the Puget Sound Educational Service District) ( Restricted to use by institutions of learning within the State of Washington only ) BOTTLE BABIES 1976 ----- color ----- 30 min ----- 16mm Babies in the Third World are dying because their mothers feed them Western-style baby food. Rather than breastfeed their babies, generally acknowledged to be the best food for infants under six months of age, Third World mothers are influenced by the widespread advertising of large Western companies which assures them that powdered milk is the best guarantee for healthy babies. Amidst the squalor and poverty the decision by mothers to use powdered milk can be a fatal one. Those babies that do not die are being drawn into a vicious cycle of malnutrition and disease that will leave them physically and intellectually stunted for life. BOUNDARY LAYER CONTROL 1965 ----- b w ----- 26 min ----- 16mm (Historical Collection) Demonstrates methods of controlling boundary layer transition and separation. A smoke tunnel is used to show laminar and turbulent boundary layers, and transition and separation of boundary layers. BOX OF TREASURES 1985 ----- color ----- 28 min ----- 16mm In 1921 the Kwakiutl people of Alert Bay, B. C. held their last secret potlatch. Half a century later the splendid masks, blankets and copper heirlooms that had been confiscated by the Canadian government were returned. The Kwakiutl built a cultural center to house these treasures and named it umista . something of great value that has come back. Presents an eloquent testimony to the persistence and complexity of Kwakiutl society today and to the struggle to redefine cultural identity in one Northwest Coast Native American community. (Sequel to Potlatch: A Strict Law Bids Us Dance ) BOYHOOD OF MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. THE 1984 ----- color ----- 14 min ----- 16mm Through dramatization of actual incidents from the boyhood of Martin Luther King, Jr. the production traces the influences that helped mold and ship his life. Archival stills and historic newsreel footage depict high points in Dr. Kings career including his award of the Nobel Peace Prize. (Donated by the Puget Sound Educational School District) ( Restricted to use by institutions of learning within the State of Washington only ) BOYS GAME 1968 ----- color ----- 5 min ----- 16mm An ancient game known throughout Asia is played by Pushtu boys. The toughness of these rugged young men, as well as the value which these tribal people place on physical superiority, is demonstrated. BRAIN, THE (AMB) 1995 ----- color ----- 25 min ----- vhs (Body Atlas, The series, Part 13) Compared to the animal world, the brain is our best-developed organ. Humans have a lower brain that controls our reflexes, including breathing, without our thinking about it. But the higher parts of the brain have allowed us to think, calculate and aspire. This is the job of the gray matter (or cortex). Even a quick look shows the brain is split into two halves. Although they look the same, each side thinks differently. One hemisphere specializes in tasks that require coordination and ability to place things correctly the other is better at performing abstract tasks such as math. These discoveries may go some way to explaining the greatest of human puzzles why are we all so different (Study guide available upon request) BRAIN, THE BODY AND EPILEPSY, THE (GEORGE OJEMANN) 1988 ----- color ----- 27 min ----- vhs (Upon Reflection series) Host Al Page speaks with George Ojemann, Professor of Neurological Surgery, School of Medicine, University of Washington. Dr. Ojemann talks about the mind as a set of physiological processes dualism the soul brain structure and evolution perception, reality, learning, memory, intelligence the nature of epilepsy, treatment, surgery. BRAIN WITH A MIND OF ITS OWN, A (RICHARD RESTAK) 1992 ----- color ----- 28 min ----- vhs (Upon Reflection series) Host Marcia Alvar speaks with Richard Restak, neuro-psychiatrist and author, The Brain Has a Mind of Its Own . Dr. Restak believes that anyone in a position to influence public opinion should study the brain. He discusses information bombardment, desensitization image and ideas and the physical effects on the brain. He also talks about mental illnesses with a physiological basis, the physiological impact of television, neuro-toxicology, brain implants whimsy and play behavior. BRATS 1930 ----- b w ----- 21 min ----- 16mm (With Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy) Playing both fathers and sons, Stan and Ollie are babysitters for Stan Jr. and Ollie Jr. Being acquainted with the messes which Stan and Ollie achieve as adults, you already know their sons are chips off the old blocks. The junior members of the families almost break up the long friendship that has existed between their fathers. Oversized sets used to create the illusion of the boys as children make Brats unique among Laurel and Hardy comedies. BRAZIL: A GATHERING OF MILLIONS 1965 ----- b w ----- 29 min ----- 16mm Documents the present circumstances of the Brazilian peasant and the penalties which a people must pay when population grows at a faster rate than the means of sustaining life. Traces the migratory cycle of the rural poor as they seek a better way of life in the cities, but find overcrowded conditions and no opportunities and thus are forced back to the frontiers and a subsistence level of living. BRAZIL: THE TAKE-OFF POINT 1965 ----- b w ----- 59 min ----- 16mm Probes major problems facing this underdeveloped nation and the measures taken by its people, leaders and foreign concerns to remedy these problems. Discusses the problems of population explosion and illiteracy, and emphasizes the need for land, fiscal and social reforms. Shows Brazil as a deeply religious country and describes the role of the church in pressing for economic and social reforms. Indicates strong racial cohesion, yet a lack of economic opportunity for Blacks. Examines regional problems in historical framework and shows effects of foreign aid. BRAZILIAN IMAGES: THE 1940S PHOTOGRAPHS OF GENEVIEVE NAYLOR 1996 ----- b w ----- 29 min ----- vhs Introduces the largely unknown work of Genevieve Naylor, a WPA photographer, who spent the early war years documenting Brazilian life. Shows some very powerful and unusual photographs of Brazil during the Estado Novo . (Funded, in part, by the Latin American Studies Program) ( Restricted to use by institutions of learning within the State of Washington only ) BREAD 1969 ----- color ----- 6 min ----- 16mm (A Charles and Ray Eames film) A study of various types of bread originally made as a rough sketch for a sample lesson in a hypothetical course. A study in light, color, texture and taste. BREAKING BOUNDARIES, TESTING LIMITS 1991 ----- color ----- 55 min ----- vhs (Making Sense of the Sixties series, Part 3) The youth rebellion--one of the quirkiest, most penetrating and unsettling movements in American history--is the focus of this episode which traces the evolution of the counter-culture from the innocent days of Beatle mop-tops to Haight-Ashbury and its spread into the mainstream consciousness. Along the way the program takes a closer look at the values, the triumphs and the self-destructive tragedies of young people who went too far. BREAST CANCER AND POLITICS (MARY-CLAIRE KING) 1996 ----- color ----- 29 min ----- vhs (Upon Reflection series) Host Marcia Alvar speaks with Mary-Claire King, Professor of Medicine and Genetics at the University of Washington, and a nationally known breast-cancer researcher. She is also known for her medical and political work in Chile, Argentina and El Salvador. In 1990, she demonstrated that a single gene is responsible for early-onset breast cancer. BREASTFEEDING: A SPECIAL CLOSENESS 1978 ----- color ----- 23 min ----- 16mm Presents mothers who have managed to successfully breastfeed in traditional and non-traditional family situations. Includes fathers who express their feelings about the breastfeeding experience and describe how it influences their relationships with their infants. Special emphasis is placed on the impact breastfeeding has on the parent-infant relationship. BREATH OF LIFE 1995 ----- color ----- 25 min ----- vhs (Body Atlas, The series, Part 4) During an average lifetime, 13 million cubic feet of air passes through our lungs, enough to fill a football stadium. The oxygen within the air provides us with energy, as it reacts with sugar within our cells but it is a tortuous journey for the oxygen to make. First, the air is moistened in the nose to filter out pollutants. It is passed down to the lungs, through air passages that split over and over again, ending up in 700 million tiny air sacs. Here, oxygen passes into the blood, while the waste product, carbon dioxide moves from the blood into the lungs, to be breathed out. (A study guide is available upon request) BREATHLESS ( A BOUT DE SOUFFLE ) 1960 ----- b w ----- 89 min ----- laserdisc (Directed by Jean-Luc Godard, screenplay by Jean-Luc Godard based on an idea by Francois Truffaut with Jean-Paul Belmondo, Jean Seberg, Daniel Boulanger, Jean-Pierre Melville) If there is a single film which defines the French New Wave Cinema, it is this one. Godard, almost single-handedly, reinvents film in order to liberate it. The spontaneity, the jump-cuts force the audience into a different world than they expect. A homage to grade B gangster flicks, a small-time gangster kills a highway patrolman. On the lam to Italy, he somehow detours to Paris to pick up his all-American girl friend. She, in turn, rats on him to the police when her ardour for him dries up. Both are as totally oblivious to conventional morality as Godard is to conventional film-making. Funded by the Department of Comparative Literature (In French with English subtitles) ( Restricted to use on University of Washington campuses only ) BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN, THE 1935 ----- b w ----- 8 min ----- 16mm Obviously a very shortened version of the classic horror film of the Thirties. While the storyline remains intact, this short film is of interest primarily because of the basic Hollywood-Gothic film techniques it shows. BRIDGE TO FREEDOM (1965) 1986 ----- color ----- 58 min ----- vhs (Eyes on the Prize - Americas Civil Rights Years series, Part 6) The lessons of a decade are brought to bear in the climactic 1965 march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, when thousands joined together to march fifty miles for freedom. During the drive to make voting rights a national issue, strategic and ideological differences began to surface between Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. s SCLC and the younger activists of SNCC. As white blacklash and segregationist resistance intensified, President Lyndon B. Johnson promised to further the movements legislative goals. Then, as the movement began to splinter into factions, the Voting Rights Act became federal law. BRIDGES AND BARRIERS: AMERICANS IN JAPAN 1980 ----- color ----- 27 min ----- vhs Contact between two cultures frequently produces barriers to communication and understanding. Examines some of the cultural differences Americans are likely to face if they are assigned to work in Japan. The unique style of doing business in Japan and the commitment to human relations through harmony, cooperation and shared responsibility are shown. (Deposited by the Japan Trade Center) BRIDGES 2000 ----- color ----- 55 min ----- vhs (From the PBS series Building Big) How does a bridge withstand the forces of nature and traffic Host David Macaulay takes viewers from the stone arch bridges of the Roman Empire to Japans giant, all-steel Akashi Kaikyo suspension bridge, the longest in the world. Through the epic sagas of the Brooklyn, Golden Gate, and other great bridges, Macaulay shows how engineers have conquered ever-wider spans with better construction materials and innovative designs. Hiighlights include the Brooklyn Bridge, San Franciscos Golden Gate Bridge, the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, Japans Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, Gustave Eiffels Garabit Bridge, Scotlands Firth of Forth Railway Bridge. ( Restricted to use on University of Washington campuses only ) BRIDGING THE CULTURE GAP 1983 ----- color ----- 28 min ----- 16mm (Going International series, Part 1) Presents an introduction to the challenges of interacting with people from different cultures. Film from around the world powerfully illustrates fundamental concepts of culture in theory and in practice. Shows the importance of cross-cultural skills and how to become more effective in foreign situations. ( Restricted to use by institutions of Higher Education in Washington state only ) BRIGHT DAYS OF TOMORROW (1945-1956) 1988 ----- color ----- 57 min ----- vhs (Struggles for Poland series, Part 6) Following the war, Polish communists and the Soviet Army set out to convert Poland under the banner of the Polish Workers Party. Deftly removing opposition with electoral fraud and terror, the communists rose to power, led by Boleslaw Bierut and Wladyslaw Gomulka. Traces the tumultuous period from 1945 to 1956 as Polish leaders attempted to create a new state called The Peoples Republic of Poland. Forced into the Cold War along with the rest of Eastern Europe, Poland followed a pattern associated with Stalinism that has been repeated in many of the eastern bloc countries: a Soviet-style Six-Year Plan, party propaganda and repression and imprisonment for dissent. BRINGING UP BABY 1938 ----- b w ----- 102 min ----- laserdisc (Directed by Howard Hawks, screenplay by Dudly Nichols, Hagar Wilde based on the story by Hagar Wilde with Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant, Charlie Ruggles, May Robson, Barry Fitzgerald, Asta, Nissa) Lunatic comedies of the 30s generally started with an heiress. This one starts with an heiress (Katharine Hepburn) who has a dog, George, and a leopard, Baby. Cary Grant is a paleontologist who has just acquired the bone he needs to complete his dinosaur skeleton. George steels the bone, Grant and Baby chase each other around, the dinosaur collapses--but Grant winds up with Hepburn, and no paleontologist ever got hold of a more beautiful set of bones. The director, Howard Hawks, keeps all this trifling nonsense in such artful balance that it never impinges on the real world it may be the American movies closest equivalent to Restoration comedy.--Pauline Kael (Funded by the Department of Comparative Literature) ( Restricted to use on University of Washington campuses only ) BROADCAST NEWS 1987 ----- color ----- 127 min ----- dvd (Written and directed by James L. Brooks, with William Hurt, Albert Brooks, Holly Hunter) Holly Hunter plays a network news producer who, much to her chagrin, finds herself falling for pretty-boy anchorman William Hurt. He is all glamour without substance and represents a hated shift from hard news toward packaged infotainment, which Hunter despises. Completing the triangle is Albert Brooks, who provides contrast as the gifted reporter with almost no presence on camera. He carries the torch for Hunter she sees merely a friend. Shows remarkable insight into the people who make television. Letterboxed ( Restricted to use on University of Washington campuses only ) BROADWAY DANNY ROSETHE PURPLE ROSE OF CAIRO 1984 ----- b w ----- 85 min ----- laserdisc (Written and directed by Woody Allen with Woody Allen, Mia Farrow, Nick Apollo Forte) Small-time show biz hustler Danny Rose (Woody Allen) is an agent for the mediocre. His most promising talent is an egotistical balladeer named Lou Canove (Nick Apollo Forte), who enjoyed brief popularity in the 50s. Danny stages a comeback for the washed-up crooner, and Milton Berle agrees to catch the act to consider Lou for a nostalgic TV show. But Lou refuses to perform unless his mistress, tawdry Tina Vitale (Mia Farrow), is in the audience. Since Lous wife also plans to attend, Danny agrees to bring Tina as his own date. What ensues is a madcap adventure, which includes Danny and Tinas exodus to the flatlands to escape death at the hands of irate Mafiosi. Letterboxed 1985 ----- colorbw ----- 82 min ----- laserdisc (Written and directed by Woody Allen with Mia Farrow, Jeff Daniels, Danny Aiello, Van Johnson, Alexander H. Cohen) The 13th movie that Woody Allen directed, this comedy has a small, rapt quality he wrote it for Mia Farrow. The time is 1935 and she is Cecilia, who lives in a small town in New Jersey and cant hold a job for long because her thoughts wander away to the glamorous worlds she sees on the screen at the Jewel Theater. This is the first Woody Allen movie in which a whole batch of actors really interact and spark each other. Jeff Daniels plays a dashing young screen character who bounds down from the black-and-white image and into color, and takes Cecilia out of the theatre with him hes also the ambitious actor who arrives in town to try to persudade the character to go back up on the screen where he belongs. Letterboxed (Funded by the Department of Comparative Literature) ( Restricted to use on University of Washington campuses only ) BROKEN BLOSSOMS (RESTORED EDITION) 1919 ----- color ----- 89 min ----- dvd (Directed, produced, screenplay by D. W. Griffith, cinematography by G. W. Billy Bitzer with Lillian Gish, Richard Barthelmess, Donald Crisp, Norman Selby.) Following his big spectacle films, D. W. Griffith turned to this allegorical story of a waif of the London slums, loved by a gentle and idealistic Chinese boy. Small in scale, with few characters, filmed in the artificial settings of the studio and characterized by its poetic atmosphere and psychological intensity, it is a tragic story which pleads for understanding between people of different races and beliefs. (Color tinted with the original score, composed in 1919 by Louis Gottschalk, performed by a full orchestra) ( Restricted to classroom use only ) BRONSWIK AFFAIR, THE 1980 ----- color ----- 25 min ----- 16mm A fantasy drama of the Bronswik Affair, one of the most insidious plots of the 1960s. This inventive production chronicles the invention of a mind-bending devise which was installed in a particular brand of television set. Almost unbelievable evidence of national retail mind control is presented--a woman who purchased forty boxes of dog food (and she didnt even have a dog), plus other bizarre purchases too strange to list here. It was stopped once can it be stopped again (Needless to say, a fiction film which considers the implication of subliminal advertising.) BRONZE AGE 1950 ----- b w ----- 12 min ----- 16mm Mystery of the Stonehenge monument is explained. Barrows, mounds, hidden village sites and other remains of early life in Britain are explored. BROTHERHOOD OF MAN 1946 ----- color ----- 10 min ----- 16mm (Historical Collection) Uses animated cartoon characters to show there are no basic differences between the races of the world. Emphasizes that racial prejudices and animosities result from environmental influences. BRUSH TECHNIQUES: THE LANGUAGE OF WATERCOLOR 1948 ----- color ----- 10 min ----- 16mm Demonstration of a water color painting by Eliot OHara. Shows sketching, choosing and using of brushes and ways of achieving effects of perspective, texture and shading. BUCK STOPS IN BRAZIL, THE 1982 ----- color ----- 30 min ----- vhs (Enterprise series) At the close of 1982 the worldwide debt approached a staggering 700 billion. Brazil, with loans totaling 87 billion, leads a list of developing and Eastern-bloc countries that owe governments and financial institutions so much money that payment of just the interest seems unlikely. Some economists believe the situation is desperate, that the world financial system is teetering on the brink of disaster. Other financial experts are not so pessimistic. In any case, Brazils woes are closely tied to the worldwide economic situation indeed, Brazil is a classic case study of how actions in one area of the world can greatly affect nations elsewhere. BUDDHISM: FOOTPRINT OF THE BUDDHA--INDIA 1978 ----- color ----- 51 min ----- 16mm vhs Ronald Eyre, series host, travels to Sri Lanka and India to discover the type of Buddhism practised in southeastern Asia. Buddhist monks, school children, novices and housewives offer something from his own experience to help us understand a religion that has high moral standards but does not believe in God. The key word in buddhist meditation is mindfulness. BUDDHISM IN CHINA 1972 ----- color ----- 31 min ----- 16mm Surveys the development of Buddhism in China from its introduction to its subsequent growth and transformation. Basic ideas of Chinese Buddhism and their influence on the character and life of the Chinese are discussed. Using great works of art, live scenes, maps and animation the drama of the introduction of Buddhism into China proclaims it to be the greatest single event in cultural exchange between China and the outside world prior to the modern age. BUDDHISM, MAN AND NATURE 1968 ----- color ----- 13 min ----- 16mm Alan Watts probes deeply into the philosophy of the interrelationship of man and nature. He projects an esthetic and cerebral picture as he translates the rhythm and oneness of man and nature. Expresses the values and attitudes necessary to solve the ecological problem at its roots. A companion film to Zen and Now . BUENA VISTA SOCIAL CLUB 1999 ----- color ----- 100 min ----- vhs (Directed by Wim Wenders with Ry Cooder, Ibrahim Ferrer, Ruben Gonzales, Eliades Ochoa, Omara Portuondo, Compay Segundo) A group of legendary Cuban musicians, some in their nineties, were brought together by Ry Cooder to record the album The Buena Vista Social Club. This documentary reveals the astonishing life stories, vibrant personalities and unforgettable music of the brilliantly talented but long-overlooked performers who collaborated on this now-legendary album. From the crubling barrios of their native Havana, to their triumphant, sold-out concerts in Amsterdam and at New Yorks Carnegie Hall. NOTE: Over 12 minutes of previews before the beginning of the film (Closed-Captioned) (In Spanish with English subtitles) ( Restricted to classroom use only ) BUILDERS OF IMAGES (PUERTO RICO, BRAZIL, MEXICO, ARGENTINA) 1993 ----- color ----- 57 min ----- vhs (Americas series, Part 7) Explores the role of the artist in societies throughout the Americas through the eyes of four diverse and influential artists: Puerto Rican writer Luis Rafael Sanchez, Brazilian singer Caetano Veloso, Mexican performer and playwright Jesusa Rodriguez, and Argentine filmmaker Fernando Solanas. Shows how each artist tries to reflect that cultural identity a country is trying to build. Portrays how the artists mix elements of foreign cultures, local culture and social awareness. BUILDING A BRIDGE 1968 ----- b w ----- 10 min ----- 16mm At an altitude of 10,000 feet in Badakhstan in northeastern Afghanistan, one hundred Tajik men and boys from one village work together to rebuild their bridge, the lifeline to market and the only means of contact with the outside world. For centuries men and boys have carried new stones on their backs and hewn new trees to replace the damage. These one hundred Tajiks of today, in just three days of actual construction, bridge the river with a remarkable cantilever span of 120 feet. BUILDING A SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY 1989 ----- color ----- 30 min ----- vhs Presents the view that the Military Industrial Complex has captured the American Economy and held millions of workers hostage. Shows that the decline in American industrial competitiveness is due to the diversion of critical resources into military projects. Shows how people across the country are working to shift national priorities and achieve real security. BUILDING AN ORGANIZATION 1968 ----- b w ----- 38 min ----- 16mm A new community group (BUILD) in Buffalo, New York, in the early stages of development. BUILD has chosen jobs as a major issue and the film centers around its encounter with the mayor and local chamber of commerce. Points out that the confrontation with the power structure resulted in a recognition that BUILD was a representative group organization from the Black ghetto. Emphasizes the tactics used to obtain the demands and the use of campaigns to build the organization. BUILDING BELIEF, PART 1 1974 ----- color ----- 28 min ----- 16mm Dorothy Heathcote works with a group of ten-year-olds who are becoming a nation. Using a role-playing concept she is able to help students experience the process to internalize what they have learned through involvement. Part 1: Encourages an understanding of the words, A nation is as strong as the spirit of the people who make it. She and the children share their first day in a hard and barren land, each identifying with a particular settler. Together they question, list strengths, share their memories. Developing these memories into a chronicle broadens scope and lifts diction in the writing of their history. BUILDING BELIEF, PART 2 1974 ----- color ----- 29 min ----- 16mm Part 2: Dorothy Heathcote poses three moral dilemmas using drama to evoke focus and feeling. First she abdicates her leadership role leaving the group on their own to divide up the land. Then, assuming the role of an old woman, hurt and angry because they have left her no place to live, she pushes them to take account of the communitys elderly. Finally, she asks them to face the death of a young man mauled by a mountain lion. BUILDING BODIES 1981 ----- color ----- 20 min ----- 16mm (Life on Earth series, Part 3) Attenborough views a wide variety of invertebrates at the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. There is a broad range examined from the simplest polyp to the mass colonies of polyps--each with its own specialized function. Coral skeletons of limestone are inspected and three main groups of ancient sea life are recognized: shells, flower-like creatures and shrimp-like creatures. Soft animal tissue does not fossilize as easily as a shell but we can speculate what the ancient creatures would have been like by examining larvae, flatworms and vacupods leading up to the more complex mollusk. BUILDING BODIES VHS 1978 ----- color ----- 58 min ----- vhs (Life On Earth VHS series, Part 2) Focusing on marine invertebrates whose ancestry began 600 million years ago, David Attenborough explores the world of such creatures as jellyfish, mollusks and horseshoe crabs. Combines parts 3, 4 5 of the 16mm film version of the Life On Earth series. Part 3 . Building Bodies : Attenborough views a wide variety of invertebrates at the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. There is a broad range examined from the simplest polyp to the mass colonies of polyps--each with its own specialized function. Coral skeletons of limestone are inspected and three main groups of ancient sea life are recognized: shells, flower-like creatures and shrimp-like creatures. Soft animal tissue does not fossilize as easily as a shell but we can speculate what the ancient creatures would have been like by examining larvae, flatworms and vacupods leading up to the more complex mollusk. roughly 11 minutes of the 16mm film version of Building Bodies is included on this video (11 minutes). Part 4 . The Early Seas . Mollusks as descendants of the prehistoric trac worms come in numerous species, each with unique shapes, colors and characteristics. David Attenborough introduces various mollusks explaining their shell formation and efficient eating systems. Beautiful scallpops are seen leaping through the sea while starfish move stealthily about on tubular legs. Attenborough examines the diferent modes of transportation among mollusks high-lighting the unusual Nautilus of the South Pacific--a species that has remained relatively unchanged for 500 thousand years (22 minutes). Part 5 . The Segmented Invertebrates : From British Columbia to Australia this film discusses the adaptations of segmented invertebrates from sea to land. Soft-bodied organisms dont fossilize easily due to the absence of a solid skeletal system, however crabs and other crustaceans have an interesting evolutionary path to trace. Insects are shown to be the best adapted segmented invertebrates. all but 5 minutes of the 16mm film version of The Segmented Invertebrates is included on the video (5 minutes). ( Restricted to use on University of Washington campuses only ) BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, SERIES 1: WOOD FRAME 1977 ----- color ----- 43 min ----- 16mm Shows how a wood frame structure, in this case the educational section of a new church complex, is constructed. Part 1: Planning, Site Work, Building Substructure. Part 2: Wall and Roof Framing. Part 3: Mechanical and Electrical Work, Finishes. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, SERIES 2: REINFORCED CONCRETE 1980 ----- color ----- 30 min ----- 16mm (Designs in Energy) Follows the step-by-step procedures of the construction of an energy efficient building, in this case the credit union for a southern university. Justifies the concept of constructing buildings that function with the environment rather than against it thus conserving energy and reducing operating costs. Designs concepts and step-by-step construction is followed. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, SERIES 3: STRUCTURAL STEEL 1980 ----- color ----- 27 min ----- 16mm Follows the step-by-step procedures of a composite structure of steel and concrete, in this case the University Hospital, Jacksonville, Florida. Follows current techniques as well as some of the more familiar and traditional ones. Steps illustrated include: shop drawings, anchor bolts, piling caps, base plates, steel erection, alignment, boltingwelding, steel decking, shear studs, fire proofing and concrete. BUILDING OF THE BOMB 1967 ----- b w ----- 72 min ----- 16mm Presents newsreel footage, which describes the race between Germany and the Allies to develop the atom bomb. Discusses Einsteins intervention with Roosevelt, how close Germany came to being the first to perfect the bomb and the dropping of the bomb at Hiroshima. Includes statements from Oppenheimer, Teller, Segre, Fermi and von Heisenberg. BUILDING SOCIAL SKILLS IN THE PRESCHOOL CHILD 1969 ----- color ----- 20 min ----- 16mm Deals with the systematic application of behavior modification principles in increasing socially desirable responses in young children. Presents a general application to a preschool class as a whole, regardless of curriculum content. Also focuses on specific application with a child who has been nearly impossible for teachers to manage in a regular Head Start classroom. BUILDING THE MOSAIC OF EMOTION AND HUMAN EXPERIENCE (DIANE ACKERMAN) 1997 ----- color ----- 29 min ----- vhs (Upon Reflection series) Host Marcia Alvar speaks with Diane Ackerman, a writer and naturalist known for her passionate love of life and of language. Her latest book is A Slender Thread: Rediscovering Hope at the Heart of Crisis . She discusses her writing and experiences as a counselor for a suicide crisis line. BULIMIA 1983 ----- color ----- 12 min ----- vhs Provides a current overview of this epidemic bingepurge eating disorder, including segments on the symptoms, the motivations behind it and current treatment methods. BULLDOZED AMERICA 1965 ----- b w ----- 25 min ----- 16mm Shows the triumph of the bulldozer and commercial interests as they tear apart the countryside and turn it into supermarkets, highways and automobile dumps. Many parts of the United States are shown including the State of Washington. BUNRAKU 1963 ----- b w ----- 26 min ----- 16mm vhs (Historical Collection) Demonstrates Bunraku, a combination of narration, samisen (musical) interpretation and puppet performance. Yoshida Bungoro, famous puppeteer, discusses physical structure of puppet and shows his skill with a traditional play in which Osono expresses love and hate for Hanhichi, her husband, who flirts with a courtesan while his wife waits impatiently for his return. (In Japanese without English subtitles) BURIED CITIES (POMPEII AND HERCULANEUM) 1962 ----- color ----- 13 min ----- 16mm Excavated homes of Pompeii and Herculaneum as well as lifelike portraits of the inhabitants, their colorful mosaics, paved streets, temples and household goods are pictured in the process of being retrieved from a hundred feet of volcanic encrustation. Shows the meticulous care with which the archeologist assembles the broken fragments. The teeming life of twentieth century Naples is contrasted with the mute scene of Pompeii and, in the background, the seething cauldron of Vesuvius helps explain the disaster. BURNOUT 1980 ----- color ----- 26 min ----- 16mm Focuses on the mental, physical and emotional letdown that affects many people in the helping professions. Burnouts affect sensitive and idealistic people more, not because of stressful work but because not enough support and rewards are offered. Among the professions considered are policemen, clergy, teachers, counselors, physicians, nurses and welfare workers. Many people who are enthusiastic on a job at first, feel they end up as paper movers who are not allowed to use their own judgement. Some reactions to burnout are physical or emotional illness, giving up on life altogether, turning to alcohol or dropping out of society. Several suggestions are made to avoid or overcome this letdown. BURNS BOG (nd) ----- color ----- 16 min ----- vhs Burns Bog, the largest domed peat-bog on the West Coast of the Americas, lies 20 miles south of Vancouver and is a unique gem on the British Colombian landscape. A bog represents thousands of years of development and sustains an amazing variety of plant and animal life. A unique aspect of bogs is that the waters are made highly acidic by the sphagnum moss and there dead plant matter does not decay, but compresses to form a domed layer of peat. (Donated by the Department of Canadian Studies) ( Restricted to use by institutions of learning within the State of Washington only ) BUSHMEN OF THE KALAHARI 1974 ----- color ----- 50 min ----- 16mm Only twenty years ago the Kung lived in the Western Kalahari desert without herds or crops. Their lives depended not only on the roots they gathered, the nuts and berries they picked and the game they hunted but also on their intangible culture--great knowledge of the environment, the bonds of family and friendship and the wealth of music and beliefs that sustained them. Today the Bushmen have been forced into a non-nomadic life by political governments that have no application to the Kungs way of life. BUSINESS AND THE MEDIA: ALLIES OR ADVERSARIES 1981 ----- color ----- 58 min ----- vhs Discusses televisions coverage of business events, bias and news reporting and the future of television news reporting. The panel includes Herbert Schmertz, Vice-President of Public Relations for Mobil Oil Corporation Ray Brady, CBS Business News Reporter and William Sheehan, Vice-President of Public Relations and Advertising for Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation. Dan Cordtz, ABC News Economics Editor, hosts the program. BUSINESS, BEHAVIORISM AND THE BOTTOM LINE 1972 ----- color ----- 22 min ----- 16mm Dr. B. F. Skinner explains how the tools of scheduling, shaping and positive reinforcement can be used in business and industry. Shows his program in action at Emery Air Freight. The theoretical discussion of behavior modification principles is translated into actual use from the shipping dock to the executive suite. Emery has saved an estimated 2 million over the past three years through this performance improvement system based on accurate feedback and positive reinforcement. BUSINESS OF MEDICINE, THE (THOMAS PRESTON) 1991 ----- color ----- 27 min ----- vhs (Upon Reflection series) Host Marcia Alvar speaks with Dr. Thomas Preston, Director of Cardiology at the Pacific Medical Center. They discuss the rising costs of health care in America, and the decreasing quality of health care among the poor. They also compare the U. S. system of health care with that of other countries, and discuss the cycle that leads to rising health costs, involving the power of corporations, insurance companies, and doctors. Dr. Preston concludes with a plan to change the status quo, so that medical care would be available to all Americans. BUSINESS REVOLUTION, THE-- QUALITY OR ELSE (CLARE CRAWFORD-MASONLLOYD DOBYNS) 1991 ----- color ----- 28 min ----- vhs (Upon Reflection series) Host Marcia Alvar speaks with Clare Crawford-Mason, producer, and Lloyd Dobyns, correspondent about their new PBS series, Quality or Else . Both feel that American business has been too interested in short-range profits, rather than investing toward long-range goals. If there is not a quest for quality, rather than simply profits, the steady erosion of American competitiveness will continue. They suggest that it is management, not the workers, who are to blame and offer a number of suggestions for quality improvement. BUSINESSMAN AND THE GEISHA 1988 ----- color ----- 7 min ----- vhs (From the McNeilLehrer News Report) Paul Solman presents a parable, Sayonara Revisited, to explain the relationship of the American consumer and the Japanese producer. ( Restricted to use on University of Washington campuses only ) BUSTER KEATON RIDES AGAIN 1965 ----- b w ----- 56 min ----- 16mm Buster Keaton made a Canadian travel film, The Railrodder it was the last film he made. In this informal study the comic regales the film crew with anecdotes of a lifetime in show business. Excerpts from his silent films are shown. BUZKASHI 1971 ----- color ----- 8 min ----- 16mm Buzkashi is performed on horseback by Afghan tribesmen honoring the King on his birthday at an annual festival in Kabul. One of the toughest sports in the world, buzkashi requires incredible riding ability on magnificent horses. The intense pride and rivalry of a tribal society, as well as the role of physical superiority and competition in the society, are implicit. BYE BYE BRAZIL 1980 ----- color ----- 98 min ----- vhs (Directed by Carlos Diegues Jose Wilker, Bety Faria, Fabio Junior, Zaira Zambelli) A hypnotically languorous road movie with an upbeat political kick, Bye Bye Brazil was filmed on location across 9,000 miles of Brazil. The film effortlessly conveys a sense of a living, breathing country without ever becoming picturesque or traveloguish. The story follows a small-time travelling sideshow--Magician, Strong Man, Exotic Dancer--as they ply the dusty back roads of Brazil, hovering on the edge of allegory and peddling cardboard magic, tawdry yet enchanting. (In Portuguese with English subtitles) ( Restricted to use by institutions of Higher Education in Washington state only ) BYZANTINE EMPIRE, THE 1959 ----- color ----- 13 min ----- 16mm Brief outline of the Byzantine Empire for nearly a thousand years after the fall of Rome. Cultural contributions in art, religion and scholarship are included. BYZANTIUM: FROM SPLENDOR TO RUIN 1989 ----- color ----- 43 min ----- vhs The founding of Constantinople as a second Rome, its flowering when the Roman Empire in the West was shattered, its gradual decline under the impact of Normans, Turks, Venetians, enemies from within and without, the Crusades, and, finally, its fall in 1452. Describes the history, art, and religious significance of Byzantium, its attempts to restore the Roman Empire, its influence in the West, and its heritage. (Funded by the Center for Western European Studies) ( Restricted to use by institutions of learning within the State of Washington only )
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